Why is Hungary a bunch of Cunts at football

£20 notes on them winning an fat cunt ronaldos fucks up my nice lil earner ..?


Portugals got rekt

I can't understand what the fuck you just said

Funny, you almost look like a canuck.

Oh yeah and this. Thought it was just me but the burger would have recognized proper english.

he made a bet or something. we had a 3-3 against the portugals

Fuck you your country is shit and your team is full of niggers like your country Austria is garbage

I don't give a shit about football. Don't even know where we stand at the moment.
But why does a liberal canadian LBGT-fag try so hard to be accepted as hungarian?

It's called soccer stupid cunt and I am hungarian

lol, wannabe-istvan. if had any european roots you'd know that it is called football in every civilized nation.

My parents were born in Hungary wow I must have absolutely no European roots you're right only 90% of my family lives there.
It's called soccer in English stupid, football is a different sport. And before you mention England they always called it soccer too until the mid 20th century

Also Austria is anything but civilised (that's with an S not a Z) you're a eurocuck atheist country full of niggers.

American education

He's put a wager on and it's all ended up rather rummy.

So it's literally just me who couldn't understand what the bong was saying?

and still you don't have a minimum of european education and dig yourself more and more into your own bullshit.

maybe you can ask your parents then what FIFA, UEFA etc means and why they are not named after your precious soccer.

obviously no one of your european ancestors explained this to you.

obviously as well as the fact that canada has more atheists than austria. and nogs too.

btw you can rite it with s or z - ask a teacher if you'll ever see one in your life.

European education
>how to prep the bull
>how to blame America for everything
>how to be an atheist
>how to not have kids and focus on your career forever instead
And no you can't, it's with an S in English and a Z in American

im hung aryan and athesist. stop being tryhard. we all know we are the best.

at first i wasn't able to understand it either then again english isn't my first language.


If a Hungarian were a try hard, all of Europe would be free of Islamic filth.

soccer ..you fucking plum cunt

will an always has been footie .. football ok Crouching slav cuck

we invented Footie for you Europoor cunts

>calls hungarians slavs
haha silly Ahmed we will beat your team in the championship so badly.

yeah and we are on an american board so why shouldn't i use the z? it's funny anyway how you try to correct someone in your native language regarding made up mistakes bc you ran out of arguments.
wanna discuss in german and i correct you?

but tell me again how that was with soccer in UEFA and FIFA. have you already asked your parents?

and no, i don't blame america either am i an atheist. i just tell you that it's called football here and you obviously know nothing about it.

but tell me now: how does it feel to live in one of the most liberal and atheistic countries in the world? are you a great trudeau-fan?

Well said Hans ..

get off your haunches you gypo bastards

We aren't Slavs sorry your legs are too weak to do a proper squat, and no it was always soccer you changed it to football sometime in the 1950's and now here you are arguing with me

Arguing with an Autist, sorry an Austrian (the spelling is similar so I got mixed up) isn't worth the time.

That's Romanians not Hungarians

thx, bongbro.

You are just a fucking joke of a nation every ones raped an ruined your pathetic nation you are worse than romanian curs /mongrels
just admit you cucked hard bastardizied cretin ..

yeah, that's a pretty good excuse to save your face bc you couldn't even base one of your claims. and that although i don't even master your language as well as you do with all those S' and Z' you know so much more about than i do.
but i'm the autist, sure. :-)

allt the best, istvan. think you'll need it.

GTFO you cannuck pollack froggie weak minded sub human inferior manlet ...
Hans lil sister .. no his old granny would kick the shitz out of you fat fuck ..

lol got another fan here, hm? quick make up an other excuse to leave before he finally stumps you. oh... too late.

STFU Retard

appreciate your friendly support, m8.

Foggie Cunts lesser than a murican asshole ..Kek

Not support But just being a Good Britbong with proper Values M8

Why are so many united syria kingdom people triggered?

That was quite the good game though.

Our team is just being bad since they started though. They probably won't last much longer.

well said. then i appreciate those values.
guess it'll be the last visit on Sup Forums for our special friend there. :-)