Favourite album art

Favourite album art


good choice





I hate this board

When the fire star to burn...

album isn't even that great, this cover is just so pleasing to me

Ayy lmao



I'm fascinated by this cover more than anything, literally tells me nothing about the album and I still have no idea what it has to do with it. Looks like just another stock evil face, but you can see melancholy in it's eyes

i like this one a lot



this too

I've always wandered
How do so many bands manage to have incredibly interesting albums with that ethereal "artful" quality? You don't see it on generic mass produced music, is it some indication of high IQ on the behalf of the band that picked it, does good aesthetic sense go hand in hand with interesting music sense?

*wondered holy shit
How do so many of Sup Forums's bands manage to hire genuinely creative and interesting artists? It's eery how often you can judge a song by its artwork, if it's generic it'll probably bore you to sleep



thats pretty good

Any of KB's albums for me.






Anybody got an HD copy of OP's pic related?

Also Dopesmoker.


That album cover has always been a turnoff for me. Second chance is best song on that album imo.


Idk, I like the "branding" that they kinda had going with the face. It made more sense when you saw their concert that had the singing face in that style behind them, shit looked fucking great.
I love every song personally, second chance is indeed great.
My favorite is probably Confess to me.




These are great
These are shit
This is destroyed by it's god awful logo


>these are shit
Fuck you too amigo.

I like yours though, I'm not too petty to approve some good shit.

The Type O Negative albums is just an butthole. The Disclosure is not that bad, noe when I see that it's a photo of an album cover. I first thought the whole picture was the cover, including the black scratches done in paint.
I forgot to add this to the shit list. Worst yet.