Battlestar Galactic

What the fuck went wrong? It was so good for the first 2 seasons

They absolutely had no fucking clue what to do after Admiral Kane got killed off. You can literally see the steep downward trajectory of the show immediately after Resurrection Ship Pt. 2

It could have been better but I still liked it.

One word.


It ruined the ending and assured me I would not repeat watch it no matter how great the rest of the show was or how often I say "what the frack" in real life.

I liked the religion thing, what's wrong with it

They forgot Muffit, that's what went wrong.

Making it up as they went along, just like Lost.

Nothing went wrong, that show was flawless

Like everything towards end of the 00s, the writers strike.

"""Religion""" and everything related to Gaius, especially in the later seasons, was a fucking dread to watch.

triggers fedoras

>not being an individual of superior Aryan stock who believes in God

This. They didn't know where they were going with it at all.

Making everyone Cylons is where the show fell apart. Final Five were a mistake, should have been condensed into a SINGLE character revealed to be a Cylon.

Nothing. I liked it
and if you bitch about the religion part you're retarded it was literally present in the series from moment 1

I like season 3.

Great posts, well memed!

Instead of actually answering anything, the ending turned into "Don't worry, it's all God stuff". They were in the same situation Lost was in where there were too many plot holes and too many things they couldn't explain. Instead of going with ayyy lmaos which is the other deus ex machina to end a show, they used God and didn't even bother to explain what religion or why it is so important. No morals, no lesson, just fuck you it was God all along.

I'd say it was more like after Exodus
The boxing match episode is the perfect example of inane filler because they had no idea what they were doing

a lot of filler eps was because of SyFy meddling to make non-arc eps. BSG should have been a 10-13 eps per season show.

>They have a plan
They didn't.

should have had a plan


Many things.
- Gaius becoming space jesus.
- No one beeing tested with the cylon detector anymore because the script said so.
- Kara's death. Writers admitted they just did it for the keks.
- Oh wait we need Kara. There she is. Dont ask.
- They hear a song from 50000 years in the future. Dont ask.
- The final five survived two holocausts and all end up on galactica because the script needs them there.
- Kara was an angel. And poof shes gone.
- No Aliums. Where are my Aliums? I wanted to see their take on the pure white hyperadvanced space aliums. This was the one plot they had left to work with but nope, went with religion. In a sci-fi show. Frak this.

Nailed it

Yeah, basically this
Was I the only one who thought that having the Final Five be skinjobs from Earth was kind of a neat twist?

>no morals no lesson
do you expect everything you watch to be didactic?

honestly though why does religion trigger sci-fi crowds so much? it is after all fiction.

I've watched the show start-to-finish a few times now, and IMHO it's heavily implied that "God" is a singular super-evolved machine-mind that is observing from outside the loop of human-cylon-revolution-reboot.

The cylons found this God during the armistice, and that god made cylons biological in the hopes of breaking the cycle by allowing the two "species" to become one.

Then the biological cylons invented resurrection on their own.

Starbuck's resurrection is when the show jumped the shark IMHO.

>honestly though why does religion trigger sci-fi crowds so much?
The problem comes when you use overly vague godly forces to crowbar your plot into making sense. The explanation for anything in BSG that doesnt make sense or was ridiculously contrived is "God did it"

Are you fucking serious? It's all been leading up to it being God.
It begins with the Cylons believing in 1 God. How dense can you fucking be?

>tfw I had two episodes left and didnt finish it

Pretty much this. The strike fucked over a lot of great TV.

>It begins with the Cylons believing in 1 God
Lots of stories have characters that believe in a god, most of them arent hacky enough to have all character agency and motivation written off by an invisible wizard making everything happen

It was the strike and nothing else. Every bullshit twist and new plot convention (besides the retard Season 1 idea to make a Cylon detector) came after the strike after Season 2 was written.

So will I see you at Sup Forums con this year?