Well guys? Your move.

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If you can separate your head from ackmed's anus there might be hope for you yet.

>Hold up signs

>Literally does nothing anymore


That's not how the Quran works.
All words are to be followed directly by AL-LAH

Well 99% of Christians condemn the actions of those groups and they don't think sometimes they're justifiable or even support them fully or sympathize with them. Also the last time I checked the west boro wasn't dropping gays off of buildings or beheading other people.

I don't. They all read from the same book. I don't like any of them. *tips fedora*


It's not possible to separate ISIS from Islam.

Hmm 300000 killed by Isis in 13yrs

1950 killed by kkk
0 killed by wbc

Made me think, famm

Neither of those are supported by the majority of practicing Christians, whereas the opposite is true with ISIS and muslims

First why should i?,

As far as i know has the KKK no big affection with Christianity, they burned also crosses didn't they?

For the WBC, why should you separate them from Christianity?, they practice their believes, how they think it is right. Butthurt Libs attack them, and they earn many many dosh.

Also last time i checked both Groups didn't kill around 150 people in the last year, just for following a different religion

They KKK are Christian extremists?
The WBC has taken over huge swaths of land and rules with an iron fist, beheading anyone they choose?

The thing is, I don't separate Westboro Baptist Church from Christianity.

Your move.

The entire roster of the KKK and Westboro throughout their entire histories do not even begin to compare to the radical ideology of ISIS, let alone those inside Fucking fags and their intersectionality.

What is false equivalency. No modern Christian group has come even close to what ISIS has done.

Problem is there are more negative Islamic groups than just ISIS out there

What is wrong with "wife should obey husband", hell for most of Western history most white men would've believed that

KKK ? We don't know this in Europe and in 99,9% of the world.

>literally a bunch of old jews
>Literally killed less negros in history, than negros in ONE week.

WBC mostly sues people, we're sure they're not jewish?

The KKK and Westboro Baptist Church don't go round beheading people in the streets

Easy. Let me say first that I am not pro-Christianity, I'm an atheist.

First off, you have to understand the history of Islam in order to understand ISIS. Islam was founded in the 7th century by Muhammad, a man who by all accounts (keep in mind these are ISLAMIC accounts of his life), was a murderer, a rapist, a torturer, a looter, a slaver and a warmonger.

Muhammad had 12 wives, one of them a mere 6 year old toddler, but that's not all. He routinely abused his wives, and in addition to them he had his own personal harem of sexual slaves to pleasure himself with.

Muhammad ordered beheadings, many of them personally. He ordered men tortured, the most famous example being Kenana ibn al-Rabi, whom muhammad ordered be burned alive by fire on his chest to reveal where he his his "treasures."

Muhammad ordered the massacre of the innocent Banu Qurayza tribe, whom he executed all the men and put the women and children into slavery for his followers (keep in mind that Muhammad had a very large hard-on for slavery and treated his prisoners very poorly).

It's not hard to understand why Muhammad acted this way though. He was a barbarian, who grew up in a region that at the time was completely tribal, in a harsh desert environment where survival was difficult. This made the Arabians that lived there very primitive and brutal people.

I could go on, but let me contrast that to Jesus Christ, who Christianity as a whole is based on. He was not a violent man, he sought peace and forgiveness to those that wronged him, even his own executioners. He didn't order his followers to fight, he taught them to love thy neighbor, and respect one another, even your enemies.

By all accounts, Jesus was not a warmonger, or an advocate of slavery, torture and brutality. Now, there have been brutal and intolerant Christians throughout the years, but arguably you can make the assertions that they were not Christ-like and thus would be sent to hell for their sins.

How many have they killed this year?

Hell, how many have they killed in the last 40 years?

Your move, creep.

>common gay boy

mentally ill people opinions have 0 value, into the trash

The Koran states that fags and infidels should be killed. These are the words of Mohammed prophet of ALL Islam. Your move.

I don't want to separate the KKK and WBC from Christianity, though.

derailing this thread with true habbening

KKK was never a Christian institution.
Westboro never killed anyone.

I don't remember Westboro Baptist Church cutting anyone's head off, blowing anything up or committing mass shootings

Hold on, I'm a liberal secular agnostic and I'm here to tell you that all religions are the same, and are all peaceful.

>Westboro Babtist Church
>bunch of 40 (!) memers that call out fags and Obongo

>basically cosplayers now, circlejerking about those good ol' times without niggers

>terrorist organization commiting war crimes 24/7 with hundreds of thousands of members and supporters that want to create huge caliphate founded on Islamic values by conquering other nations


>We can separate these people from Christians

>One of these groups "does" "something"
>Haha wow hateful bigoted Christians

The concept of an Islamic state is fundamental to Islam, and ISIS are Islamic fundamentalists (albeit with a very extreme interpretation).

The KKK, although proclaiming themselves to be Christian, have a racial ideology, and have incorporated violent means that you would struggle to find a solid justification for in the Bible.

I'm not familiar enough with the Westboro Baptist Church to judge whether or not they are truly Christians, I just don't spend much time worrying about people whose main crime is saying nasty words.

You cannot in fact separate Westboro from Chritianity and the KKK is just a group that happens to be majority christians, they dont do what they do in the name of Christ unlike ISIS who cannot speak a sentence without saying Allahu Akbar 10 times.

He's right, we should treat them equally. I guess it's time to ban the Muslim flag now in reaction to this tragedy

ISIS is perfectly consistent with the Islamic mainstream and illustrates this by quoting non-Hanbali jurisprudence.

Fucking do it already.


>Christ-like and thus would be sent to hell for their sins.
Who is Santiago Matamoros AKA the ACTUAL Patron Saint AND Apostle of KILLING. FUCKING. MUSLIMS.

It's the teaching of Jesus as well. But you know, who cares, it's 2016.

Westboro Baptist 'church' and KKK go directly against Christ's teachings and the 10 commandments, i.e. the foundation of christianity
ISIS goes as by the book as they can.

I hate dumbass liberals so much...

good luck separating Saudi Arabia from Islam

Muhammad was not representative of the faith. #notallmuslims

But they're not separate.

We need the KKK to fight ISIS.

rlleay maeks u tnhik....

>muh Jesus was a pacifist and didn't support any violence or aggression
Follow the Bible and Christianity, or call your heresy something else.

Now onto ISIS. When you actually study Islam and its origins, its expansion, and the violence that ensued due to that, you can understand why ISIS believes in the things they believe. They want to Restore Islam to the barbaric practices of Islam. Remember that despite doing all these terrible things, Muhammad to Muslims CANNOT be criticized. He is literally to them the perfect human being. A murderous slaver, adulter and torturer is a perfect human being to Muslims. Yes, even the moderates read the Hadiths and can learn these things about Muhammad, in fact they have to in order to be devout Muslims.

ISIS has so much in common with the core and history of Islam that it's impossible to just call them un-islamic. They are truly Islamic to the core, they display the very nature of a brutal desert cult created by a schizophrenic narcissist.

The KKK to many would never be considered truly Christian because, while the vast majority of Christians do not practice it, Christianity was intended to be a religion of non-violence, forgiveness and charity. Of course you could say that Modern Christianity is most certainly not any of these things, at least for the vast majority of followers.

I don't separate the WBC fom Christianity. I may not agree with a word they say, but I will defend to the death their right to say it.

>actions of WBC and KKK contradict the words of Jesus Christ
>ISIS obey the words of Muhammad


>Muhammad was not representative of the faith.

Do liberals even do that? Pretty sure they use Westboro to call out Christians any time Islam fucks shit up in the west.

the KKK + WBC together would be nothing more than a drop compared to ISIS

WBC preaches based on the Old Testament.

The Old Testament is the Jewish Torah.

>group of white trash hill billies that went around necking apes.

>Westboro Baptist Church
>gay hating harmless idiots.

>ISIS, a band of barbaric murdering nomads that have killed countless people and actively tried to destroy the invaded territories cultural monuments.

How do these self-absorbed faggots live with themselves? I would love to send that fuckboi to Afghanistan. He would probably become their number one Bacha, his boipuss would get a lot of attention.

> literally polling

even imgur gets that this isn't comparable.


If you can separate ISIS from Islam then you should able to separate gun owners from murders.

Do you even know how polls are made you retard, do you think that they ask everyone?

A few guys who lynched a few niggers for nigging are the same as a group of religious extremists who violently butcher people for not believing what they do. I love this meme

Especially that KKK is supported by like what? 0.1% Christians? Or less?

While ISIS has support of 30% young muslims (15-24) in France

this is a classic case of a false conditional.
You antecedent is indeed true. But the consequent isn't. You can't separate ISIS from Islam, for ISIS is fundamentally Islamic in a way that the KKK and homo-bashing and hate mongering (of the Wesboro) isn't inherently Christian.

I can separate ISIS from Islam. I do. The Islamic world encompasses everything from Bin Laden to Rumi.

And none of it belongs in fucking Europe.

isn't delaware a shithole ? why are you there ?


The Bible was written by humans and as a result is open for interpretation. You can say certain things don't work anymore as time has passed because the it was written by regular people who were products of their time.

The Quran however is the literal word of god which means it is in no way shape or form open for debate. Allah has not been back to tell Muslims that he has changed his mind on certain subjects so as far as Islam is concerned the word of the Quran is law.

The opposite actually. Tons of people sue WBC to try and prevent or punish them from showing up to their funerals but those cases usually fail because they know to stay on sidewalks and other public spaces where their 1st amendment rights are strongest.

Funny how KKK's uniforms look much more fearful than a shirt wrapped around some kebab's face.

No he wasn't

During a time when the Spanish were trying to retake their homeland from Muslim invaders.
How do you not know the context of your own people's history?
Kill yourself you stupid proto-beaner.


Lol, the KKK would get rolled in like half an hour.

Not that I don't empathize with some of their beliefs, but they're a meme-tier organization these days - composed primarily of 60+ year old dudes with little, if any, combat experience.

ISIS has a well armed legion of battle hardened, zealots - most of which are happy to die for the cause.

Learn how statistics work you fucking autist. Each one has a certain margin of error that depends on the sample size they took. It is accurate enough.

>still believing in god

>The KKK literally hasn't done shit in decades and now they're basically the rhetorical punching bag of the left.
>The Westboro Baptist Church are assholes, but they've never killed anyone.
>ISIS is basically genociding Christians, Yazidis, and Kurds. They use crucifixion and immolation as execution methods

A very apt comparison.

> Jesus
> Killed nobody

> Muhammad
> Ordered and particpated in the death of thousands

there is a diffrence

The problem with Islam is that mainstream Islam is still radical Islam.


With all the funerals they've protested at, particularly of soldiers, I really can't understand how Fred Phelps is still breathing. Maybe god really is looking after him. But probably it's the reptilians because the fucker never blinks.

If you actually believe that the KKK back in the day way just a few good ol' boys you hung a few nigras for raping white wimmins (that's what you seem to be saying by my estimation), then you are a moron.




His whole family just happens by a remarkable coincidence to be trial attorneys.
Their entire income comes from provoking people to violence, then suing them for damages.
If the WBC bothers you, don't look to reform Christianity, look to reform our Judaized courts.

Implying that ISIS doesn't have the same ideologies of other caliphates like Saudis Arabia.


It's amazing how badly Obama and the media want to blame white Christians who like guns.

How can anyone take them seriously anymore?

This. The greatest achievement throughout nigger history has been rallying for the right to kill each other faster than their oppressors.

Islam has no place in western society. This is the only religion in the world that wasn't able to evolve along with societies.
This is like the Americans still taking the amendments seriously.


>following christian doctrine
>having anything else to do with christianity than crosses

>holding signs

Top equivalency.

That explains it I guess. I wonder if somebody couldn't get away with it though. "I was so overwhelmed by the loss of [insert family member] that I just snapped". Get off on psychiatric grounds and let them try to sue you from a coffin.

I hope these people feel stupid now.

No, no, no. The KKK is great.

Why are you goys being so un-memely?

Most liberals in the U.S. and in Canada .

The KKK and the WBC aren't killing anyone and if they would, they would be scrutinized and dealt with already.
Nobody is dealing with ISIS, we're literally just waiting for them to attack us every few months, let the cops clean up the mess, say our Facebook prayers and then be glad it wasn't our children that got blown into a thousand pieces that day.
Then there's thousands of these fucks pointing fingers at things having nothing to do with ISIS to avert people from the real problem because it might offend some people to say that there is a group of Muslim radicalists out there who want to kill people in the name of their faith.

Literally fucking madness, I remember that even during 9/11 liberals atleast wanted to have a talk about Islam and what should happen next.

Christians don't go and kill homos in most countries of the world with a Christian majority. Islam is just Islam. You follow the fucking word of god and kill every infidel AMD wage constant jihad until Islam rules the world. That's the core of Islam. You can't take that away.

I doubt that very much . They will never admit any mistake .

It hilarious, because Fred Phelps was a big civil right advocate back in the day. Such a bizarre group of people.

>let the cops clean up the mess

Yes, yes. Call the janitors.

Clean up this mess.

Let the ape-fricans run loose!