Episode I

>episode I
>anakin says that no one can kill a jedi
>episode III
>anakin kills all the jedi

>Episode I
>Anakin: "I don't want to be a problem"
>Qui-Gon: "You won't be"

>Episode III
>Anakin is a problem

Qui Gon dies in the same movie when Anakin says that

>Episode II
>Obi Wan: "Sometimes I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me."

>Episode IV
>Anakin is the death of Obi-Wan

>have spaceships that can turn countries the size of Tunisia into a crater
>still use weirdos with laser swords to deal with warfare

pure pottery

>What is collateral damage
>What is wanting to avoid civilian deaths

We have nukes but we stil send people with big boom sticks in to fight our wars

Nukes have never killed innocent people. When a country is at war there are no civilians.

cut my finger reading this

Only a Sith deals in absolutes

But that's an absolute

From a certain point of view

Anakin isn't a One

Because of radioactive fallout, remove radiation and you would see craters all over this planet.

From my point of view shitposting is evil.

God, why 75% of this thread finish by

>posts Palpatine
>post ends in 66

>Order 66

Execute Dubs 66...

Fuckin checked, lad!

Star Wars was released in 1977

>episode IV
>says that Darth Vader killed Anakin
>episode V
>Darth Vader is Anakin

>meme 66

Alright, fuck off with your book garbage is is a movie board.

star wars didnt exist then

>Padme, Leia's mother, died of grief
>Carrie Fisher's mother died of grief

>Qui-Gon Jinn: Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.
>Anakin: I don't think so. No one can kill a Jedi.

>In Episode III there is a Robot that has killed Jedi and taken their laser swords

Oh Christ, it's because sixth lords die like faggots or whatever but Jedi's become ghosts.

Pure ceramic

I have the higher ground, it's over


Mate your autism levels are over 9000



> Mum says "Don't sit around all day watching star wars again. Come to the the beach with us."

> Sand get's everywhere and I hate it

Anakin you're breakin' my balls!

>TPM Maul has higher ground, Obi wins
>ROTS Obi has higher ground, he also wins

Did he have the higher ground though?

>tfw to smart for Star Wars

From s crttsin pointing POV view

it's almost like characters are fallible

Ahead of his time.

When Obi Wan jumps overhead he has the high ground

nice fallacy bro


write in C3P0 and then have Obi-Wan (Ep IV) not notice him when he meets Luke?

you underestimate my digits

>claims to have the higher ground
>gets the higher digits
Pure pottery

Obi wan killed himself
