Anthem Kneeling Shit, Season 2

I get why people are offended by this kneeling meme - but why do people like this Cleveland Police Chief cite that they were in the military as a basis for their outrage?

Do they think the flag has more meaning for the military? Or that they are "Keepers of the flag" or some shit?
This strikes me as odious, but I'm asking the Ameribros for some insight so I don't make up my mind without the facts.

Ameribros, why do these guys keep citing their military service (or even police service) when they say they're offended by this kneeling shit?

>that flag
>this topic

mfw that's why I'm asking.
Would you rather I assume this and that about your fellow citizens? I'm asking for your insight on a topic I know little about.

>get mad when niggers get on their knees like they belong

>Do they think the flag has more meaning for the military? Or that they are "Keepers of the flag" or some shit?
>This strikes me as odious, but I'm asking the Ameribros for some insight so I don't make up my mind without the facts.

It's because in the 70s a bunch of guys who got drafted and were forced to fight. When they got back the same far-left pieces of shit kneeling for the flag were spitting on them and calling them baby murderers, etc. Just imagine that shit. Forced to go to a place you don't want and fight people you have never seen, and when you get back the people you were protecting are spitting on you and calling you a murderer??

From that point on our government and people in general made it our duty that no troops would come back and be shit on again. In doing this the flag and anthem were made to be their symbol.

That flag is a symbol of the men and women (and families) that sacrifice everything REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL IDEOLOGY.

Tbh leaf I don't care at all what you think or assume

because he's dumb. the american flag represents the entire country and everything that occurs and has occurred within it. each branch of the united states military has their own symbol. the flag belongs to everyone.

Our military men do swear an oath directly to the constitution (and the people by extension) and no one else.

No offense meant by this but your soldiers probably swear their oath of fealty to the Queen or something right? I mean, even if its not to the queen and its to Canada or something, it isnt the same as being sworn to our Constitution, particularly because I know your constitution doesnt guarantee a fraction of the rights ours does.

So yes, they see themselves as "Keepers of the flag" because they essentially are.

The offense comes in the form of
>"I put my life at risk, signed my flesh and blood over to the country, just so you wealthy ingrates can kneel with intentional disrespect during a ceremony for a protest that doesn't even have an implicit goal.

he needs a better perspective. very few people in the military did it for love of country. they did it because they wanted to become a better person and improve their personal lives by getting in good shape and learning how to perform difficult tasks.

>grabs popcorn

lm fucking ao

you actually believe this trash, don't you

I have a degree in "that shit"

you have a degree in icon worship?

Take this triggered faggotry to Sup Forums

>t-they didn't hold their hands over their hearts! mooooooooom!!!!
gotta say, the rightwingers sound like the triggered ones in this scenario

There's a lot of different reasons why people don't like it. A lot of people are tired of hearing about how oppressed they are and racist we are when they make 10 million a year.

death to leafs

> a few athletes make a bunch of money
> that means institutional racism doesn't exist

kek. ok bud

neo-Sup Forums is 100% okay with this except this thread because it's not a general

Edit: This post was downboated because it hurt people's fee fees

I know, right? Like we're not patriotic enough if don't say the proper words, do the proper motions, wear the proper lapel pins, show the proper papers... Hmm, this sounds familiar, actually...

I'm not here to argue if i agree with it or not. I'm providing OP with first hand experience of why I've heard people don't agree with it.

What are they protesting? That black people get arrested if they commit a crime?

i've never understood how a song or a flag has anything to do with the fucking country

this idiot bitch at a ballgame last year tried to chew me out for talking during the anthem and i asked her what "free country" actually meant. all she kept saying was blah blah military blah blah blah

where can i cop that sweater?

>From that point on our government and people in general made it our duty that no troops would come back and be shit on again
does that explain why so many veterans are homeless and can't afford healthcare?

blacks are 10% of the population but make up 25% of police killings

>In doing this the flag and anthem were made to be their symbol.
lol what

And how much of the violent crime?

violent crime gets unarmed people killed by cops? lol


that's because they're raised in a makeshift rebel culture that uniformly despises the police and causes them to act irrationally when near them.


This is the only opportunity to see Cleveland Browns players taking a knee. It certainly won't happen in the end of a game they won.

God I love Brazil

Brazil bringing the bants.

Just wait till Tom Brady starts kneeling.

His wife keeps nagging him to retire.

Droll critical theory, deconstructionist, postmodernist point of view really.

Of course people do it for those reasons but that doesnt look good on a poster like nationalism does.

We're going to demand that our forces be representative of defending our underpinnings even if its a surface reasoning because it sets a good standard for the country, sets a high bar of respect, it gives more meaning to these things then they would have as just means to an end of improvement. This is important.

Institutional racism does exist, its called affirmative action


You're 100% correct in your feelings on the topic. Don't let anyone sway you otherwise here



Would be 1001% behind the police union if that's what they cited as the reason. That isn't what they said though. They hide behind or actually believed in the "we are the arbitrators of what the flag stands for" horseshit, so fuck them just as much as the kneeling niggers

The idea of "nobody is in the military for patriotism, you know theyre all really there to get benefits and get in shape, so lets just let that be the way we treat it"

Is a college professor-tier opinion

Why are you so based injuns monkey?

You know an official department can't publicly say that shit right now

Are you all retarded?

>asks the tripfag

Epic bantz, Joao.

Lmao at your life if you can't appreciate a little banter on the internet

Because the soldiers died for the sake of the flag and nothing or nobody else. Not even for the spirit of the flag or what it represents, but the literal flag.

but i never said any of that except for the getting in shape part. i find it ironic, that you use college as an insult, when you're putting words in my mouth, a common tactic used by college students in arguments.

If you think thats banter thats sad

That was the weakest shit I've ever read.

>Old Gay's anus is inflamed because he isn't getting as many replies as a monkey eater
Poor guy

that some stupid shit, dying for what the flag represents YES, but they didn't die for the literal flag, ffs. what in fuck could you possibly mean...oh, you're trolling. Got me.

Not the only example, but a good one.

Because this country is full of idiots, half of whom think this millionaire washout was being brave by seeking attention, the other half wanting to kill him for disrespecting freedom