Why tho?

Why tho?

>every generic Twitter response to this
>This is SO Carrie haha
>So powerful


She was bipolar and spent a lot of her time advocating for those suffering from mental illness. Prozac is a well known anti-depressive.

that's a big pill

be crazy
take prozac
still so crazy when you die you put your ashes in a big prozac pill

is this supposed to show what bullshit prozac is?

She was a cokehead.

>free publicity for jew pills

Depression is a myth. I saw it in a PJW video.

Mark Hamill was following behind with a giant glass of water.

for you

literally big pharma

That wasn't even her book title about dealing with mental illness!

Why didn't they turn her ashes into postcards and toss them over an edge?

If you take it, will you die?

because of carries sense of humor

What the fuck is wrong with people? The only response to this should be "Wow that's fucking tacky."

Zoloft master race reporting in.

Prozac is old shit not even prescribed anymore SNRI and triple reuptake inhibitors are where it's at.

So what do you guys want to be done with your ashes?
I want ink to be laced with my ashes and that ink has to be used to print a copy of "Mein Kampf"


Fuck it, if I was a celebrity I'd take take money for ad space on my urn.

Put into fireworks so I can get lit and light up everyone's life one last time

James Rolfe really got swolle. The Ghosbusters remake really changed the way he saw the world.

tfw I had fallen in love with a girl with bipolar in college
tfw I thought she had killed herself one night when we were dating
tfw I haven't heard from her in years and don't know if she's even still alive

she was an advocate for mental health issues or some shit

fucking ridiculous

The priest must say this part of TDKR.
>When user is ashes, he has my permission to die.

You dodged a a bulled there user, move on.

Help me Sup Forums.Im using something called zedprex and so far its doing fucking nothing(its been 3 weeks)
Should i drop it and ask for another drug?

Is this real? I had people bitch at me for not taking Carrie Fisher's death seriously, what's the point when the person herself didn't give a fuck?

She had a super hard life, user. Her disturbed hooked yet deep mind couldn't function without the big P.

>tfw carrie reminded you of your mom
>both older pleasant women
>lovers of life
>sort of looked alike
>take their small dogs around everywhere with them

Carrie was the one celebrity death to hit me hard for those reasons. I'm glad my mom is still here.

it would be extremely numbing

>Old Sup Forums rallies against Scientology because of their "depression isn't real" etc. crazy bullshit
>Nu-Reddit4Chan, full of greasy Gamergate Sup Forumseddit scum and the dregs of society, now agree with the tenets of the same people old Sup Forums fought against


Just use MDMA, fry your brain and feel incapable to feel happy ever again.

scientology was a creepy lawsuit-happy actual cult, tbf

i'm glad Sup Forums attacked it even if it killed off the golden age

That's another name for prozac which itself is a trade name for fluoxetine it takes a little bit to kick in either wait another week or two to see what happens or you may need a higher dosage or a different medicine.

what a special princess even in death

who's gonna take it up the butt?

>tfw Sup Forums totally redpilled me on mental health and I'm totally cool without my meds now

The fact I end up a curled up ball crying in the shower and think about killing myself all the time is just an added plus to the fact I'm not supporting any evil Jews like Donald Trump!

maybe you should just kill youself

>Trumpkikeloving Sup Forumscuck can't handle the truth

Maybe you should see a psychiatrist about that, Shlomo.


you don't need those meds you normie fuckhole

it's Schlomo you tiny dicked anti semite

You see the ass pain?

That's why.

Every thread just keeps on giving.

Even in death she's triggering faggots. God bless her.

She fucked up her brain chemistry pretty bad with drugs and alcohol

prozac is supposedly helps fix this sort of

I'm glad I never took them for longer than a month. Lifting worked way better.


Her family wanted to cause war time flashbacks on anonymous anime forum users

>people change over the course of a decade

Tell us more about le chonz used to be liberal.

But the Cinnabon tweet was so out of line and literally rape according to the same people

this. Lets go back in time.

>the dregs of society

old Sup Forums had weirdo shut ins, new Sup Forums has reddit scum like you hence why it sucks

>following behind with a giant glass of water.

>implying anyone here mourns that entitled hollywood skank



>relying on the pharma jew to deal with something man's been dealing with by himself for millenia