How do we fix America's broken education system?


1. Take some control over who can create children genetically, and who can socialize them as a parent, ensuring a good crops of people capable of superior intelligence.
2. Educate them in a Montessori with emphasis on essential basic in math/science and early development of language skills in multiple languages.
3. Balance it all with physical activity and short breaks, none of this insane "summer vacation" BS where they forget half of what they learned.

Extreme segregation an option

I know Germany has a system that separates students based upon academic performance. But a it wouldn't work here when all the niggers are at the bottom and crying systematic racism

>How do we fix America's broken education system?

> Elect Trump
> End Common Core


>Take public schools
>Throw them in the garbage can

I've made it my life goal to start a private school, or several if I can find the resources.

Right now I'm about to start my first year as a private school teacher, then its on to get my MBA.


Start encouraging minority groups like BLM to demand "safe space" schools for black children where they can learn about black history and black culture from black teachers without facing racial prejudice.

They'll eat that shit up and we'll have voluntary segregation.



So Malcolm X?


Boycott, it's already broken. Have a stay at home wife to collect welfare and homeschool the kids. Push back at the system until it breaks.

1. Kick out all 5th column Jews

all problems fixed!


fuck off porky

Be redpilled. Become a teacher. Redpill the youth subversively.


Aren't teachers supposed to teach from the book these days?

Yeah, that's how you kill the student.

Don't forget the importance of teaching experience and viewpoints, some times the only shit kids will remember is the special little tidbits that seem out of place, will stick with them for a long time.

Start by dismantling the Department of Education.

Then, create a startup that helps motivated parents create standardized tests for kids in their own local school districts. Then, on a voluntary basis, students can take "standardized" tests in anything (Computer Science, Math, Music, History, whatever) depending on what the based parents in the school district think and do.

Then, different school districts would start to compete with each other on the basis of these voluntary tests.

Soon, all the smart kids (today, that would include a lot of Asian kids) will be taking the test and doing well, while the stupid kids will not take the tests because they're too busy playing video games.

Then, all the Asian kids will get scholarships and the dumb kids will be stuck watching "Idiocracy".

kek, i bet this will happen to us soon.
"poor refugees always score worst and get put in worst schools. our teachers must be racist"

I'm so fucking glad I'm not in school anymore, I pity the poor first graders that will have to deal with that shit.


>Voucher based schooling system.
>From schooling budget each student is given a lump of education cash in the form of a voucher.
>Private schools take vouchers as payment and can exchange them for cash from public school budget
>All public schools are now private
>public schools must show competitive results for parents to want to spend their vouchers at those schools
>Smaller schools with excellent results and curriculums will be in high demand
>particularly enterprising schools may open franchises to meet demand
>class sizes likely reduced to numbers most conducive to success
>no longer will there be three qualified applicants for every open teaching position as more teachers will go into business for themselves

But teachers unions would fuck it up somehow.

>ban private schools
>ban homeschooling
>mandatory education up to grade 10
>in grade 4 they take a test in maths/sciences/english and in grade 5 they are distributed to schools according to their ranking in that test
>same for grade 8/9
>common core
>get rid of useless subjects and teachers that are in "just to boost grades"
>higher pay for teachers
>secret spying on teachers to monitor performance, because knowing that they're being monitored will turn that into a farce that doesn't reflect reality

Long term solutions:

>Privatize the system and let creative individuals find the best way to teach kids.

>Come up with better ways to measure intelligence and learning that's not multiple choice tests and grades. Grades are a distraction from learning.

Shorter term solutions:

>Separate sports and academics permanently.

>Hire teachers over the age of 30 and make sure there is at least a 50/50 balance between male and female teachers.

I think some of the biggest reasons the system sucks is that sports have gutted our the education part of the education system. The administration seems more concerned with giving the popular, good looking kids most are athletes as much attention and resources as they can while ignoring the rest of the class room. (Waiting for Superman went into this and proved you get judged by how you look in school.) Also every study on the subject has shown schools don't turn a profit with sports programs.

This happens because they hire young girls who graduated like 6 years before and they are still stuck in high-school level social maturity.

So the system puts this social/sexual selection system above learning in the first place. Tons of kids who could of been a lot better off are left behind in favor of the ones who will party away their scholarships and drop out of college.

Also education/academia seeks to reproduce itself. They don't teach you things for the real world, school trains you to be good a school. I'd like an education system that spend half it's time on the intellectual things and the other half on the more hands-on things. Make it a requirement that every kid who graduates knows how to perform basic car maintenance and drive. Drivers ed and auto shop 101 are required courses. So would basic cooking, because so many people are going to work in food service anyway and it teaches people how to prepare meals for themselves for life.

Leave it to the states.

>>ban homeschooling

Also ban the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, and while you're at it the 4th Amendment as well.

for fuck's sake

this guy gets it.

Those gears would jam wtf

>I know Germany has a system that separates students based upon academic performance.

>Be me at kindergarden
>they separate the class into 3 groups
>The Lions
>The Tigers
>The Giraffes

guess which group was the dumb shits?

Already happening, the are closing all retard schools and most Hauptschule , everybody from literal retards to figurative retards is sent to Realschule now and what used to be Realschule kids are set to Gymnasium

I'm really jealous of homeschooled students, their family could afford it while both my parents worked to pay the bills and sent me to public school without thinking about it.

"yes, our economy NEEDS immigrants!!"

just fuck us up already.

reminder that at least 75% of home schooled kids are evangelical Christians, and that all that education is thrown away after they graduate from college and become a TV pastor

You guys like to act like edgy alt-right extremists but deep down you're just average run of the mill senior citizen Republicucks.

Make it a state by state issue instead of a single, bureaucratic monster that only cares about the money they make from textbook deals.

>How do we fix America's broken education system?
Get rid of all of the fucking kikes, and stop wasting precious resources on niggers with average 85 IQs.


It isn't as bad as most people think. Most shitty schools are shitty because the kids have low IQs and the parents aren't involved. Most schools with smart students and involved parents are excellent.

I think charter schools on the whole help, but many are just money grabs where kids sit in front a computer and are told to read free resources on the internet (literally).

I think school vouchers might work, but it should initially be limited to good schools that actually send kids to college. This might help poor kids who have involved parents, saving them from the shit public and charter schools they have in their area.

I'll take it a step further and say our schools are actually pretty good, it's just niggers and spics keep the test scores low and make them look bad.


Schools need to figure out how to test kids in ways that both involve parents and shame underperforming schools.

Make the tests opt-in events. Smart kids would show up, dumb kids wouldn't. If a test became popular (like a programming language test near Seattle or Silicon Valley) it could be "franchised" and shared more broadly.

>make students choose which school they want to go, if they have the means to do so
>fire worthless teachers
>segregate boys and girls- only time they mix is in lunch and before/after school
>make them understand that its bad to be fat

>make them understand that its bad to be fat
We had a nutrition and wellness program that every freshman had to attend.

>shame underperforming schools
that's counter-productive
you need to build from the bottom up and bring those up to par with the performant ones

The nogs?

Remove leftists from your education sector first, then make everything meritocratic

Afterwards cut funding to humanities departments and transfer them to STEM departments

>cut funding to humanities
there are plenty of subjects that don't fall in the nigger studies and philosophy bullshit:
>visual arts


>thinking unions will allow competition to improve schooling

Theyll strike and let the youth go years without education if it came to it

>Hire teachers over the age of 30

I think we need to somehow make teaching more attractive to older people. People who have worked in different fields for some time, have done well in health/finance/etc and then decided its time to lead an easier quieter lifestyle. Having 20yr olds teaching 17yr olds just doesnt work the majority of the time. These fresh teachers bring now experience and knowledge that these children dont have as a tiny gap separates the two. There is more to teaching than the curriculum, teachers are more than those who grade your papers, they are your portal to information about the real world out there and its not much of a portal when a teacher left the school bubble for another only to return withing 3 years.

>>segregate boys and girls

>in 2016

in for a world of hurt

>Make education at state level
>all southern states teach creationism and ban science classes
>the rest teach there are thousands of genders and no racial differences
great idea


You're on to something here. So how can one convince others from all manners and walks of life to want to educate children after their high times have come and gone?

American culture makes them proud of being ignorant.
You can't fix that at school.

It should be enticing enough desu. I plan on going back to teach once i turn 40, it was something i enjoyed and did tutoring on the side for money. I enjoyed it but had no delusions regarding the money i would make in a career of it so left it. My current career path will have me financially secure and well off, enough that i can go back at 40 and teach along with whatever knowledge i have gained.

I met at least 2 others in my field of work who enjoyed teaching but left because of the pay. Why arent more people returning now? I imagine there just arent that many willing to walk away from a high paying job and teach. Lord knows if ill be able to walk away from whatever it is ill make10 years from now for half the money but there definitely is an issue of the blind leading the blind with new teacher graduates. Maybe shifting it so that it is a post graduate degree?

>Maybe shifting it so that it is a post graduate degree?
following this, a similar system to my current field of work in that if i wish to specialise i require 3yrs in the field before i am allowed to come back to uni, it would weed out a lot of people who use it as a fall back and promote those who have a passion for teaching more as they would be the ones to return.

Theres probably a bunch of holes in this idea but im throwing things at the wall here

It's how all ideas start to get good. I for one would support an education system whose teachers have seen some shit beforehand.

Whats your stance on Kindergarten and the earlier grades? Can we relax the rule you proposed for that? I mean at least with little kids, there is a significant age gap- so long as if the kids teaching them are mature to compensate too. Right?

kindergarten is kindergarten, i went to a school where i didnt find out what an exam was until high school. Playing sports and painting all day didnt seem to impact me much but there are others who would want a stricter regiment for the young. My friend comes from such a background and we both are pretty much the same. All thats different is i had way more fun.

Baby sitters who teach the alphabet desu, its rude but yeah, it is what it is. Whether or not the whole social science behind teaching kids is true or not i cant comment, ill make an ignorant statement here and say eh, doesnt matter.

I went to school in the Midwestern U.S. My schools were all track based. You could also take an IQ test in elementary school to move onto the 'gifted and talented' track, which allowed skipping grades and compacting multiple classes together and doing all sorts of interesting independent study work. By the end of high school I was 3 years ahead in math and science, mostly taking college classes, and had independently studied 8 extra AP classes that the school didn't offer. I went to MIT after graduating.

You just have to pick the right school. Common core likely would have made life much more difficult in some ways, though. You really need gifted teachers who will fight against the system to free up space for you to maneuver.


American posters vary from some downright stupid motherfuckers to some of the smartest posters on this site.

I'm beginning to understand when they say there is as much variation between states as there are between nations now


Look up the reports of the 2 educators on the board that aproved it.
Look up dont stay in school on youtube if you can

Yeah pretty much this. Teachers need to be well-qualified, smart and competent socially as well as academically. The teacher job is not attractive enough and so they have to take whatever borderline retards they can find.

Although I'm not entirely sure how much I like IQ tests at the elementary school level.

>le privatize everything meme

Kill yourself, memecuck

The public system has failed where the private has flourished, what is so radical about this?

Break the left's control over it.

>development of language skills in multiple languages


I went to private school and I'd say I turned out alright.

Maybe we should just privatize the schools....

you can't really fix it. send your kids to private schools if you can afford to do so, or home-school them.

TFW these humanities professions are likely to be the last of the ones to be automated.

Remove minorities. White American children are doing fine.

Systems like that are bad for average kids because they have to stay with the tards while better performing kids (not necessarily smarter) get to continue their education in superior environment.

Gut middle management frauds out of the system

You just gotta tell them to post more memes and get into pure meme magic wisdom. Just talk about pepes and jews, and they will get the rest. Easy peazy lemon squeezy.

internet and working out

eventual realization what you want from the world and what you would like to do

One school ends up out in front. They already had good students and lots of funding in their district so they pull ahead immediately. They quickly begin to have applications in triplicate of their available size, and are able to select only the best of the best. Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum you've got the inner city school with no funding, horrible students, and shit teachers. No parent ever wants to send their children there, so they get the dregs of the system that couldnt get in anywhere else.

Aaaannnndddd you now haven't solved everything. Your highschools are now divided up like colleges, with ivy league, state schools, community college, and ITT tech tier schools.

How again would your system solve anything?

Romania coming up with education reform. lol

youre right, how do we solve the university problem where we have ivy leagues and shit community colleges?

DESU though it's very simple. Pay teachers more money.

No proficient person wants to become a teacher because of the shit pay. Jack up the pay and you'll get quality teachers rather that the people who couldn't make it in the real world.

Also, I had the idea that all teachers must be retirees. They must have actually worked and be experienced enough to teach someone rather than just spit out shit from a book.

While the system (common core) is stupidly broken. All the management dickwads are the ones fucking things up and preventing change. Pretty much like any business

That's why I said cut funding, not completely abolish

I'd also make it such that humanities are minor only degrees, making an exception to law

Privatize it

>edgy comment
>has obviously only been on Sup Forums for a week

Don't have children unless you can afford private schooling.

Great advise !


he's right though. the only faggots who bitch about common core base their underage opinion on those cherrypicked memes people post on facebook.

common core is literally no different than "show your work", which i had to do all through school 10-20 years ago.

Make apprenticeship and vocational education great again and a viable alternative to college.

Put a stop to mandatory marxist endoctrination, nerf the campus SJW plague.

End affirmative action, college admission should be earned through grades.

half of what you said is already implemented and it doesn't work

There is a nigger problem, like we have a muslim one here.
You can tweak the schools as much as you want, if there is nobody at home to educate them the failure is unavoidable.

Because it's advantageous in a world dominated by multinational corporations.

You have to get rid of the PC-inspired initiatives and realize that some people are not smart and will not succeed in an academic setting. We need to have more tracking along academic abilities similar to Germany's, but I heard on the radio that Germany's education system is falling apart because Turkish Germans are crying about systemic racism because they are overrepresented in the non-academic track.

Which gets me thinking, does every single Western country with a significant minority population have an achievement gap between Whites/Non Whites (with the exception of Asians)? The US does. Germany does. I heard France and Switzerland do as well...