Why haven't you Krauts elected her Chancellor?

Why haven't you Krauts elected her Chancellor?

And why is her accent so qt?

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She is milf material yes

I am greek tho

pls explain this meme to me

Sup Forums is just trolling when they call her cute, right?

She is cute

i wouldnt mind feeding her some of my bratwurst


>Implying you wouldn't

How old tho? Does she have kids?

>Why haven't you Krauts elected her Chancellor?
Literally less than 4 years of political experience, never held public office before, her party is literally getting funding from Russia, Kremlin and the FSB, her party is a member of the european right wing alliance which is controlled by Kremlin

Should I move on with more reasons ?

How is having little to no time in politics a bad thing?

>How is having little to no time in politics a bad thing?

Yea, what could possibly go wrong ?

Better to be an experienced marxist socialist like auntie Merkel, right Mehmet?

>a fucking alien


Literally a child with down syndrome realizes that european politicians are just puppets of the USA in order to build a buffer zone between USA and Russia, your country is literally "the buffer zone" between NATO and Russia.

Petry isnt t"hat" bad, but her party is full of narrow minded lunatics.
Why the fuck is the only party, which is against those sandniggers so full of shit

She's not cute she just have solid hnggg legs

>a woman

We were always a buffer zone for someone you dense faggot. At least we don't take communist dick up our collective arse anymore.

She is a degenerate whore who cucked her husband. Reminder that supporting her is akin to supporting women fucking another man while still married to their cuck husbands.

>those sandbaggers
The only point of importing the sandniggers is so the ECB can artificially boost the european economy and reduce the deflation rate in order to compete with China. We import all those sandniggers, give them free money they then spend that money and increase the local economy in order to create more job places, and more job places mean more taxes for the government. By doing this the ECB and our government is hoping to generate more taxes long term and create more jobs

That was fucking priceless, later she left him for another higher party member.

What about him? He was in politics for decades before his presidency.

That's one thing I don't get about liberals, they complain about career politicians, and rightly so, but then pic related comes along and they complain that he's not a politician.

At the cost of destabilizing already-fragile townships and cities, upsetting a decent portion (minority or plurality) of citizens, and hiking foreign national-related crimes.

The infrastructure required alone is in question when trying to support these refugees as to whether or not it's even there, and the monetary funding is also up in the air. I think it was Sweden or the UK who were dipping into their insurance fund or whatever to house more immigrants?

>We were always a buffer zone

poland could have isolated itself either from the US or russia, but poland can't sustain itself and ergo now needs support from the EU in order to sustain itself. All of your social security, infrastructure, defense etc is paid by the EU, poland can't sustain itself without the financial support of the EU and ECB

the penudulim has to swing hard in Germania

>I am an expert in global economy.
Sure bro.

he's right
Poland cant do shit

Lets be serious for a moment, the governments of Sweden, Belgium, UK, Germany and France know exactly why they are importing so much sandniggers. They aren't complete retards that aim to destroy their countries, by importing more people into the EU and giving them money to spent then boost the economy and reduce the deflation rate of the euro. Through this process the ECB and the European governments want to create more job opportunities and and receive more taxes. In the long term all those sandniggers won't be depended from the governments but by the jobs that they helped to artificially create.

>That is an exact quote!
>Well, that quote was in German
kek, turned that dishonesty right around on him

No one can do shit. Welcome to real life.

I hope it was worth it for them when the annoyed people come knocking.

>>I am an expert in global economy.
>>Poland cant do shit

I never said either of that, the point is that poland is a buffer zone between the USA and Russia and that is fact. The only countries in the EU that realistically could sustain themselves would be France, Germany and the Netherlands the rest of the countries wouldn't be able to or would struggle to financially or military sustain themselves.

her husband is pro-refugge christcuck

especially when you consider, that they try to artificially replace their voters, with """"""grateful""""""" immigrants

Please, for the love of the Kaiser, tell me you aren't that seriously sheltered.

>The guy can't actually be blind or ignorant of the fact that the EU is destabilizing and destroying his country through the usage of populist propaganda, shaming his culture through screaming for tolerance, and promoting FICKI FICKI with rapefugees with the fucking Socialist factions of people

She is adorable

What jobs? I'm honestly curious. Can you provide any sources as to what jobs the refugees would take up or create?

The only future a leftist neck in Europe has is either a rope or a knife.

And I'm happy with that. Saying "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah" isn't too hard.

It was a necessary process in order to compete with China. European exports are sinking because the euro is to expensive, investors are rather importing from countries like india or china where the currency is inflationary. Though all this refugee crisis the ECB wants to make the euro weak in order to boost EU exports and ergo boost the european economy.

inb4 kebab stands

i prefer him.

I spat tea everywhere.

The plan is long term, that mean that the children of the current refugees are going to take those upcoming jobs, thats why the government is investing enormous amounts in the education of the refugees. All the male rapefugees will be filtered out and deport it in order to create a social balance between the population

I think petr is far qter.

wow, they want to create job opportunities? how? the sandniggers are not qualified and do not speak german, even in low quality state institutions there are needed, if you want to boost the economy artificially you can decrease tax rates or destroy monopolies

you only wagecuck the whole economy with an influx of unqualified sandniggers, they will work for low wages and know no laws at all

>voting a woman

Is like you will never learn.

You just repeated what you said in the previous post.

Yeah, might be. They'll still get hanged for treason against the people who won't care about being able to compete with China, since they'll be a bit more preoccupied with trying not to get raped, robbed or murdered.

I know why they're doing it. I get it.

That doesn't change that it's not a valid reason to ruin our nations forever.

user... I can't help but seriously doubt that such a thing will happen. I'm sorry to say, but I think your male rapefugees are there to stay if your police forces have been told not to arrest or deport known rapists.


You can't possibly be serious. Over 70% of the 'refugees' currently being brought in are fighting age males. Are they just going to kick them back out again? Doubtful.

Because they're cucks.

you gay

No u

Sweden is just a fucking joke holy shit.

Erinnert mich ein wenig an Til "Zyklon B ist ok" Schweiger.

from what year is this? it is before the refugee crisis right?

I voted in 2013 for AfD.


Schweiger ist aber nicht so völkisch wie Petr.

isn't she in 3 way relationship with a priest and some other fag?

>voted for AFD before it was cool.
found the AFD Hipster

Four kids and two husbands.


Seriously we could argue all day with buzzwords but you aren't getting the point, and again I have to repeat my point, the importing of all the those refugees is aimed to in order to boost EU economy. Here is how it looks like:

1)Import refugees
2)Give them money
3)The refugees spend the money in german stores and industries
4)Through the influx of all those refugees spending money there is more demand for goods and services
5) More jobs are created in order to satisfy that demand
6) More jobs = more taxes for the government
7)More jobs= deflation reduces and inflation kicks in
8)Euro loses value ergo making exports more lucrative for the outside market
9)More european exports
10)More european exports = Better economy for the EU

>but you aren't getting the point

I already told you that I do. It's just that I don't acknowledge some shekels as valid reason to destroy my homeland.

Since you're still lamenting about it, I take it that you support this idea.

I hope you're as vocal about that in real life as you're in here. Hopefully someone's taking note.

because the election is yet to take place

Isn't her husband a leftwing cuck?

And yet, you'll have to forgive me for violating Godwin's Law here, Hitler brought his country out of a spiraling great depression without importing 'refugees' to fix the economy.

The problem is that in doing this you are making life more expensive for ordinary people, either through increased taxes to keep the refugees afloat, or by cutting expenses so you can allocate more to the refugees.

At the end of the day, it's still all just a ponzi scheme to increase the wealth of those already at the top on the backs of the people around you.

>It's just that I don't acknowledge some shekels as valid reason to destroy my homeland.

Same thing that peopled said back in the 50's when we started importing turkcroaches, "The turks will get our lands", "They will steal all our jobs" etc. Same thing people said about the mexicans who went to the US in 90's, and is the US destroyed ? Nope. Is Germany destroyed from all the turks that got imported back in the 50's ? Nope.

I will break down your list with questions.

1. Why not give money to your lower middle class and poor?
2. See above
3. There have been multiple reports of refugees stealing from low-income grocery stores despite being given their living expenses and housing
4. See above
5. Please give me sources for the jobs that have been or will be created
6. See above
7. See above
8. Why not look more into how other currencies are doing with relation to their trade deals and improve the euro based upon that?
9. See above
10. See above

Is my attraction to Frau Frauke due to me having mommy issues?

>Hitler brought his country out of a spiraling great depression without importing 'refugees' to fix the economy.

Because back then Germany had the Mark and total control of the supply and distribution of it, now as you may know Germany is using the Euro ergo it can't actively change the inflation rate.

Which is why AfD want to get rid of the Euro.

She is also officially cucking him, which makes since sense his name is Sven

>short hair

>german """"""10/10s""""""""

And here we have the root of the problem; the Euro.

Maybe the much touted European Union would be better off as simply a free-trade union, and not this bloated single-currency/multiple member-states monstrosity it's become?

Then again, maybe this is all just a deep-seated German plot to destroy all of Europe once and for all :^)

there's literally no excuse to vote for a woman

>1. Why not give money to your lower middle class and poor?

We already do, in many forms through welfare, child support money etc. The goal is not give few money but to give many few money

>3. There have been multiple reports of refugees stealing from low-income grocery stores despite being given their living expenses and housing

Source ? I assume that you are talking about the video that got posted yesterday, those goods are either being paid by government sponsored charities or community charities

>5. Please give me sources for the jobs that have been or will be created

How can I give you source to something that hasn't been made yet ? You can calculate all the variables and compare them to past data and predict the accurate number of jobs.

>8. Why not look more into how other currencies are doing with relation to their trade deals and improve the euro based upon that?

Because Germany has't control over the Euro, it needs to artificially alter it

Huh, somehow you faggots are trying to rationalize infidelity. Her husband is a cuck, and she is a disloyal cunt.

Lmao paid by the Kremlin.

It's the establishment in Germany and the EU that gets their orders from the (((White House))).

Yeah but everyone else than the afd is even more insane so the afd is still the best party and option you currently have in germany.

But at the time, did the Turks start doing the same things that the refugees are doing now - the constant day to day "Einzelfälle" that keep happening all around the country?
For example, sexual assault upon women, children, and sometimes even men. Upon children, these are found to be in public pools. It has become such a problem, that the SPD reports wanting to block men out of some of these Hallenbäder.

I just don't understand the mentality behind it. On the one hand, I can see how them being there might be a boost to the economy as was explained by a few others here so far, but it feels to me like a weak argument due to it coming at the cost of a severely reduced public safety record. People seem to be more scared to go out and do the things they used to, because of the increased crime rate these people are reported to bring.

>Which is why AfD want to get rid of the Euro.

The Afd wants to get rid of the euro in order to not pay money to greece, spain, italy and all those other economically weak european countries. The majority does't take the Afd serious at all because the know that they are Kremlin puppets like all the other right wing european parties.

'Murica/EU Puppet or Kremlin Puppet?

The only jobs that are being created are jobs paid for by the taxpayer, meaning Refugee Aid etc.
The average Monkey also sends money back home to his country causing an inflation here. It's almost like every German on here is a cuck that worships Mama Merkel. And that includes every Leftie.

I agree with that, authorities need to get tougher on these themes and send a clear message to the refugees that such behavior won't be tolerated. But you could also argue the same about the immigrants in the US, we constantly get reports from mexicans, blacks etc committing violence.

Would you move to the US or Russia if you had to ?

But why not give more as opposed to importing foreign nationals? Why not work on your country's internal issues as opposed to bringing in external forces?

Here, have a few links. I won't post more as that'll inflate the reply:
liveleak com/view?i=d51_1464746048
dw com/en/generosity-vs-fear-how-german-supermarkets-deal-with-refugees/a-18730627
liveleak com/view?i=7ae_1441632439

I don't have enough faith in your government to have actually plotted out just how many potential jobs might be created. And Germany could lobby for changes in how the EU might better use their currency.

Would you rather live in the US or Russia ?

And every time someone tries to do something about said behavior and the groups it comes from, we get shouted down for being 'intolerant', 'bigoted', and 'racist'.

So, maybe simply sending 'clear messages' such as boosted police presence isn't enough.

That you fucking believe that they import those Hajis for "Teh Economy" is priceless. All this social chaos, the crime, the rapes, the ethnic displacement of white people in their own country are all ignorable side effects.

But you are a fine example to this board why Germany is going down the toilet.

smdh 2016

You seem to forget that divided Europe has always been at war one way or another. The source of our problems are the stupid uneducated people thinking that you have to despise other cultures in order to love your own (and i'm not talking about sandnigger ''''culture'''' but about other europeans)

You seem cool, Germanbro. Get the fuck out of there before the country tears itself apart.

That is true, but America is also a much larger country by comparison - so even if there are hotbeds of violent areas, they're very easy to avoid if you know where the areas are. Germany is not, so the problem feels as if it's compounded.
Does that really make the problem go away? No. Only a fool would believe that. Still, oftentimes the crimes committed by those folk are done against themselves. The only real time it becomes a problem for the general public are when they start collectively joining together and rioting, such as what we saw during the BLM riots in Baltimore and Los Angeles last year.

From our perspective here, it sounds as if the Ausländer, most recently and frequently the ones who come from Algeria, are the ones committing a lot of petty crime against the general public in Germany, and this is almost everywhere.

I had the chance to move to the US via a Greencard, but refused. Haven't had the offer to go to Russia so can't really say. Propably no as well.

The notion that the 'refugees' will someday act as a stimulus package and kick-start the euro is such bullshit. Their existence there is far more harmful in the sense that you're giving them money to survive, and you're subsidizing projects for projects where they can live, and the fact that the majority of them are clubbing faggots looking to get drunk and laid by white chicks every night that they aren't squabbling about the women that they've abducted into harems in tent cities and ghettos.

If you're not just playing devil's advocate for fun, you're exactly like all the German cucks that want Germany to become an Islamic Caliphate and make Germans go extinct. If these people even had any economic benefit to the euro at all, it would be erased by the Islamification of Europe. Remember the birthrates? Yeah, we're fucked under the current circumstances and your stupid idea contributes to that.