Which is the board with the most minimum wage workers and why is it Sup Forums?


I don't work at all, I go to college. Should I smoke a bowl before math class boys?

Sup Forums

are you good at math?

Not sure if you were trying to be funny (it failed) but it's actually /biz/.


B minus to C plus student

Smoke 69 bowls

if you didnt take calculus junior year in hs then youre bad. id suggest not smoking

I didn't. I stopped taking math in high school after precalc junior year. Now I take calculus. I'm not a math or stem major.

why are you taking college calc then? is it business calc? whats your major?

Economics BA

I just have to take stats and calc

That would explain all the ancoms in the political compass threads

oh ok, well as i said you shouldnt smoke unless calc is easy for you. however, smoking after class is completely acceptable and encouraged

school administration wouldn't accelerate me any harder at math back in the day, but I've been watching youtube videos about calculus and when i realized what calculus is about i was like "THAT'S IT?!?!!??!!??!"
fuckin coulda figured that shit out myself.
also drugs help with math A LOT. best mathematicians take lots of acid

i unironically thought precalc was harder than regular calc

calc was easy for me because im good at math, but most people i know struggled mightily with calc. they cant handle the concepts and even the algebra filler gives them trouble

i think all math is common sense as shit if you get someone to actually show it to you the right way.
most math teachers in my experience don't even know what they're dealing with or dont know how to communicate it intuitively.
i think animation and "math gifs" could do a lot for education

proving that this is indeed the dumbest board
>you just need lsd to like open your mind bro!!! it like helps you see the world in a totally different way

acid does not 'change your view of the world'. It increases serotonin and interaction between regions of the brain, it is a fun and overwhelming short term experience and nothing more.

you find maths easier now because a) you're not an immature absent minded teen now and b) you are smarter now
that's all that is.

I think you're underselling it a little bit. Serotonin tends to mediate the significance we ascribe to events in our lives. People with high serotonin (short SERT allele) are more susceptible* to depression/anxiety disorders if they've experienced 2 or more traumatic events in their life but actually less susceptible to them if they haven't. Acid basically imitates serotonin at certain receptors so suddenly everything seems to have a much greater significance than it would previously, in addition to which raising serotonin can somehow help combat depression/anxiety (mechanism is still unclear but the effectiveness of SSRIs, MAO, tricyclic etc. point to this) which can have lots of deleterious cognitive effects. So I agree that acid isn't going to "expand your mind" and make you a genius but I'm sure it can help some people get over their inhibitions or think more clearly in some situations.

*relative to controls

Good post, user.

/lit/ definitively