How do you people not get tired of 18th century functional harmony and tonality...

How do you people not get tired of 18th century functional harmony and tonality? Don't you get sick of hearing the same major and minor key bullshit?

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i didn't major in music, so you're going to have to say that again but as if you were speaking a 2 year old.

Minor and major keys slap hard bro

Translation: "where's the drop?"

The majority of popular music does not emphasize a strong tonic/dominant relationship and imply modality rather than tonality. ""Natural minor"" is a modal key.

Source me homie

Ah yeah that's why those chord progressions end on V and start on I....

how do you people not get tired of 18th century english. dont you get sick of the same 26 character bullshit?

Probably because the sonic quality of todays music can be tweeked with to levels previously thought impossible.

That’s why I listen to harsh noise

If you want to be a true musician of the 21th century you need to destroy the following perceptions of music:

1) Standard harmony.
2) The Drum Kit.
3) Traditional timbres.

How the fuck are you going to make original music if you use conservative chords, drum sounds and patterns and unimaginative soundscapes?

Too many people jerking off over standardized chord progressions OP i'm glad you made this post.

How do you people not get tired of billion year old atom interactions? Don't you get sick of observing the same atomic connection bullshit?

People use those progressions because they're good you nigger

But user, 18th century harmony and tonality is the shit that really cuts to your soul. Harmony hasn't ever been as powerful as when used by Bach, Schutz, Pergolesi, etc.

18th century harmony and tonality, with its secondary dominants, constant modulations, careful contrasts of tension and release is literally some of the highest quality music ever written - and also some of the most impactful emotionally.

Take these for example:

everything is duality/ tension and release. everything in reality is a mirror defined by its opposite. you like music user you already know this. start useful conversations for human discourse. dont sully music with these notions.

It's like how if you shuffled a deck of cards in every possible way it would take longer than the life of the universe but with notes. Also it's based on the overtone series which is naturally occurring. It's like asking why people don't get tired looking at nature: it's just rock and trees and plants and water.

no i like it it's not threatening

yeaa... try B for this kind of post

Functional harmony is okay sometimes but I prefer stuff that lives at the very edge of recognizable harmonic function- Bartok, Shostakovich, Debussy and modern jazz

Well do you get tired of the english language?

Hmm, I feel like I want to do something, but I don't know what.

dunno. i like baroque and renessaince classical. maybe thats why

>because they're good you nigger
This has been the same old argument by traditionalists since the fucking medieval ages, user. Sooner or later, they will be replaced.
Okay grandpa time to let go of Bach and maybe try something else.

This is not remotely the same and the English language is not the same as 200 years ago but okay.

This could be a reason, yes. Timbre can be manipulated a million times so I guess it prolongs any harmonic progressions.

What a non-argument and your first part is absolutely false.

Good taste.

Renaissance is modal tho.

I did get tired of it, that's why these days I'm only listening to pre-common practice music (including reconstructed music from antiquity), Webern, harsh noise and Istrian microtonal folk music.


>Istrian microtonal folk music

My nigga

18th Century English is different. And he didn't say get rid of notes, but certain harmony structures.

This is why I only write and listen to microtonal music.

check out these terrible analogies lol

>Also it's based on the overtone series which is naturally occurring.
that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't go further; there are plenty of possible consonances that aren't used in conventional Western music

Most of my favourite popular music albums are rooted in classical minimalism and modal jazz

Names pls