Feminists fight for women's rights

>feminists fight for women's rights

What rights don't they have in this country? Can anyone explain it to me?

Women still can't play golf at Augusta.

Oh, woe is me.

Women have more rights than men. Women have the right to alienate a father from his child and women have the right to take money from the father.

Women have more education and reproductive rights than men.

I'm honestly trying to think of a place where men have a right women don't and I'm at a loss.

That's because women have more rights than men, not less.

Women have access to quotas, affirmative action (has helped white women more than minorities), full control of reproduction, countless female-only educational help such as scholarships and grants, full control in domestic disputes (the larger person is apprehended, not the initiator), women receive less harsh punishments in courts of law...

the list goes on and on and on.

I believe the push for "equal" rights stems from the alleged "wage gap"
Also, DONT MAKE ME REGISTER FOR THE DRAFT! I only want equality when its good for me!

Completely false.

Equal Pay Act of 1963 - women have had a right to equal pay for over 50 years.

Muh rape culture shitlord


The wage gap myth stems from completely ignoring factors like choice of occupation and hours worked.

Thats why I said alleged they're misinterpreting data.
Also see: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was supposed to be Obama's answer to the "Equal Pay Act of 1963 and its enforcement" yet what has the LLFPA changed? Nothing. Because women are paid equally already, and it is enforced in courts of law.

Ask any feminist what LLFPA did to give women equal pay. The answer is: nothing they're already paid equally.

So if it's the first time they've encountered somebody not being forced to listen, why are their lives sad? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Really makes you think, huh

right now they want "equal" outcome (only when it works in their favor)
they want benefits that often go to men without actually working to get it themselves.

The right to not be responsible for their own actions.

They want that sweet gibzmedat

Why does anyone assume that people getting give a shit what anyone else thinks. Protip, no one gives a shit about whiny feminists on twitter- except other whiny cunts on twitter

Exactly and they're still bitching about it

Reminder that women in Sweden started suing universities for gender discrimination because the gender ratio was 60%female/40% male, and affirmative action kicked in - in favor of males - causing female applicants to be rejected in favor of equal gender representation

they won their cases

When liberals don't realize a white men created their "safe space"