Star Treck

Ok so it's my understanding that teleportation in Star Treck involves tearing people apart at the atomic level and rebuilding them in a different location with all memories in tact.
With this in mind, what exactly is stoping Starfleat from saving the atomic blueprint nesesary for rebuilding the teleportee, sticking the teleportes with the required raw elements, and just reviving their dead via cloning or creating an army Spocks/Kirks that have the same experience as the original Spock and Kirk?

we got two Rikers

1 not suppose to have more than one copy of an individual at a time to maintain psychological stability
2 phasers are set to stun so death by violence isn't really common, war was eliminated on earth before federation was founded

individuality is what made spock/kirk unique, they made each other, if everyone was spock kirk they wouldn't be the spock kirk you know, this was the point of the whole francise that uniqueness made the character, this isn't the star wars/clone wars

The two Rikerso imply that this machine can also defy the conservation of mass

In "Second Chances" the reactor fucked up and reflected two whole Rikers in two different locations that originated for the mass of one Riker.

Every time they beam up Kirk and Spock, they are essentially killing the original Kirk and Spock and recreating another Kirk and Spock.

probably some prime directive jargon or using science to create armies with the intention of having top officers as templates running along the eugenics war.

yes to maintain stability, i know

but not recreating in the exact sense
because there is a slight loss no matter how perfect the system

after X+1 tries there will be nothing to copy

Couldn't Starfleet just send copies of Kirk and Spock to explore the universe in different directions and just not tell the Doppelgängers and originals.

Nobody wants a copy of them running around. Someone who can just replace you. Someone others might like more than you.

Everyone wants to be a special snowflake. Harder to do that when there are others just like you.

no because they have to come back and refuel

star trek always have a bottom message it is about the infinite combinations of possibilities so sending the same person out everywhere at once goes against that message

that would be a nice Moon-like episode when they finally meet

i wouldn't mind a copy, he can go to work and i'll stay at home

it's science fiction.

the best someone could come up with is a nearly exact copy. not the original person.

>tearing people apart at the atomic level and rebuilding them in a different location

this is unlikely.

it's more likely that matter is not "disassembled" but converted to energy as per general relativity and then converted back to matter at the destination.

It would
But that might also provoke distrust between the crew and Starfleet.
Mabye humanity never gave up unethical behavior for the sake of a higher ideal and unity like the premis indicates.

>what exactly is stoping Starfleat from saving the atomic blueprint nesesary for rebuilding the teleportee
Their computers aren't good enough to permanently store that much data. They had to do it once in DS9: Our Man Bashir and it involved wiping the main computer to store their brain patterns, then hijacking a holodeck to store their physical patterns. Holodecks won't be around for 37 years at this point and their computer tech is 139 years behind DS9, so they can't do it.

this discussion has been going on well over 40 years OP, i'm sure you'll find better answers if you do some digging instead of here

The federation is a very ethical society- they even banned genetic enhancement.
That said, there really should be a plot where some bad guys do this, say, romulans who don't give a shit.
Klingons wouldn't because of their honor religious beliefs, but the romulans totally would clone the shit out of their top scientists and warriors.
Or maybe a story about why the romulans banned it too.

>he can go to work and i'll stay at home

Then he tells you "No, bitch, you go to work and I'll stay home"

Then the blood starts flowing.

I was just inspired to post this after reading Derek Parfit using this type of teleportation to deconstruct the concept of self.

Are Kirk and Spock really the same people after being teleported?

You should watch more Star Trek before asking questions about it. TNG: Realm of Fear showed that there's no interruption of consciousness during transport, so yes they are.

to the others who did not go with them to x place they are
but to themselves, well they are dead

think of it like this

if k-s came with 1 other person and this 1 other person took the long way home he is the only one that knows k-s that he came down with was killed, the k-s that got back on the ship are not the same k-s that went with him (technically they got killed twice) no matter what little if any change the computer did it is more of less irrelevant because the individuals you expect to see that the other end are the ones that "naturally" traversed with you

basically you can set up to teleport every step you take and do it so often that you no longer "exist" in the real world because the distance you travel daily "disappeared"

"Reviving the dead."

But for what purpose? If that person died, why revive them? Because they're "brilliant" and might save the day in the future? It sounds unethical and frankly, rude.

Meanwhile, if we only have one person to deal with, "killing" them and "reviving" them maintains that sort of continuity without the need of complicating more versions of that person. When a person is dead, they don't want to come back to life (they are dead).

>the same people

Well, you have to define that first. You are literally not the same person as one second ago. You have different structure, and you're thinking different things. You only exist in the present. You literally "die" every second. You can't access your past self. So who cares if you use a teleporter? You are always dying and you are always alive because they are human concepts that don't have any actual grounding in the universe.

Mentally and existentially they're the same person they were when they left wherever they were teleported from.

Physically they're not the same person, since that person was reduced to energy. An image, or pattern was made of them and that was used to create matter at the destination.

There doesn't need to be an interruption of conscious in order for the pre and post teleportation being to be separate beings.
That just means that the post teleportation being received all memories up until the exact moment of teleportation from the pre teleportation being.

That's the point Derek Parfit was eluding to desu.

Your question raises a deeper philosophical question about whether you could duplicate a person down to the exact molecule and create an actual person. If you can it really fucks up the whole judeo-christian soul concept.

I know this. I was inspired to write this after reading from a philosopher that took this premis in this direction.

>judeo-christian soul concept
What planet do you live on where the concept of a soul is "judeo-christian"?

I was just seeing if there is some practical application to this tech beyond teleportation.

it is the extension of their food thingy