Fuck you Russia, get outta my state

Fuck you Russia, get outta my state


Americans BTFO

>"The flight was part of the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows military aircraft from the United States and Russia and other nations to fly aerial observation flights to observe military sites of the 34 signatory nations."


Fuck CNN and everyone who watches that stupid channel. Pure propaganda.

no shit sherlock, if it wasn't for that treaty it'd have been shot down


meh, once your president promises fire and fury then doesn't deliver when his threats are mocked within the hour you kinda come across as weak to the rest of the world

t. dolan troomp

spose he's just pointing out that CNN opted for the click-baitiest title they could, rather than anything rational

It's retarded that this was made a story in the first place, but what exactly was untrue or click-baity about the title?

Shot down by what this time? The wall of the pentagon, a Pennsylvanian field, or NY skyscrapers?

Russian airplane making special delivery for Blumpf.

You are being very rude to the fatties

CNN is the clickbaitiest "major" news source there is regardless of your politicsl affiliations. They don't even bother fact checking anymore.


This is literally what the Air National guard is for, shooting shit down without our own (And your) air space.


The Pentagon is in Arlington VA, just outside of DC

no, fighter jets. probably your jets actually since russians likely wouldve gone over the pole

You ever notice how all news nowadays is editorial?
I mean even before Trump, nobody just reports the facts, theres always some spin or angle, and that shouldnt be. Back in my day we had journalistic integrity, not clandestine attempts by hyperliberal millenials or closeted gay conservatives to push am agenda. Everything good about this country has been bought and sold, prepackaged and resold by the corporations that run the worlds governments. Makes me sick to my soul and now I need a drink.

Shadilay, my pede.

Praise kek!

fuck you


yeah okay man