Just admit it, this is the best tv show ever

just admit it, this is the best tv show ever

Silly OP, surely you meant to post a Sopranos image but got it mixed up with abreaking bad one.


Came here to post this

Get da fuck outta hee

it really really is. all you burgers can deny it all you want but it's true and you know it.


>it's a redditor has shitty taste episode

>I am the one who knocks up!
What did he mean by that? Was he reffering to Skylar's affair with Ted?


if you consider that his real name is hal wilkerson, then i agree

Dexter is Reddit incarnate tho

>Shawshank +8
>Dexter +0

Shit list

The whole "reddit" argument is faggotry to the 10th degree anyway. No-one on here or reddit can even agree what reddit is.

1 of those sections I got 23 and another I got -1.

The fact that an adult male actually took the time to make an intricate image like this just prove if someone is "reddit" or not makes me sad

1. The Wire
2. The Sopranos
3. Six Feet Under
4. Mad Men
5. Generation Kill

Then there's a significant power gap to anything else.

Dunno if the best but top 5 for sure


If by "dadcore" you mean "well written characters" then sure.

No, by dadcore I mean some borefest my dad would enjoy

I bet you like dadcore films TGTBaTU

...But this isn't a Sopranos thread?

this is objectively right

Are you 6 years old?

Not quite

1. Band of Brothers
2. The Pacific
3. Generation Kill
4. Generation War
5. The Sopranos

I find it extremely difficult to get through NGE because of how boring it is. It's just outdated, all the concepts are more indepth in later shows. Too simple.

That's not Person of Interest.

fuck off with your meme show

Watch it user

>2. The Pacific
>3. Generation Kill
>4. Generation War

Those are pathetically bad.


1. Neon Genesis Evangelion
2. Twin Peaks
3.The Wire
4. Mad Men
5. Supranos