Jewish Ask thread

Ask a jewish doctor student in Canada anything


Shut the fuck up kike


when will you leaf Canada and make aliyah like a good Jew?

no u

why did you tried to kill the Sup Forumsack with your polluting dental fillings?

technically he doesn't need to if he has good Torah studies, where he is at and is not married. Shalom.

that was my cousin
not all of us are kill that stop being an antisemite

Stop raiding us with your homo friends

the right wing needs to diversify, it is my assignment to do so, i believe that all of us can be angry and hate the world together

where do you live exactly in canada ? any muslim communities there ?

let me guess
McGill university?

you got it

I'm in Engineering. There are so many Jews asking me to join their study group. Are you guys trying to take my organs or something? Aren't you guys supposed to be smart.

no no, if we did we would have asked u to sign a waiver, we simply want more engineers for our plans.

Weren't you a Jew in Zimbabwe a few weeks ago?

no i don't know who u are talking about

If I were more of a sperg I'd troll through the archives. Enjoy your trolling troll.

what are you talking about i am only trying to spread tolerance like my other fellow jewish brothers

by the way if anyone was wondering i am working to become a transgender surgeon to help alt righters become who they wish the are

What ever happened to Lazare?

When do you fuck off?

>when do you fuck off

t. babylonians
t. romans
t. venezuelans
t. palistinians.

t. etc etc

do you even kvetch?