Why didn't The Empire just store their plans on Dropbox?

Why didn't The Empire just store their plans on Dropbox?

Why didn't the Empire just encrypt their hard drives?

Why didn't felicity jones find an acorn?

Why didn't they just kill Tarkin's CGI-reanimated zombie with an exorcism?

Why didn't I care about what I was watching?


thanks for reminding me I should go see this in theaters. luckily tomorrow is Saturday!

Why did he throw sand at a Stormtrooper's helmet?

Why did it work?

Dropbox wasnt invented yet (this is canon)

>rabbit teeth
What the hell is she?

NOOOOOOOOOOOO, my fantasy of what bunnyfu is supposed to be has been ruined by this picture of a wrinkle-monster!

Why did the force suddenly stop protecting blind asian man when he reached the control panel?

Because the force doesn't exist. The troopers aim is so bad that they can't even shoot a slowly moving target. Why do you think the other asian guy died not too long after the other one. They were both members of a phony religion.

Why didn't Snoke steal the Death Star plans?

t. Motti

because he stopped chanting after turning on the switch

The vacuum guy was chanting and he still died.

So the radio transmission could get through the shield but the file couldn't? Because the file was too large? Does this make sense or no

if they can move what they see and if they can see with the force, why didn't they just use the force to flip the switch from a very far away safe place

He became one with the Force. He decided to join The Force.

Screencap this. Donnie Yen will be in Episode 8 or 9 as a Force Ghost.

He wasn't that good with the force

Because he had fulfilled his purpose. The Force seeks balance, and because the activation of the switch served to further the events of the OT and eventual balancing of the Force, he was no longer required to live in the grand scheme of things.

Why did the Enpire think they needed Jyn's father to build the Death Star when in fact they didn't? Did they expend resources to go get him without even checking with their other scientists first to see if they could do it?

Why are there still movies showing terrorists rebelling against a lawful governing body? Why are we still expected to accept this rebellion as "legitimate" when the Empire has never been shown doing anything wrong, other than using their military force to subjugate terrorists and those who support them?

True, but I think it would have been more kino if he had gotten shot down before reaching the panel, and then used the force to flip it. He dies knowing everything he did for the force was worth it, and his friend is also shown that the force is real.

The second asian dude din't belive in the force, until the end. Also, the force stopped protecting him because he was going onto a suicide mission. He didn't expect to get out of that one, the force was with him but at a certain extend. He used all his belief in the force to complete his last mission before he died, making his death worth something.

>Why didn't The Empire just store their plans on Dropbox?

They did. Scarif was where the Dropbox servers were located. They had to hit the datacenter itself because Vader doesn't use email and couldn't be phished.