Posters on this board love to complain that 'rock is dying wa wa wa' but what is it that as a genre rock music does...

Posters on this board love to complain that 'rock is dying wa wa wa' but what is it that as a genre rock music does better than any other?

Can't compete with hip-hop's wordplay and delivery
Will never have the masculine aggressiveness and energy of metal
Classical and jazz are on another level to all forms of popular music...
Nothing with a guitar will ever be as hypnotic and danceable as the relentless 4/4 beat of a techno track
Pop music will always be more catchy

So what is it that rock does so well that you can't find in other genres which makes it worth listening to?

amplified guitar

Stopped reading at techno

>a children's genre
>"masculine aggressiveness"
top fucking kek

jungle > techno

agree or idgaf about the rest

Maybe it's not the best at one thing but its the best combination

>the selling point of rock as a genre is the range of a single instrument which is present in multiple other genres either played or sampled

>thinking rock, metal, pop and techno aren't all part of the same genetic lineage
>not going by scaruffi's tripartite definition of genre divided into rock, jazz and classical
But regardless, when people say that rock music is dead, I actually think its a good thing. It opens up a wealth of possibilities for reinvention, particularly in the underground scenes, because artists will no longer want (or be forced) into making commercially appealing music because there won't be any money or success in it. It's one thing to say rock music is dead, its another thing entirely to say that there is no market for it especially when the internet is allowing for so many niches to find an audience.

Why would I want to listen to music which is meh in everything rather than listen to techno when I want to dance and classical when I want an aesthetic experience etc.?

I unironically agree desu

I doubt that rock doesn't have good lyrics that are better than hiphop, especially considering modern rap, but I don't care about lyrics so I can even prove you wrong
A lot of noise rock, grindcore and no wave is just as harsh as a lot of metal. Plus metal is just a subgenre of rock
Progressive Rock has a lot of complexity to it. Krautrock and Math rock have even more.
Literally who cares about a danceable "relentless" beat.
Hooks aren't always a good thing and most of the time it makes a song catchy and masks the fact that the song has nothing worthwile to it. This is especially true to pop and modern rap

>Can't compete with hip-hop's wordplay and delivery
You tried. I didn't, have a sage.

>So what is it that rock does so well that you can't find in other genres which makes it worth listening to?
Feel-good drinking music with your buddies who also like rock

>rock is good because my friends like it
If a girl said this about Katy Perry 100 people would call her a turbo pleb

If you want complexity don't listen to metal or anything. Learn theory and listen to The Art of Fugue following the score.

He did say classical you fucking dunce

It is not enough to say. One must accept the supremacy - all else is heresy and denial.

metal is a subgenre of rock tho
hip hop wordplay and delivery is completely different from rock's lyrics

Rock and Metal are essentially the same genre; it's just that one takes another's influence and expands on its sonic limits more. They each heavily employ guitar dynamics and riffs along with less melodic vocals. But I agree that rock music in and of itself has lost its luster. To be honest, there's only so many ways to play some heavy, distorted lick and protrude to the world your inner "anger" using as much cryptic clichés as possible before it just gets all muddled and repetitive. That's the whole problem; rock in general has now exhausted its course.

>That's the whole problem; rock in general has now exhausted its course.
So have hip hop, country, jazz, folk and pop.

>To be honest, there's only so many ways to play some heavy, distorted lick and protrude to the world your inner "anger" using as much cryptic clichés as possible before it just gets all muddled and repetitive. That's the whole problem; rock in general has now exhausted its course.
Oh, boy, are you in for a surprise when you discover there's more to rock music than Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and ACDC.

>Rock and Metal are essentially the same genre
Black metal is completely separate from rock music. It has more in common with noise, techno, and dark ambient.

Too little effort and too much generalization to be taken seriously.

Funny thing, those bands didn't even come to mind when I wrote this. I was talking about the Nu Metal, Pop Punk and Post-Grunge era during the 2000s, and how each of them employed this impotent rage in their music. Bands like Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Papa Roach, Disturbed, Korn and Sum 41 represented my point the most. They relied on anger/angst, sadness and even nihilism as the basis of their music.

At least those genres didn't revel in their edginess.

Yes, but it also relies on traditional guitar work like most Rock/Metal music. It's just that they evolved and included elements of those genres into their music.

>metal is a subgenre of rock tho
so when people on Sup Forums complain about the death of rock they should just listen to more metal

>Black metal is completely separate from rock music. It has more in common with noise, techno, and dark ambient.
Lmao only an uneducated american would say that techno has anything in common with those genres. Techno at its core is just disco stripped down to its bare components.

Those bands are very commercially successful and well-known. Do you expect anything radical there and when has it been reasonable to do so?

Don't think Indie/Underground Rock is in any way exempt from these stereotypes.


>Don't think Indie/Underground Rock is in any way exempt from these stereotypes.
Indie rock isn't something you could call uncompromising, even if relatively obscure. And stereotypes are just that, speculations and unfounded generalizations.