Will You Escape The Mark of The Beast, The Matrix


What is this guy talking about

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Alex Jones AKA Bill Hicks is operating on another level.

No idea, I think he's transcended reality

I'm surprised it took him this long to snap.

he's channeling for a spirit bomb

take my energy alex \o/


>you'll never be this woke


>people listen to this guy for political commentary unironically

stopped watching when he claimed that scientists want to exterminate everyone on earth

Stupid profans. Its gnozis.

>what is CERN? for $1000

i seriously hope you are baiting

elites want to reduce population worldwide to 500 million, get woke fool.

He's trying to sell his filters.

Is that Bill Hicks?

he is

>1 post by this ID

he didn't take the red pill, but a colored pill with a color unknown to men

>"to make you cynical"

Isn't that what his entire career is based on though?

>What is this guy talking about
Water filters or super male vitality pills, undoubtedly.

you mean greenpill?

Alex must have had a bad experience with men in white lab coats.

Who wouldn't want to hang out with Alex Jones?
What I would give to pick that dude's brain for an hour

He's probably losing his audience interested in politics and is trying to attract /x/ tier followers. Game over Alex.

Soft kill