Names the plans Stardust

>Names the plans Stardust
>didn't mention that incredibly important fact in his message

So let's say the rebels get the message, they go to retrieve the plans and look up the word deathstar in the data base and can't find it. Oh shit boys, it must be a trap! They all get killed and the rebel fleet is destroyed.



R1 was bad

The movie is crap. What did you expect?

Imagine if you spent as much time thinking about silly entertaining action movies as op, I don't think I could bear it.

He assumed since the message was sent to the black guy (who probs knows her nickname) he would join with the rebels in order to retrieve the plans.

>daughter I care about deeply and want to keep safe please obtain a well defended hard drive in the middle of a imperial base only you will know how to find.

wow the kids movie had elements to make it overly sentimental no way

The nig nog was in bad shape and never would have made it to scariff.

So you're saying that when the nig would meet with the rebels and plan everything, he would say: "hey guys if you see a file called stardust that might be it"


Yeah but it was called stardust in the database in the place. Once they took the drive out thats just the deathstar plans so they don't have to search for it.

They only picked that drive because she remembered his dad calling her Stardust, but if she wasn't there then what?

>Saw Guerrera
>Experienced warrior who saw a lot of war
>Saw War
>Saw Guerrera (Warrior in Spanish)
Even without Lucas the pottery never stops

He says stardust in the holo message

Stop shilling

Rogue 2 is coming out in 2018 and it'll fill out the plot hole of why he didn't give Jyn the plans in the message, or at least explain the Death Star's weakness in broad strokes.


The message was for Jun to watch and remember he calls her Stardust.
And she remembers it when him and Cassien look through the drives.

Yeah but he didn't pointed that word as worth remembering, fuck even Jyn, the one called Stardust, didn't get it immediately when she saw the name of the drive, imagine a random Rebel soldier

The plan had a lot of holes

He can't explicitly say THE FILE IS NAMED STARDUST

>The entire survival of the resistance depends on a single girl and her memory recalling abilities
>Not even a plan B
Well, everything went better than expected

>Makes a point of saying "Stardust" in his message,a pretty distinctive word which wouldn't show up in many places.
>Names the trap file the same word.
>"This is impossible"

What kind of retard would you have to be not to connect the two together? What kind of piss-poor information recall would you have to be legitimately stumped by this?

Say Jyn had died and never seen the message before it was given to the rebels. Say someone else saw it. Say they sent that poor schlub into that room to go and find the data disk, and they're looking through the filenames. Is it really such a leap of the imagination to think that, after having literally heard Erso say "Stardust" very pointedly in his message that they wouldn't even have the slightest feeling of thinking "Gee, I've seen this word before, from the guy who created this whole conspiracy and hid the trap in here for someone who'd seen his message to find. Maybe it's this one."

>What kind of retard would you have to be not to connect the two together?
She, the girl called that way, almost didn't

>Saw War
>Sar War
>Star Wars