How dos the autist jew still get fucking views. all he does is meme his autism and jew humor

How dos the autist jew still get fucking views. all he does is meme his autism and jew humor.

Yes, yes user, he's an autist jew, everything's what you say it is.

>How dos the autist jew still get fucking views
Because not everyone in the world is from Sup Forums?

Isn't he literally jewish though?

Yes, but OP is using it like it's a slur, just humour him.


you answered your own question. Memeing is unstoppable.


i'd rather humour you

that pic features virtually all forms of humour

what are you allowed to laugh at?

Baneposting, the only intelligent meme for a mature and sophisticated audience

Baneposting is on that image.

Also what is the humor behind Hermione and Doctor Who?

I dint think he's religiously Jewish tho cause him and Ian ate pig

I like some of those things


And that is why, but leftists will scream about a fever dream of a christian society that's using nepotism in Hollywood.

OP is an offended vapefag

I bet its Sam.

Try Sup Forums or Sup Forums then


Sup Forums needs to stay in /pol and realize that literally no one gives a fuck about them outside of their hugbox

Jew humor is kino

Fuck off neckbeard

>Implying the Jewish nepotism theory is any more substantiated than the Christian theory.

I know man fucking Jewish nepotism it's the reason I don't get a job.

yeah he jewed the jew and now jews are jewish jews who jew the jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew ejw jew wjejwejwejwjejwej

I agree, we need to support anti-degenerate white nationalist comedians like Sam Hyde


more like I'm 40 and my humor is fucking superior starter pack

>When he was in Israel and courting Hila, his content was good

>When he's in New York, and then L.A, his content is generic fucking trash

America ruined him. He went for the views, the youtube 'culture' and the money.