Legend of the Seeker

Is it true that this is based on Ayn Rand's Objectivism? I'm two seasons in and I just don't see it.

They toned down on the objectivist, hyper-rationalist versus irrational scenarios that came up in the books.

there is one startling scenario where militant pacifists or something become the bad guys and it takes on this otherworld hyperbole.

basically in books it takes the empathetic side and turns it on its head.

there's a latin phrase for it when you take something to point of absurdity.

Reductio ad absurdum, essentially every scenario is crafted to show objectivist tinge in world.

most of that was pushed into background and it took story ideas and turned it into a saturday serial adventure story in vein of xena/hercules/jackofalltrades etc.

What was he seeking

No. It's based on Star Wars, clearly.

The first episode is more Episode 4, than the Force Awakens.

>most of that was pushed into background and it took story ideas and turned it into a saturday serial adventure story in vein of xena/hercules/jackofalltrades etc.
this, thought I don't see too many similarites to Jack of All Trades

It's made by Renaissance Pictures, they make campy fun adventure shows and don't bother with preachy nonsense

>he thinks Star Wars is original

more like its based on the things Star Wars is also based on

well I added it since all of the shows are made by same people. And while it kept the show in same city Port Royal, I think it would have expanded if it got more seasons.

Well besides eastern influences and hero's journey, and I'm sure you'll mention the japanese stuff but honestly most people don't give a shit about sources that Lucas borrowed from which is why it worked so well.

If you're going to cry about original ideas we can cite every story ever written as derivative of something else, so don't bother going down this road otherwise we'll end up circle jerking about Epic of Gilgamesh.

I wasn't going to cry, and there are things in Star Wars that were innovative, however nothing in LOTS is based on anything Star Wars invented. They are all tropes/cliches that have been common in science fiction and fantasy since the early 20th century

Now there are shows that are obviously influenced by Star Wars, like say Farscape, but Legend of the Seeker isn't one of them

It's confusing to me why they chose these books for a schlocky fantasy romp, maybe they read like the first half of wizards first rule and nothing else.

The seeker books are flawed but the first 4-5 are fun and get really dark. There's plenty of high fantasy shit that would have fit the tone of this show much better.

The Sword of Truth books don't really get into the heavy-handed Objectivist shit until the third book.

It really hits you right in the face when Richard travels to the bad guy's empire (where everyone is religious zealot communists) and has to teach the common people the value of hard work. No joke.

>there will never be a Raimi Xanth show


I agree but they're some militant originalists running around the chan that I see pop up from time to time as if human beings can be truly original.

I've never personally held to that, I think Zahn stated it best about writing that it is more like a sausage maker that you keep going till you can't recognize it.

Doesn't necessarily mean its ever truly original but different enough, usually.

But I agree they're very different.

If you want to see fantasy ripping off starwars, read or watch Eragon.

or Gail Z martin books. Both of her best selling book series are just starwars in a fantasy setting.

Can you just fuck off, pedophile nigger. For one night. Or are you just using this thread as excuse to hide your perversion? Like 50 other LOTS threads.

The books are heavily based on Objectivism to a point where it almost makes them unreadable, which is impressive because the books are also just full of misery, rape, bdsm fetish fuel, and more than a hint of Tolkien fantasy tropes.

Despite all of that there are some fun books in that series.

Jack of All Trades was a rather lame show, just a sillier Zorro

Cleopatra 2525, not that series deserved more seasons

Yeah but Jack had Bruce being Bruce which was always comfy. Cleopatra had potential imo but they just never realized it. Also that 90s cgi.

I like you

Cleopatra was great from beginning to end in my opinion, it was Xena combined with Charlie's Angels, The Matrix and The Terminator and the main cast was both likable and incredibly sexy. It seriously could have surpassed Herc & Xena with a few more seasons to flesh it out

Jack of All Trades is comfy entertainment, but honestly, watching it just makes me want to turn it off and put in The Adventures of Brisco County Jr instead

It had a unique idea in that technology run amok drove humanity underground in that terminator/matrix way that was stated above that I've never really seen in a tv show.

the setting was pretty spectacular considering the budget, it was a shame that it got cancelled

it's something that could never be made today

sh-should I w-watch this?


a good surgeon to remove her penis

>pedophile nigger.

why are you cucks so obsessed with those two things?

it's just weird

I think that was the sixth book?