Why didn't the Rebels build the shield generator INSIDE the shield?

>Why didn't the Rebels build the shield generator INSIDE the shield?

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>I'll try building the shield generator inside the shield, that's a good trick

Well you need to *project* them shields, see; by definition, you project stuff outside of yourself as one might oftentimes see in this board

why can't the shield generator project a shield around itself

it can project one miles away only? if that's the case, build two, and have them protect each other

>tfw the rebels just wanted to top the empire in faulty designs

read a physics book dude

must've missed the chapter on futuristic shield technology

electromagnetic infetterence

can you recommend me one that has a lot of information about shield projection?

Basement dweller found

>Destroy second shield generator
Check mate rebels.

>mfw uneducated ruffians near me don't know basic shield projection physics

you can't, it's protected by a shield

>Why can't a rigged kamikaze ship jump INTO the Death Star engine room out of hyperspace?
What are the rules?

Shields don't entirely deflect damage, I'd assume. It's like Star Trek.

Drop a light saber on the other side of the planet and it will go through the planet exiting under the shield and blowing up the generator.

what about the 7 proxies?

It would just go to a planets core and then stop.

because its a fantasy movie. All the technology in star wars is treated just like magic. and like magic in movies, it does things when the plot needs it too and fails to do things when the plot needs

Don't post if you're underage

it would get surrounded by magma and destroyed retard

>fall to the middle of a planet due to gravity
>continue past the gravitational pull
Is it the Force?

there's no proof that magma even exists idiot

>calls it fantasy

lmao he doesn't think laser swords, spaceships and beam guns are "sciency" enough *tips*

gravity would stop it too. it would get pulled towards the center and then stop moving, if it wasn't destroyed

>no proof magma exists
what are volcanos

What do you want the rebels to blow their own assholes out?

that's lava dingus. Magma is entirely different. Have you ever even left the grotto of grease that is your bedroom?

>magma and lava are entirely different

lol ok try explaining the difference between lava and magma then, bill nye

>The terms are really are referring to the same stuff (molten rock).

If a shield generator was projecting a shield over a second shield generator, how would the second shield generator be able to project a shield outside of the shield of the first one?

the shields aren't shield proof

At would speed do you think it will reach the gravitational center of the planet? How long do you think it will take gravitational pull to reduce that speed to zero? Read a book! It's sad! It will obviously go about as far on the other side as it was on your side before you dropped it, only then will it go back.

How would they power it if it was inside ?

So then wouldn't the rebels be able to get past the shields by using a shielded ship to fly right through it?

it wouldn't be able to reach terminal velocity because the planet would be resisting the lightsaber the entire fall

lightsabers take awhile to cut through dense material

so it would only reach the center and not any farther

no, the ship would smash into the shields

the shields could get through but not the ship

Show me your calculations, I'm sure there's a mistake somewhere.

Well played.

your like the smartest guy I have ever heard talk about the Wars

Rebels don't have the same resources as state funded armies.

What a cunt.

I was under the impression that they did, hence the ground assault.

Magma is visible at the bottom of the volcano near Grenada, Nicaragua. Lava flows are on top. Yes, I know the difference. Google it.

didnt those roller droids in phantum menace project shields around themselves.

A shield generated by a shield generator doesn't stop landing crafts. Hence why they landed the AT ATs to fuck up the base

why didn't they use the eagles to get past the shield?

Savage my dude, please enlighten me with your in depth knowledge of shield projection physics.

Why didn't OP post his Star Wars thread in another Star Wars thread?

fuck, I almost made it today without laughing at anything on Sup Forums

thanks for breaking that streak user, you got me