Explain exactly why, composisionally, sonically, and lyrically, this album is good

Explain exactly why, composisionally, sonically, and lyrically, this album is good.

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Don't use words too big for you if you don't even know how to spell them.


Because the compositions, sounds and lyrics are good


Just listen to Oliver talk from 16:00 on Kid A

Sorry u guys. At least you got the point.
Now how about you all tell me why, COMPOSITIONALLY, sonically, and lyrically, this album is good.

unfortunately dull nothing music was trendy for a while. it also made teenagers think people got them. they also thought radiohead were above top 40 music and arty in some way they did not quite understand.

just hilarious when you really think about how many people will try to defend them

>brainlet attempts music criticism

If you don't like it move on, you don't have to like it


Never implied I don't like this album, just tried to make Sup Forums say something constructive or deeply analytical about music once. All that "music discussion" has dissolved to is "this album is bad, this album is good". Just tried to switch it up once.

What's some bands or musicians that you know of that drastically improved since their debut? I love going through an artists discography and hearing them progress. The bands that come to my mind immidiately are Brand New, The Beatles, Radiohead, Swans (even though they were never medicore to begin with) What else is there?

It just is good

That's what I'm talking about

sounds gud

Songs:Ohia main album not tour album


i dont give a shit about the lyrics quite frankly but for each song i can note one point about composition/timbre.
>Everything in its Right Place
By the way you spell compositionally i dont trust that you know this but this song relies on modal interchange in the locrian key with the second chord in the sequence and i suppose dorian in the third to give harmonic variety right off the bat.
>Kid A
A steady build up of a variety of electronically produced sounds, each adding to a driving cross-rhythm that gives the song a strange primal feel.
>The National Anthem
Clear use of motorik beat on the drums and later on the track pushes dissonance through the harsh saxophone track, to push a political agenda (as stated by the track title)
>How To Disappear Completely
Cadences throughout the song always finish on the minor chord (its obvious why thats significant).
The fading in and out of sine waves of various harmonic intervals, slowly but effectively creates an interesting atmosphere while still holding as an interesting track in its pitch.
Breaks the flow of the album with the use of the toms on the drums and distorted guitar which pair with the primal lyrics about survival.
>In Limbo
Really interesting use of arpeggiated
guitar chords in triplets which sounds sort of cyclic. Chords throughout the track change in modal fashion but in a more dynamic way than Everything in its Right Place.
Again more reliant on rhythm and only occasional bass notes accompany the singing when it comes to pitch. However the beat is electronically produced and is made to give the song a cold feeling, which again pushes a political agenda.
>Morning Bell
5/4 time signature, synth pads, bass that doesnt follow the root note. This is one of my favourite tracks because it is still really catchy but stimulating at the same time.
>Motion Picture Soundtrack
Mainly organ and vocals throughout playing lydian throughout to give a rising feeling.

how are you so knowledgeable user.
recommend what should i read or watch articulate points like you do.
also recommend some similar albums and your favorites!

te gathering

>By the way you spell compositionally i dont trust that you know this but this song relies on modal interchange in the locrian key with the second chord in the sequence and i suppose dorian in the third to give harmonic variety right off the bat.

Ha, I actually did know that. My finger slipped.