Post NFL teams guaranteed to have 16 home games

>pic related

Another amazing thread. Jeez, no one can stop those americans today! Guaranteed 3 replies!


You're not going to come close when you faggots come to Cali, homo.

>''''home'''''' games

That game was in San Francisco.

Now look at this and tell me that's not a home game, faggot.

Just watch later in the season. Dallas visits SF this year. It'll be a Dallas home game

>That game was in San Francisco.

San Jose

Do you seriously think that this year's SF game is going to be a 49ers home game?

Not with this shitty team. It might be a winless 49ers team vs. and undefeated Cowboys team looking at the schedules.

You don't want to fucking mess with us, faggot.

Santa Clara

Arlington West.

Dak is playing like shit against the Giants. Stop

>You don't want to fucking mess with us, faggot.
Why are Cowboys fans so cringe?

>implying commiefornian faggot 40whiner fans aren't even more cringe

>only 16 games
Dallas confirmed to miss playoffs

That's cute Cryboys, but the Steelers are the alpha team that all other cuck teams try to beat. Playing vs Pittsburgh is literally the Super Bowl for most teams.

Both are cringe but the Cowgirls are actually somewhat compentant so it fills them with false confidence with makes them more annoying.

Unless you're the patriots in which playing the Steelers is like a bye week.

lmao, it's like it's trying to explain something but it's muddled ghetto spic language embedded.

Zeke fucking cucked you last year, faggot. How does it feel?

How is having the best team in the NFL having false confidence, faggot?

You sound like a Vagiants fan. You sure you're not a female?

Stop projecting, Juan. You have to go back.

13 > 6

Hell even if you only count NFL Championships for 1/5th the weight of Super Bowls (which is ridiculous) the Packers still have the most championships

That was a fluke. The Steelers still made it to the CCG whereas the cowshits were cucked by a literal faggot.


>best team in the NFL
And there's the false confidence. Boy you sure are dumb.