Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?

Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?

Hes a big guy but he cant think it really hides the fat, he has a lot of loyalty to this shirt for a washed up hack.

If he took it off would he die? he actually married a couple wearing it. he wears it to funerals, i bet he wears it to bed.

why would you not take off a shirt before throwing yourself in bed?


He looks like AJ from Sopranos


anyone listen to him on rogan's podcast?
kevin smith said arrival's ending was genius



why did she decide to slim down? She was perfect

>decide to slim down?
Bitches love coke.

>have you seen Black Mirror?
>no but everybody tells me I should
>well let me just spoil an entire episode for you right now


jesus christ its just painted on

He has allot of those shirts. "Shecky" "Jen's Bitch" "Sir!" "37" are some of the ones i've seen.


>it's a joe rogan shows his samurai sword to his guest episode again

>Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?
lets talk about his hair. look at his bald circle lel

I would give anything to fuck Christina Aguilera

Is Walt bucktoothed and unfuckable? I'd fuck him. Not even gay.

WHo is this thicc chicc

Why did Smith stop wearing a proper Oilers jersey?
Did they try to sue him because he kept wearing it to speaking gigs?

As far as I know, the fat fuck doesn't even visit Edmonton.

Can you get high legally in Edmonton? He only goes where he can smoke. Seth Rogen ruined this poor fatty..

AJ from season 1 - 3


I dont get it. What am I looking for?

faggot detected

we're all obsessed with her thick thighs and irresistible body

never forget

good job disguising a high test Christina thread OP

I hate people who think having no filter is a virtue.



FUN FACT: She is 5ft 1", obsessed with arcade video games especially Galaga.

How much would a hooker who looks like Christina cost? I live in Germany, it's legal here, but I've never been to one.

is that you kevin?

No, my name starts with a J.



he's just American, that's how they are

Not too good bitch