I'm taking summer classes to rack up some extra college credit...

I'm taking summer classes to rack up some extra college credit. I ended up being in a pretty liberal political science class.

I want to write an essay about how mass Muslim migration is ruining Europe. But not sure where to start.

Could some of you guys explain to me why you think Muslim migration is ruining Europe? Socially, culturally, or economically.

Thank you

Bro just read some books.
>Political science class
Dude please tell me you're meming.


Start with, "the jews invited all the muslims into Sweden because they're anti-white Zionist racists and because liberals are stupid, and then all the greasy, smelly, dark-skinned muslims raped all the beautiful Swedish, blue-eyed, blond-haired boys and girls.

Basically, the muslims ruined europe.

The big three. Just show the numbers and try to keep your power level hidden.

1) Migrant joblessness. Their unemployment rates are colossal, and costing EU countries billions in welfare which should be going to their own citizens.

2) Crimewaves fueled by mass Muslim immigration. Like point one, there are statistics showing the correlation between massive increases in crime and increases in Islamic immigrant populations.

3) And this is the tricky one to sell to liberals - insurmountable cultural differences and failure to assimilate. The numbers you're going to want to lean on here are statistics for % of European Muslims support Sharia law over national law. Then point out the various ways Sharia law is LEGALLY incompatible with western democracies.

Stick to statistics, draw very straightforward conclusions from the evidence. You'll still get called a bigot but if you come packing the numbers and keep the tone of your argument grounded to appeal to the audience you're approaching, the less braindead shitlibs will see that you have an actual point.

Just argue from the economics and culture incompatibility side I suppose. Search up some statistics on how many of the refugees are working, how many are studying, how much welfare they receive, etc.
From the culture side you could probably talk about Muslim no go zones and how a significant minority that does not assimilate is harmful to the nation (Redundant services like schools, churches,etc. Different morals leading to crime and hate between the population, etc) but should probably be careful with that if your teacher is "pretty liberal".

>taking polisci instead of finance/wealth management

Read Stephen Coughlin's book Catastrophic Failure.

Don't bother. Your professor will just fail you and you'll be put on the "problematic" list. Just toe the line, get your degree, and find a way to actually make a difference.

Honestly, why bother? It might be a good mental masturbation exercise, but I doubt it's something you're going to be presenting to the class (and even if it was, good luck convincing brain-dead leftist college kids), and I HIGHLY doubt you're going to convince somebody whose entire job revolves around spewing leftist propaganda. At the end of the day, all you're doing is a lot of work for what's liable to end up giving you a shitty grade. With the state of colleges these days, as much as I hate to say it, you're really better off just biting your tongue, going along with the cuck shit, getting your piece of toilet paper, then getting the fuck out.

That picture makes Nazis look awkward as fuck. Tryhard edgy katana guy levels of awkward.

this is your whole essay

Dont forget to mention many of them aren't even from Syria, many are just economic migrants who want to profit off the wealth of white europeans

A lot of universities are pushing mandatory political classes these days. It's how Marxist professors maintain a stranglehold on the narrative. Mandatory "diversity" classes are in the pipeline and will probably be a mainstream part of American college curriculums in ten years or so.

Google kin selection and kin altruism. That will get you started.

I was already upset that I had to learn another language to graduate like 7 years ago. I can't imagine being able to tolerate diversity classes when I already had a full schedule.

based poltard just wrote your essay for you

Start with the great european exodus to the americas,

speak about the genocide inflicted upon the native nation, how now the world is missing its spiritual linked children

and the incredible karmetic nature of the universe, leave home, lose home, invade new home, practically lose all culture, heritage, nationality

world keeps spinning, retards keep being born, inc critical mass

Hitler was a paranoid egomaniac and most of his upper leadership was social outcasts of one sort or another. Not unlikely a good majority of them were literally autistic.

Universities aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're brainwashing centers anymore. Even friends of mine who are lifelong democrats are getting fed up with how blatant and polarizing the people they're paying to educate their children are.

its probably a summer course at a local community college. That's what I'm doing - hell if the university will except the credit.

But at the same time the course is hyper-generic.

I'm going to be a dentist but PS is just a core to get over with

Arabs are IQ 80 subhumans that will never do anything but drag western civilization down.

The human gene pool is the most valuable resource we have. It cannot be allowed to be destroyed.

Just make an essay about "How mass muslim inmigration is a capitalist plot and we fell for it"

Then you get to bash communists professors without getting labelled as a fascist. Yout get to denounce everyone that don't think like you without backlash.

It's actually true by the way, gommies are being played

Fair enough, just lay low and get it over with.

can someone shop in eu flags on the armbands?

This post was very helpful, thank you