hey i just discovered that awesome album! its very heavy heavy metal and it has great songs that i have heard before, i think i heard them on the radio :) i recommend it because its great and very heavy

best album of the 70s

LOL look at this swordsman on the cover! What a funny cover indeed, I really really aprecciate the cover art!

Edit: thanks for the upvotes fellow gentlemen!

this band is devil worshippers my dad doesn't let me listen to them.

but i still do XD

Only acceptable metal album


whoa, it is a swordsman!
this whole time i thought it was a crazy looking elmo lol

I have both of these on vinyl but im listening to Bjork in flac instead.


*blocks your path*

lol you probably listen to males like rodert plant moan sexually while I listen to beautiful bjork do that and you think im the soy boy

Nice virginity

im not a virgin but ur free to think I am for whatever dumb reason you've concocted in a panic getting called out. Enjoy your homoerotic dad rock faggot

ozzy here! thanks for the support :)

t. Butthurt virgin soycuck numale nintendo switch enthusiast

i provided an evidence based argument for your faggotry, you've done nothing but recite meme insults. Sup Forums must be perfect for you. ill bet you feel at home here.

Bro your a Bjork listening faggot

death grips listen to bjork, are they faggots? having taste isnt gay you pleb.

He is r/eddit too


>gets triggered by being called "Soy" on Sup Forums

i give more evidence and you post more memes.

nice pic, how's shit in 2006?

PS4 enthusiast*

Pretty good, but you are the one who listens to Bjork, how are things in 2002?

lol bjorks best album was her last one you dumbass pleb

Post is her best.


>Post is her best.
you arent really into music. you like music the same level of a soccer mom likes pop songs on the radio.

Refer to

yeah I get the picture, you have only memes. you are vapid.

>i give more evidence and you post more memes.
Evidence of what? Death Grips fucking suck.

get some taste lol.

Master of Reality?

Spotted the white soy-hop listener

top kek


It's a great album by a great band, no amount of shitposters can ruin it.

I'm 13 years old and listen to this. Everyone in my generation just listens to CRAP like justine beiber and miley cyrus. This is REAL music

I thought I was a soy boi but I guess I'm not. Is being gay soy boi?

I'm 12 and I only listen to 1940s blues fuck everyone and their kanye west's