Cast him

Cast him

Josh brolin

fucking idiots. PP are the most widespread and competent womans healthcare services. Barely any of it is abortions, and a majority of the ones that are are for good reasons like fucking retarded babies

I agree with this man.

We NEED them to kill black babies or our crime rates will skyrocket.

don't be such a slut, take responsible for your own actions

>It's a Sup Forums tries to create a thread about politics on Sup Forums episode

Don't worry Republicans will always find a way to blame them Liberals when this shit blown up in their face

Oh no now women will have to be responsible and use protection or, god forbid, NOT HAVE SEX LIKE THE FUCKING WHORES THEY ARE.

how will I get high quality anal lube for my boyfriend at a low price?

You retards know that Spics and Niggers are the main demographic of PP right ?

>He thinks that abortion is a main PP service

You're an idiot

Fun fact: Supporting abortion is the most raciest thing considering how many little black babies (excuse me) Fetuses get aborted from those black communities.

Another fun fact, believing only in science is also considered the most raciest because it shows Blacks as being the least intelligent of the races and thats really politically incorrect to establish as a scientific fact considering asians score higher in IQ then whites so you can't use the "made by whites test so it favors white people scores" Since asians buttblast them.

Dems can't do anything right, Reps have both houses

After that Planned Parenthood video about gender identities I'm okay with them being nuked.

Takes a man and a woman to make a baby. Men are just at fault for being just as much of a whore as the woman is in that situation. Think about it for a second. If men were not such sheep to their dicks they wouldn't help in making these shitty babies and would know to avoid the alimony meme.

>Jesus Christ we are being overrun by negroes and spics

>I know we will take away their tool to abort their unholy spawn, that will surely stop them

I will never understand American politic, Do the Republican this just because PP was a Democrat thing ?

They used PP as a wedge issue to insulate their base and now have to follow through or else risk alienating Republican voters.

>Takes a man and a woman to make a baby. Men are just at fault for being just as much of a whore as the woman is in that situation.

Women are the ones who say 'yes' and they only say it to a select few.

>If men were not such sheep to their dicks they wouldn't help in making these shitty babies and would know to avoid the alimony meme.

Alimony is marriage stupid. You mean child support.

>Women are the ones who say 'yes' and they only say it to a select few.

>its a Sup Forumstard doesn't know about rape episode

Fucking kill yourself

it's great, the american working class is killing itself.

more entertaining to watch than anything on tv.

Adam Scott

>we want more blacks running around

Really fires those neurons

Majority of rape babies are kept by the mothers.

Not everyone is as genocidal as Feminists.

Zach woods. you know it.

Abortions are over 90% of non-referral services provided by pp

>Thinking PP won't get funding publicly

Taxes shouldn't pay for such a partisan issue

Nathan Scott from One Tree Hill.

Give him a couple years and it'll be dead on. That guy fucks.

>Women are the ones who say 'yes' and they only say it to a select few.

Oh yeah I'm sure you don't have a choice, faggot

Take some responsibility

Only pathetic people like you have some morality standards on a fucking fetus, oh, and by the way, it have a soul, or was created by le big invisible man in the sky.

*it doesn't have a soul
My bad

"These roastie sluts need to learn that you can't just let niggers cum inside and have an abortion instead of using birth control" - Paul Ryan
The republicans have gone insane since they took office.

When people have abortions, most of the time it isnt cause they're irresponsible. It's cause their baby is mentally or physically disabled, or cause they were raped, or they're too young to be responsible and gop cuts access to sex ed and contraceptives.

But who gives a fuck if its done early. Souls aren't real people, its just a clump of cells.