Liberte, egalite, fraternite

Liberte, egalite, fraternite

>An 18-year-old with a history of psychological problems was arrested on Saturday at the Eiffel Tower after brandishing a knife and shouting "Allahu Akbar"
how the fuck islam isn't psychological problem

fugggg :DDD

don't worry, french women are safe in bali getting monkey cock.

The vehicle of peace strikes again.

reap what you sow



Come on now, some these people have recorded medical history, at some point a specialist saw them and concluded they were off the rails, but not enough to institutionalize, should it just be ignored for the sake of a narrative?
Let's be real even a kufar hating arabu bombar isn't usually suicidal, it has to be the outliers that take action. Or those who've spent time in a terror cell with leadership.

Another wh*tey bites the dust

too bad this will never be enough retribution for all of the horrific crimes wh*tes have done

do you sleep?

It's the "greek" guy, he is going with a new personality.
turkflag, that hates whites and posts black people


Christ, mental illness seems terrifying

Yes, why do you think the posts of him is "gone" and replaced with this new one.

I figured he'd been banned a while ago or something I guess

Mods really don't do shit around here

Newfag, the fuck whites guy is old as fuck

okay okay ikibey hop over the border back to turkey now

Note that literally every time there is a terrorist attack they add that the perpetrator has "a history of psychological problems".

>Note that literally every time there is a terrorist attack they add that the perpetrator has "a history of psychological problems".
Normal people generally do not engage in terrorist acts.

>Newfag, the fuck whites guy is old as fuck

I won't tell you how I know because that is a bad thing, would make people scared to get a vacation.

Wait until we start calling them asians just like the UK does

How shitty armed soldiers you gotta be when multiple ones get run over by same car?

nobody died, arabs cant even drive dangerously when they want to

They were in the process of surrendering.

chinese terrorist when?


>be european
>get trucked

>how the fuck islam isn't psychological problem
It is, but we just call them religions instead

pickle rick is in the house tonight