You say Islam is bad right. But what if Islam isn't bad, what if there was nothing wrong with it

You say Islam is bad right. But what if Islam isn't bad, what if there was nothing wrong with it
What if the problem lies in the people who follow Islam, mainly the Pakis, Arabs, and Africans, you ever seen Muslims in places like Indonesia do shit like Extreme Terrorism

Imagine if Christianity was an Arab religion and Islam was white, who would be committing terrorist attacks, Christians in the name of Jesus Christ

Other urls found in this thread:–66

Islam isn't great, but unfortunately it's used to distract from the far bigger issue of genetics.

Most arabs and africans are subhumans that would never adjust to western civilization no matter their religion.

>it is not the religion that commits the terror it is the Arab.

I feel like Sunni Islam is the problem.



No, youre fucking retarded.

If you're saying we need to remove all the arabs then sure. Why not?

I don't really care about the morality and ethics of pigslam.
I'll let them kill gays all they want.
Oppress women all they want.
I don't give a flying fuck.

But what I can't forgive/approve about pigslam is that it's an ideology of fanatic servitude.
pigslam doesn't inspire the arts and sciences.
The comforts of the modern world would never have emerged from pigslams and mudslimes.
All they do is herd and fuck goats, and kneel and speak memorized lines of gibberish while facing a fucking rock.

Vehicles would never have been invented by a mudslime.
Nor air-conditioners.
Nor the airplane.
Nor the computer.
Nor would they have made the entertainment industry where billions and billions of dollars in wealth has been made, where technology has been developed in the name of entertainment.
Arts and sciences. Capitalism. Prosperity.
This is what I can't forgive/approve about pigslam.
It can burn to the ground with the bright hot fury of science.


if you researched like a minute or so instead of being a 12y old on pol

oh and
-Indonesian muzzies waged wars against christians and buddhist in indonesia (sulawesi archipelago) for more than a century now.
last attack was in 2004 and killed 10k ppl.

they also genocided a milion of indonesian chinese in 66–66

but please tell me the whole "indonesia is a peaceful muzzie nation"

Thera are no peacefull muzzie nation (except for ultra rich under crowded countries sucj as oman)

>Jesus didn't condone violence
>Mohamed the warlord prophet fucking loved it.

If you can't figure this out by yourself you should take a long walk off a tall cliff.

>Jesus literally assaulted a bunch of jews with a whip
Tbqh I think the mudslimes will be useful against Marxism

>you ever seen Muslims in places like Indonesia do shit like Extreme Terrorism

He still didn't condone violence.
Muhamed literally promoted it. He was also a pedophile.

You're an idiot leaf. Feel free to try again though.

All that bullshit is haram as fuck

Gonna move to Dubai soon, fuck bitches get money

>Imagine if Christianity was an Arab religion

>He was also a pedophile.
Don't lie fucker

Shias are generally more based than Sunnis, but some Sunnis are still good people. Assad's wife, for example.

>married a rich old wdow for power and monies
>then married a 9yr old
>consumed the mariage when girl was 11/13yr old

>somehow not pedo

are you gonna rage and curse the western world for this? cause this has been writen by muslim historians since 746 ?

Oh wow a muzzie chimping out and negating fact like any brainwashed religious person...

There is literally nothing wrong with condoning violence.

>You never see

Here is an insurgency that Thailand has been dealing with

For 56 fucking years

history of islam
>mohammed conquers arabian peninsula and kills everyone who doesn't choose to follow his religion (arabia a land of many religions at this time)
>mohammed's direct descendants continue conquering, occupy spain, north africa, the middle east and iran
>hundreds of ethnicities genocided, the middle east and north africa used to have their own distinct people, but are now inhabited by arabs.
>arabs fall apart but turks pick up the banner of islam and conquer 1/4 of europe, again converting christian europeans by force, putting millions of european women into harem slavery, and killing anyone who disagrees
>it falls apart and arabs continue barbarism within their new smaller states
>2016, isis is talking about how islam will rule the earth and the nonbelievers will be slaughtered
>stupid white liberals think "those guys aren't true muslims! REAL islam is about peace!"
