Your opinion on Ethiopia

Your opinion on Ethiopia

Other urls found in this thread:–Adal_war

Like the fact they are building a dam to piss off the Egyptians

* Nubia
They're all right.
>However, the Greek formation may be a folk etymology for the Ancient Egyptian term athtiu-abu, which means 'robbers of hearts'.
Does anybody know why this is?

They are a very beautiful and romantic people and anyone that goes there loses their heart to love

They look interesting that's for sure.

Ethtiopian comes from Aithiopes which literally means 'Burned face'.

they're practically white.

Ethiopians are 100% pure black race and they're the proof that 100% black peoples can build a civilization and resist an invasion

ethiopians are caucasoids. they're white. deal with it, fran.

>trust me, i'm white

Race isn't based on skull lol

here is jared taylor, world-famous and renowned white nationalist, talking about ethiopians (the ethiopian jews in this segment to be specifically).

>world-famous and renowned retard
Ah, what an accomplishment, surely he has something interesting to say

Ethiopians/Somalis/Eritreans have had ancestry test and it shows that they have both Sub-Saharan and Arab DNA in them you dipshit.

The Horn of Africa went through the Arab Slave trade as well. They're still black/part black.

somalian blacks look physically blacks

ethiopian blacks look different in their structure

I ate at an Ethiopian restaurant for lunch. Ethiopians are cool people who are proud of their heritage.

Pretty ok for an African country.

One of the only black nations which has its shit together.

The one of the only groups of non-degenerate blacks in existence.

Shame that they tried communism instead of sticking with their based as fuck monarchy.

shitty african country that is run by corruption like every other african country

has a lot of potential thanks to chinese investment. they should annex eritrea again

interesting and perhaps a tad underrated, certainly did bobble around ancient history

inb4 some absolute madman finds the ark of the covenant there

Pretty good considering I am one.

Also this guy is right in saying that we are mostly all half Arab . But I wouldn't go so far as to say we are white.

rightful italian clay

>look physically black
What did he mean by this?
You do realize that there isn't that large of a difference between Somalia,Eritrea and Ethiopia?

pretty cool guy, fights muslim and doesn't afraid of anything–Adal_war

I know someone from ethiopia and he looks very german.

They are basically White.

The biggest crime communities in my region of the city are Somali/Ethiopian. I also rarely see the men working, rather
just loitering around sidewalks in the middle of the day staring at people as they ealk by.

The West Africans here are quite well behaved, speak fluent english, aren't devoutly religious, rerack the weights at the gym. I prefer them.

honorary aryans

Ethiopians are the best white Africans

Ethiopia is proof that whites can also fail at state-building

True alpha males!White boi btfo

They do work.
It's just that instead of doing crime they just loiter around after work and have a cup of tea.