
Did we really come from a monkey?

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Of course not. We share a common ancestor

A monkey and a pig.


What about the miniature Sasquatches they've "discovered" in Africa.

>dat dik
how can nigger men even compete?

NO only niggers and whites
and remember the mongoloids are the master race


Bipedal, Alpha, Human Ancestors ate the dinosaurs to extinction like roving packs of demons, just like they ate the Wholly Mammoth and killed everything else.

The bipedal primate is one of the oldest forms in nature. It 100 million years old. It is as old as the shark or the turtle.

In the coming decades you will find that what was given to me by God will be backed by Science.

Evolution is bullshit.

Why would apes become smarter? How do you fucking increase intelligence over time?

If apes can become smarter than how come we don't view modern apes as worthy of legal protection? Maybe in a million years they will be like us in our current form?

Evolution is complete bullshit that makes no sense. God made us.



>how come we don't view modern apes as worthy of legal protection?
but niggers are legally protected...

sriously though, evolution is bullshit, thats why its only a 'theory'. those cuck hippies have been digging around looking for the missing link for centuries and havent found shit. no proof.

Don't be silly.

God created us different to the nigger.

I'm most likely retarded for saying this but I think the aquatic ape theory has possible ramifications

I'll be damned if I came from a nigger


Science ignoramus detected.

>A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge.

white = chimp + ayylmao
nigger = chimp + ???

Fuckoff stop shitposting

a scientific theory is unproven bullshit that they have to call a 'theory' until they can prove it.

leading scientific theory 400 years ago was that the world was fucking flat. scientists are stupid cucks.

Says the people who spawned this fucker.

No scientific theory can ever be proven 100% correct, you daft cunt.

yeah, because theories are fucking bullshit.

once its proven correct it isnt a theory.

like when based christopher columbus said 'fuck your gay ass theory you science cuck, god told me to find america.' and so he proved the world was round.

Either bait or literal retardation. This is like LOGICAL FALLACIES 101 type shit. This is the kind of arguments that in 1860, Darwin was saying "I ALREADY FUCKING EXPLAINED THIS!"

'Theory' is the modern equivalent of 'law'. Scientists don't use the word 'law' anymore because Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion do not apply at the quantum or universal scale.

Gravity is a theory. Doesn't mean it's not self-evident.

Gravity is just a theory, why don't you test it with the nearest window.

Maybe instead of wallowing in your ignorance, you should look it up on the goddamn computer.

>how come we don't view modern apes as worthy of legal protection?

They are in many countries. Non human person and stuff

No, Evolution is a Theory, but that isn't the same definition as the everyday usage of Theory. The scientific definition of Theory basically just means a concept. A proven concept. There is no fucking "missing link". Evolution is proven beyond a shadow of a fucking doubt. You can see micro-evolution right in front of your fucking eyes as viruses adapt to vaccines and become resistant you literal retard.

>'Theory' is the modern equivalent of 'law'. Scientists don't use the word 'law' anymore because it turns out that their last 'law' of the earth being fucking flat was retarded.
>Gravity is just a theory, why don't you test it with the nearest window.
yeah global warming is a theory too, guess we better just commit industrial suicide as china crushes us. cuck

scientists are stupid cucks who cant prove anything, thats why their 'theories' change every 50 years.

>scientists are stupid cucks who cant prove anything, thats why their 'theories' change every 50 years.

Ohhh, I get it. This is bait.

I find it kind of scary how many people firmly believe this meme is true.



string theory
>dude wow lmao aliens and wormsholes man other dimensions and shit man
oh boy, totally not unlike those crackpots who thought you could fall off the end of the flat earth

I think a lot of people genuinely believe that. Whenever you tell someone "FTL is impossible" they start shitting themselves and spouting about how inspecific people said the same thing about airplanes and that you're just trying to hold us back.

Humans can't do anything right. The worst thing about it is how we deny it constantly.

It's true we have pig hearts and pig skin. And any pork recipe can be substituted with human meat. That's why we're called longpig.

Unlikely that a pig and an ape had a furshit Disney romance, but maybe ayys decided to have some fun and remix animals for some reason.

>what is the pre-frontal cortex

american """education"""

>A. theories change every 50 years

Q. What is scientific progress?

Also, your assertion that knowledge of a spherical Earth is only a few hundred years old is false. Herodotus figured out the Earth was spherical in ~430 BC.

>Also, your assertion that knowledge of a spherical Earth is only a few hundred years old is false. Herodotus figured out the Earth was spherical in ~430 BC.
yes, and yet the scientific community didnt believe him.

i figured out we didnt evolve from no fucking monkey, and yet the 'scientists' still think the earth is flat.

That was the thing where they stuck poles in different locations, right?

If scientists now got a pig and a monkey to fuck, are you trying to say there's a chance it would make a human? I highly doubt it.

lol no, macroevolution is retarded fairy tale.

We coexisted with different species of primitive man at one point. They began migrating and encountering different tribes and mated. The diverse gene structure mixing over thousands of years along side selective elimination made who we are today.

You are the very example that it can take awhile (or centuries) to convince some people of facts.

You ever hear a monkey snort?

its not a fact if you cant fucking prove it, dummy.

just like your 'fact' that the earth was flat.

scientists are dumb as shit.

No. Macroevolution is complete bullshit.

Provong something and proving something to you are two different things. Have you even read "On the Origin of Species"? If so, then refute it with experimentation and evidence.

im not the crackpot making ludicrous claims about us all evolving from fucking monkeys.

the burden of proof is on you, not I. you are no different than the flat earth 'scientists' or the cucks looking for bigfoot.

We're clearly apes.

>The pig first found three six-packs of beer and decided to imbibe.
>Then the animal went on an eating binge by sorting through trash bags in the campground.
>Campers in the area watched as the pig picked a fight with a cow only to be chased around a vehicle by the bovine.

Don't tell me you haven't had one of those nights.

A "god" could have made the universe and watched us evolve. Even if evolution is real it doesnt mean a god doesnt exist.

This is why Americans can't get into University and study biology, Your not qualified thanks to creationism.

>yes, and yet the scientific community didnt believe him.

Yes they fucking did you asshat. That's why they thought columbus was a nut. They knew how big the earth was and assuming there was no continent between britland and china then he would have ran his ships out of supplies and died.

Go suck on kurzweil's alkaline kool-aid some more, pop-science faggot.

Except there is proof of evolution. The mere existence of genetic mutation and the passing down of genes show that one creature's mutation may manifest itself throughout its offspring. From there, if that mutation is beneficial to the creatures that bear it, they may have new opportunities to sire young and propagate the mutation and so on. Evolution is the summation of millions of years of small changes that make a creature more or less successful. A real-world example of this is the peppered moth. Originally, the clean environment of the moths was mainly white and speckled with a bit of black, and the moths' coloration reflected this. During the Industrial Revolution, however, soot coated the environment and make the moths' camouflage useless against predators. The moths that were darker lived longer and thus had more children, propagating the dark-color gene in that environment. When the habitat was cleaned, the light-colored moths eventually became prominent once more.

Distinguish between "micro" and "macro" evolution.

This is very true.

Video of a pig playing a video game:

>Yes they fucking did you asshat. That's why they thought columbus was a nut. They knew how big the earth was and assuming there was no continent between britland and china then he would have ran his ships out of supplies and died.
no, they thought he was going to fall of the ends of the flat earth.

"Could have" Which means there is a chance, which means i should dedicate my whole life, structuring it around weird and horrible principles in hopes of getting into heaven.

Again, trying to prove something to you would be counterproductive, like kicking water uphill. With all the information out there, you choose not to educate yourself. I cannot help you.

But since you asked, here's a starter article for you, since you're clearly new at this.


I doubt you'll read it. It doesn't seem to be your strong suit.

I'll also submit Dawkins' 'The Selfish Gene', which shows how evolution works at the genetic level. I doubt you'll read this either.

Based Lovecraft. He'll never be given the amount of awards he deserves.

>be american
>evolve from monkey then get shot

Don't bother.Most people on Sup Forums are too stupid to have studied any real biology at school or uni.

I mean if you tell them that we share a common reptile ancestor with all other mammals they will go ape shit crazy and start spewing nonsense about lizard people.

No, you fool.

Are you fucking retarded? The idea of the Earth being spherical was accepted as fact somewhere between classical antiquity and the middle ages, long before Colombus. Remember some things: pretending to be retarded is not that different from actually being retarded and ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

based richie rich wont be buying into your cuck 'science theory that we are all niggers' for much longer, friend.

i aint evolved from no fucking nigger

I genuinely can't tell if they're trolling or if they've gotten their science education from youtube.

no. evolution is only assumed to be true because it's literally the only plausible naturalistic account of human origins. it is false however. human exceptionalism proves it. no other being in the entire universe has culture, language, religion, self-consciousness, morality, ritual, rational thinking, etc.

evolution posits that consciousness arose from the undirected stirrings of molecules. absolutely absurd.

I never said any of that. Does the thought of a possible god make you feel insecure?

>no other being in the entire universe has culture, language, religion, self-consciousness, morality, ritual, rational thinking, etc.
>the entire universe
>we are yet to set foot on another planet
Wow hold it there Jamal.Since when have you been around the whole universe?

Oh wait i keep forgetting that the stupider you are the smaller the world seems.

So where did consciousness arise? We do not fully understand our consciousness, to theorize on how it arose is rather futile. You also do not know if there are other beings in our universe that share the traits that you listed with us.

I'm 99% sure he's shitposting. Hide his posts and stop replying to him.

>no other being in the entire universe has culture, language, religion, self-consciousness, morality, ritual, rational thinking, etc.
I take it you're well traveled; how's the weather in Alpha Centauri?

i should have qualified it with a "known". but no matter, since that tenet of your religion will never be realized. keep dreaming!

Then what do you believe to be true? Evolution seems to work fine

only white man evolved from monkey

if you still have 90% body hair you are literally subhuman


>that tenet of your religion
I worship a Phrygian god. She isn't particular about this type of thing.


I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I don't actually rule out evolution completely but I very much doubt it's true, is all.

No, we came from apes

>no. evolution is only assumed to be true because it's literally the only plausible naturalistic account of human origins. it is false however. human exceptionalism proves it. no other being in the entire universe has culture, language, religion, self-consciousness, morality, ritual, rational thinking, etc.

Chimps and apes pass on knowledge, like sign language, to their offspring.

Dolphins have their own language and we've taught ASL to gorillas and chimps.

You can make a pigeon pray using a skinner box.

You're telling me a dog doesn't know when it's in trouble?

Most social animals display it. morals are just behaviors that increase survival on the group level.


>Rational thinking
There's proof humans can do this?

Do your own legwork, i'm not your mom and knowledge isn't tendies.

Apes are offshoots of monkeys.

but that common ancestor was basically a monkey, right?


Get a DNA genealogical test done. I can guarantee you that if you go far enough back, your ancestors came from Africa.

Video related;

Sort of, but not exactly.

>he believes the jew 'we are all africa' lie
literally cultural marxism

your examples are completely absurd.

Your standards of evidence are absurd, and so is your mother's ass.

Wouldn't intelligence be beneficial to any animal? You mean to tell me that other animals were just dicking around for millions of years, doing literally jack shit except fucking and eating this whole entire time until we came along? And that they will all just continue doing nothing until somehow the magic switch gets flipped in another 8 billion years to grow more brain cells arbitrarily for absolutely no reason whatsoever? It just doesn't add up.

You came directly out of a monkey, you knuckle dragging ape.

Our civilizations have been unsustainable, going as far back as the desertification of the fertile crescent. Exceptional.

And with the exception of long distance running, we're objectively worse at every conceivable physical feat in comparison to other animals.

Intelligence takes a lot of calories, and those are hard enough to come by as is. It's not worth it for most animals, it'd be like if every car had a ferrari engine.

Who the fuck cares, I can make a fucking weapon, explosives and blast that shit from the face of the earth. other animals are fucking stupid, good for food, skin and fur.

No mate, we came from space, you better believe it

The points on culture and language are valid, at least. Culture is simply the means to pass on information from generation to generation, so some organisms (like crows) are already functional in that regard. Crows also have an incredibly complex vocal language and can communicate through gesture.

In order for an animal to be intelligent, a huge amount of energy must be diverted to building and maintaining the brain. The brain needs proteins if significant mass is to be added, which is why predators in general are smarter than prey (save some outliers such as elephants). Since the body needs to spend so much on the brain if it is to be truly great, it's an "all eggs in one basket" type of scenario. Just look at us, like said, we're shit at everything but distance running. Resources can be diverted into stronger muscles or better senses that would be instead used to maintain the thinking part of the brain. Look at sharks, they've remained virtually unchanged for millions of years since their design is so sound. They never needed intelligence since they made up for it in power, hydrodynamics, and advanced sensory organs like their organ that detects magnetism. You also seem to be operating under the flawed assumption that evolution needs purpose in order to be logical. Everything about us is a result of chance that got passed along through one great chain of natural selection.

If we came from space, where were we before then? What was our origin and how did we originate.

You have to ask the ayy lmaos for that one

Was it the Reapers? Were we created so that we create synthetic life so that we need to get killed to prevent the synthetic life from killing us?

>If we came from space, where were we before then? What was our origin and how did we originate.
This is one of the biggest problems i have with the panspermia theory of life.It essentially explains nothing about the molecular ''evolution'' that must have occur in order for the first lifeforms to appear and is just a way to talk aliens and shit.


Hilarious how people still believe that we came from fish

Reapers in direct contact with the Draconians, these fuckers are playing us like a damn fiddle.

How do you explain this then?