Bored as fuck

At Schiphol, 40 minutes to spare until check in counter opens, what do pol?

is there still a Paul's bakery there?

Go get some comfy French comfort food.

Yell deus vult and see noone react, yell alllahu hu snackbar and whatch the infidel raciss run all over the place

Shout allahu akbar and see what happens

Send an email to Adam Curry of the NoAgenda show.

There's free wifi there for NA listeners.

nothing, fall sleep at your post and dream of Orange flags, clogs and politically incorrect santa helpers

click here:
and never come back

It's very weird, haven't seen a single muslin yet and police are gathering outside.


why don't you reply anymore, faggot?

if you are still here: check yourself in as luggage and make a round on the bagage line while singing the EU-anthem ode an die freude.

oh, you are here.
my bad.
so, do we have a deal?

They're ready to take new taxpayers in. You aren't leaving home never again.

Rolling for shout "Allah Akbar"

I don't know man, french food sounds good.
no thank you
kek but no
literally who
will do in the plane
no sorry, i dont make deals with austrians

why just not with us, annika?

You made me sad when the right wing didn't win. Never trust an Austrian.

Write merkle supports this in shit on bathroom wall

Drive to Centraal Station and smoke some weed.

kek, too late unfortunately, i only shit once every two/three days and i took a shit before i left my house.
Can't, leaving for Prague.

Live stream your suicide bombing, Mohammed

as if this were my fault. i never voted for the left fuckers in my whole life.
and i guarantee you that hofer would have won a election under equal premises.
and what's about your own government? i don't see wilders leading your government.

Wilders doesnt lead our government because he doesn't represent most of the votes, people here are too tolerant on everything and thus dislike wilders for his intolerant views. Then again we had Pim Fortuyn who was a well spoken politician who would have won back in early 2000's but he was murdered the day before the elections. He was also against Muslims.

same shit with haider - we can assume that the late haider (2008 election) would have succeeded here, if he still was alive. strache never reached his niveau.

What a world it would have been would both these two still be alive.