Why are they so rich ?

Why are they so rich ?

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Texas is richer

We wuz around 30% richer before the Canadian dollar took a nosedive.


What is high quality maple syrup?

A nooosedive eh?

I hope that isn't a sexual innuendo for something

They do take the leaf seriously

remove article

It might have quality medicinal properties

If the doc says so

Why have not I a GF ?

I really don't know but

Several of these anti-oxidant compounds newly identified in maple syrup are also reported to have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties.

No, a nosedive. Words liked "out" and "about" are pronounced as "oat" and "a-boat" not "oot" and "a-boot" here.

It's genuinely quite valuable.


Nickel oil timber sulphur important exports

Cool, do they have smuggling routes and a native Pablo Escobar, have terrorists ever really targeted their supplies to manipulate market prices?

These fucking kepekers just seem like complete retards.

Wth I love Canada now

zitto animale
