Greenland to vote on independence 2020, full West Nordic liberation within grasp

>Greenland has begun the formation of an independent constitution. The constitutional committee will hand in its results and the constitution of an independent Greenland will be put to a referendum in 2020.

>Greenland already has some self-rule, but is still in essence a county of the D*nish empire, along with the Faroe Islands and D*nmark itself.

>The constitutional committee will visit Iceland and the Faroe Islands, the former an independent country and the latter far along the process of writing its own constitution. Greenlanders intend to learn from their neighbours, says Vivian Motzfeldt, head of the Greenlandic constitutional committee.

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literally who?

Missed these threads lad

so will independent greenland actually happen in 2020 because their economy still needs much diversification

Man they're gonna regret it so hard if they do. The only thing that keeps Greenland afloat is their lifeline to Denmark. I can't see how they'll survive as an independent nation. What are they gonna export, Ice and Suicide?

Same shit people talk about Quebec, Catalonia, Cascadia, Basque Country...

Based on that, I've concluded you guys don't really analyze the individual situations before barking this shit. You're just parroting the same shit over and over.

Thinking is hard, eh?

My guess is that there is oil or gold or something under that rock. The people there are natives and they would NEVER give up their gibs without a good reason.

Well prove him wrong

>Well prove him wrong
Yeah... nah. He's the one barking conclusions, so he's the one who should prove it.

Those places if losing their integration with the rest of the nation would face massive loses because they are extremely interconnected. nothing would change for Quebec except having to pay more bill all on there own.

Try thinking instead of huffing monkey shit jenkem

There's a big fucking difference between developed regions like Quebec and Catalonia and a sparsely populated economically stunted wasteland like Greenland.

Unlike those places Greenland actually is a shithole and I guarantee it will turn 3rd world within a decade of independence

>What are they gonna export, Ice and Suicide?

Confusing "nation" and "country", showing clear ignorance on the subject: check.
Not providing any proof, data or even sources, but just barking more affirmations: check.
Added insults to show annoyance, in the Sup Forums equivalent of "waahh!" whining: check.

Thanks for proving my point.

>sparsely populated economically stunted wasteland
australia did ok.

You look a bit more reasonable, at least you do realize the specificity of the situation. But then compare Greenland with Iceland: both are sparsely populated icy wastelands, and the Icelandic economy is also quite problematic. And yet they're doing fine.

So. What would prevent a hypothetical independent Greenland from becoming like Iceland? What would turn them a "3rd world country" that doesn't apply to Iceland?

Iceland isn't literally like 95% ice like Greenland is

Seriously look at the biggest settlement, it's like a small fishing down on a patch of green on the coast surrounded by nothing but ice

Yeah but unlike Greenland we actually have parts of our country that are green and fertile. Plus most Greenlanders are natives.

Greenland has a LOT of problems m8. Geographically, economically and culturally they are nothing like Iceland, despite the fact that Iceland also used to be part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

So? Its population and effective area is still larger than San Marino, Monaco and Liechtenstein. Unless one of those is sitting on a pile of some resource I'm unaware of, productive area isn't really a huge of a deal.

Both are small in population. Both have a harsh climate and a small productive area (although I agree Iceland has a more forgiving geography).

On culture and natives, you might be into something. How are the Greenlandic production means, and how they differ from other small countries?

My point still stands. What will they do once they are off the government teat? They have to come up with their own taxation (lol if people in that area dodge it), border polices and restart international relation with neighbors an the world.

They said exactly the same shit about Iceland.

You fail to understand one simple fact: the D*nish are leeches; ringworms; parasites that brainwash their hosts to believe that they need them. Greenland has hella gold and minerals, hella water, and loads of potential for power generation.

As an independent country close to Canada and more importantly the United States, they will be able to leverage their position to get good deals from those countries i.e. "hmmm ur taxing my exports, Russians don't do that, they are a true friend and business partner, I will allow them a navy base" etc. as we have done. As a slave of the Danish imperialist, the only factor in Greenlandic geopolitics was whether their oppressors would exploit them this way or that way.

Þú getur tekið konunginn úr ríkinu, en ekki ríkið frá konungnum.

>both small in population

300k vs 50k

congrats greenland.
so, what's the first thing your gonna do once your independent?

Considering the amount of rare earth minerals there and their population of like 55k, they would get a huge amounts of gibs if they did become independent

What's preventing Canada and America from making Greenland it's total bitch? You are right about the Danish but what's gonna prevent them from fucking with Greenland?

Fuck yeah break free from those oppressive D*nish pig farmers!

it is your destiny!

It's not like Iceland doesn't have its own problems.
And Greenland is full of drunk suicidal natives who only survive off of gibmedats
Also they're not white.

Just... Why would anyone want independence? I'd slaughter million of British enfants just to be under the rule of a benevolent yet distant master

>someone else does everything for you
>you get all the benefits
>bonus: you can make dank friends that live abroad, speak your language and have funny yet inferior, as there is no something superior to Italian culture, manners
>bonus bonus: in the event of a crisis so hard you're forced to emigrate, you can go to the master's country

All the benefits, none the responsibilities.

>all these shitholes not learning their lesson from ex British colonies

collective suicide to celebrate

and that lesson is what ?

Not being taxed into the ground by a monarch mob that doesnt give a shit about you anyways?

USA shown the world why it's better to be independent than under the british crown boot.

That's never how it works and it fucks with your head overtime.

1. gold and minerals -> loadsa money

2a. Loadsa money -> Hydropower -> Loadsa power -> Power-heavy industries (aluminium, silicone, smelting in general) -> loadsa jobs and money

2b.Fish -> Rent fishing quota directly from Greenland instead of getting robbed by D*nes -> loadsa money -> use money for ships -> loadsa jobs and money

3. Loadsa D*nish salt and tears -> season seafoods -> world famous cuisine

4. Shipping ->build gucci shipping industry --> West Nordic trade is over 9000 -> loadsa money

5. Faroese liberation -> D*nes #BTFO + D*nish collapse -> Mass suicides in D*nmark -> loadsa publicity/world is shocked -> void in North Atlantic shipping trade-> $L$O$A$D$$A $

6. Global warming -> Weather is gucci -> D*nmark under sea level-> Extinction of D*nes -> Joint West Nordic space program -> 1ST extrasolar colony -> LOADSA space credits

>country that elected drumpf has shown the world why it's better to be independent than under the british crown boot

Why would anyone want to be part of a nation/empire that shits on them, don't think they equals no matter what and would throw them under a bus or 5 if they can.

>t retard that thinks democracy and voting really works

geee, you'd think someone that borders russia so close would know a thing or 2 how shit works.

You won't do shit, world isn't a turn based strategy game where you just send troops, Greenland will be a UN member state, and VERY probably in NATO (NORTH ATLANTIC treaty organization) with a vote that you need, or need to at least not have opponents have. You will send money to them like us to keep them happy, and they will be, win-win.

Good luck Greenland

That's a little odd to read from an user living in a nation which leads a parasitic existence within the EU. Bit of a head scratcher, to be honest.

Least they'd have less suicide by having anything to do with the clog wogs

Go to Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe and say that then you spastics.

what you know about us you fucking anglo downunder straylian retard?

stay out of serious discussions and go back to your worthless shitposting fucking perfidious scum

Splendid post my man

Why the fuck are danes letting this happen and letting go all natural resources there? Fucking stupid. There are barely anyone living there.

Zimbabwians did a very good thing br purging anglos off their lands

I think all of Afrika should, follow up with this.

The entire world needs to put you anglos in your place and make you pay for your crimes

and pay in blood

And Im pretty sure I see it coming to that

Give me one example at how it wasn't like this in the whole Canadian history


Are you typing

A mongo

Polish fuck?

And the rest ate doing fine

Not talking about troops

o czym ty pierdolisz anglo smieciu?

nie gadam po tym skurwiałym języku


Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called Greenland, D*nmark's hordes face obliteration! Just there the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers, knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 50.000.

Yet they stare now across the plain at 50,000 Greenlanders commanding 420,000 free Icelanders and Faroesr! The enemy outnumber us a paltry thirty to one; good odds for any West-Nordic. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine! Give thanks, men! To West Nordic liberation, and the brave 50,000! To victory!

>New research indicates that more than half of all Danish boys develop breasts during puberty. This is a source of worry and embarrassment for many of them.

>When puberty sets in, it is not only in the girls’ locker room that breasts start to appear.

>Scientists have, for the first time, studied the prevalence of breast development in Danish boys, and the new study suggests that more than half of all Danish boys develop mammary glands during puberty.

>”When we looked at boys who are in a particular stage of their puberty, we observed that up to 60 percent of the boys had breast development,” says Mikkel Grunnet Mieritz, MD, who headed the new study as part of his PhD project at the Department of Growth and Reproduction at the Copenhagen University Hospital.

>He points out that the small male breasts are usually harmless, but that for many adolescent boys the female attributes lead to worry and embarrassment.

Woohoo. That's great news. Denmark needs to stop being imperialistic. It's very bad.

Yeah, and there's also the potential future of trade along the transpolar sea routes. All nations in the arctic could stand to benefit from that, Greenland especially so.

>tfw Isac isn't coming back

You and I both know what happen. Let it go user...

>is probably a pajeet
>lives in the White man's country
>"w-we did fine on our own"

Did you guys know USA had a big base in greenland bored into a fucking glacier and then they put a nuclear reactor in it that then fucking had a meltdown and contaminated vast swathes of glacier that has been trickling into the environment for decades now?

Fucking gold lmao

burgers STRONK!

For some reaosn the massive contamination isn't listed on the wikipedia.. It was in the documentary made by US engineers corp. Find it on youtube lads you'll see.


Godspeed Greenland

We the Germanic people were in Greenland before the Eskimo. It is our land!

Good. Greenland is a huge drain on the Danish welfare system

Ah yes. I'm sure Australia, USA and New Zealand are secretly wishing Great Britain would come back and save them from being such 3rd world shitholes.

When is Norway going to take back Iceland?

Hmmm strange how you've listed those countries comprised almost entirely of British ethnicity. Why is that, Pekka?

>"hmmm ur taxing my exports, Russians don't do that, they are a true friend and business partner, I will allow them a navy base"

Im sure that if Argentina wanted their Malvinas back they could take them with a small push and shove in that region

your empire is dead one s going to fight to preserve it.

your best hope right now lies with just grabbing resources like in the middle east,where you literally destroyed Iraq, or near mexico, where youve cause an ecological disaster.

All britshits shoud be murdered on sight

wielki chuj wam w dupe


>Kallaliit is a minority language and Danish is still spoken by the majority
>Economy and alcoholism is entirely dependent on the Danish state
>School literally doesnt go past 7th grade there
>Their entire sovereignity is defended by Denmark
>The US, Chinese and Russians will stop at nothing to get their hands on them

Nationalism and Denmark getting btfo aside, this will only hurt the average Greenlander similarly to but much worse than Brexit. Realistically Greenland isnt ready for independence.

And this is noticable among the political parties.
Like two weeks ago Siumut re-elected Kim Kielsen as President, while Vittus Qujaukitsoq, a stout supporter of complete independence, lost hard.

If anything its going to be a formal granting of sovereign independence, while still being a part of the Danish Realm and being dependent of it.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrule brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrytanya

brrrrrrrrrrrrrytanya rrrrrrrrrrrule teh waves.

lmfao pathetic desperate losers

When they stop learning Danish in school.

How long before an independent Greenland becomes a province of Canada?

and what? Take over the only native inuit/eskimo country in the world? Isnt that racist?

Cuckold mentality. Bet you love the Queen

looks like they hired ukranians to build their reactor

ukranians are deliberately spreading The Zone


What the actual fuck



>alcoholism is entirely dependent on the Danish state

>Vittus Qujaukitsoq

>gain muh freedumbs
>gibs stop overnight
>all state-run companies are shut down
>99% of income gone overnight
>no gibs
mfw they will still spend all their money importing carlsberg anyways LMAO

You actually think they work to afford their lifestyle?

why didn't you ethnically cleanse them? there are so few of them.

More like they would want to join us over time. I didn't mean annexation.

You should ask what's keeping America from making Canada it's total bitch. The US prefers not having outright conflict in its backyard, and it's willing to go to great lengths to preserve it.

If Canada were to do something stupid like attacking Greenland though, all bets are off - you'd be burger'd.

Because, geographically speaking, they don't have the means to administer it effectively. Greenland was appropriated by the US immediately when it entered WW2 and turned into a naval base. The Danes know they literally don't have the resources or means to hold on to it if shit hits the fan. That's usually a good indication that a territory should be independent.

I'd like to know how they plan to mine those frozen goodies. If it is the same old story "wait for climate change", never mind.

That leaf was retarded but so is your post.

How is my post retarded? The US isn't interested in invading Canada as long as Canada isn't starting shit. If it breaks the peace though, the US will totally invade Canada.

Why would you think anything else would happen?

Not that Canada would bother Greenland but even if they did America would do sanctions at the worst and more likely nothing at all.

your family have funny names

Best of luck to the Greenlanders
Hopefully the danish government will respect their right to self-determination

Good luck Kalaalits, kick the D*nes out.

Why bother with sanctions when the easiest way to stop Canada messing with Greenland is to invade and knock out your logistics?

Sanctions are what we use for countries halfway across the world wtih nukes that we'd rather not fuck with. Canada is easy to fuck with. We'd just rather not if we don't have to.

t. 15 year old

Imagine if Australia were fully independent. It'd be a massive shithole no better than current South American countries. You just weren't brave enough to break free from your colonizers

San Marino, Monaco and Liechtenstein are also close to other countries though.

why? can that shitty slab of giant ice keep itself afloat on its own??

>What are they gonna export, Ice and Suicide?

They'll quickly realise they won't be able to sustain themselves without Nordic cock up their arse.