Burgers launch unprovoked attacks on Iraq, Libya, Syria, Serbia

>Burgers launch unprovoked attacks on Iraq, Libya, Syria, Serbia
>kill thousands of civilians in air strike
>Iran, North Korea develop nuclear weapon to defend against US aggression/imperialism
>Burgers: oh no it's worst thing ever how dare they do that

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Both Iran and North Korea deserve to be wiped off. Saudi Arabia too.

Nothing really else to say. You're 100% right.

Alright, so can Finland, Estonia, and Poland have nukes to defend against future unprovoked Russian aggression?

A Russian should understand the reason nuclear proliferation is a bad thing. Considering the past 50 years of your countries history is having nukes pointed at it.

There shouldn't be any more nuclear armed countries in the world. The more there is, the bigger the risk of nuclear terrorism or war is.

>thing that already happen multiple times vs thing that didn't happen and could never do
really activated my almonds

I really hope I get drafted into a korean war so that I dont have to worry about my current job search and upcoming CFA exam.

OP was talking about NK, Iran developing nukes to defend themselves against hypothetical invasion from US, the post you quoted talks About Finland, Estonia or Poland developing nukes against a hypothetical invasion from US. Seems pretty much the same to me.

t. Putin Bot

Tell me again how Russia doesn't have a history of illegally annexing countries.

It would only last couple of months tops. Your problems wouldn't go away, there would just be PTSD added.

Don't you have nuclear Arsenals in these countries?

You also have them in Turkey
You have


I like Iran but no "Islamic Republic" should have nuclear weapons.

Correction: dictatorship that murders millions of people and oppresses even more develops nuclear weapons to protect themselves against defenders of justice.

We only have nukes in Belgium, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, and Turkey

that ships already sailed with Pakistan

No one should own nukes anymore because no rational country would use them anymore.

Give Texas & California back to Mexico

PTSD? from like a week of combat? Why would I get PTSD from helping turn china + NK into a parking lot for the worlds largest costco?

I'm a cfa. Just focus on the exam and if their is a war and you get drafted they'll just put you in some dumb logistics depot in Kansas. No way in hell anyway you'd be handed a gun. Also if you have questions on cfa I've got about twenty minutes on this train ride so shoot.

Nukes are there to prevent direct confrontations betwen the US, Russia & China


fuck you

thanks senpai but im all good. Passed 3 actuary exams so I've got the exam drill down I think. Enjoy the ride.

you forgot hawaii

>belonging to Mexico

Hawaii should be an independent country

i meant land annexed by America

It was never an independent country, It was part of the Polynesian Empire

They voted to stay in the union :^)

imo we should dismantle nuclear weaponry and impose personal deterrent in the form of mandatory suicide vests on every citizen. if your life is threatened you can just blow everyone up within 15 meter radius of you and pre emptively turn a meaningless tragedy into a valiant effort to defend your right to strike back.

yeah and so did crimea voted to stay with russia.

what's your point? you guys annexed Hawaii .

>>U.S. Secretary of State John C. Calhoun, on behalf of President Tyler, afforded formal recognition of Hawaiian independence under the reign of Kamehameha III

Tell me again how Germany doesn't have a history of illegally annexing countries and starting world wars.

We all have blood on our hands

>thing that didn't happen and could never do
>Russian aggression against Finland, Estonia, and Poland never happened IRL
Did I miss the entirety of 1939-89?

nukes were a mistake


May Canada then return all the Amerindian land they're occupying?

Thing is, we did that stuff back in the 19th century when right of conquest was accepted. Russia still acts like it is the 19th century.

>Iran, North Korea develop nuclear weapon to defend against US aggression/imperialism

Whoawhoawhoawhoa slow down. They're not doing it to defend their people, they're doing it to defend the corrupt ruling class of those cunts who keep the people as their slaves.

you started off the conversation with 'tell me again how Russia doesn't have a history of illegal annexing countries' to which I replied you do the same shit, we're all faggots that annexed someones land. singling out Russia for it isn't fair as we've all done it.

i never denied that Canada never annexed aboriginal lands.

>They're not doing it to defend their people, they're doing it to defend the corrupt ruling class of those cunts who keep the people as their slaves.
>He thinks the US doesn't do the same

We all did that stuff like 150-200 years ago, not since 2000.


yeah but we're splitting hairs now. the Russians will argue that they didn't invade or conquer Crimea, the people revolted and joined them. it's not so easy to just paint with two colours.

Which one of those countries did we annex?

by that logic we should be giving nuclear weapons to every single Eastern European government due to you. I'm sure some such PiS in Poland would be more than willing to accept them.

He's right you know. If shit goes down, Pootin and friends will run to their villa in south of France since they don't actually give two fucks about Russian people.

Also OP is brainwashed Putinbot.

Puppet-stated would be politically correct term

I think killing hundreds of thousands is not much better than holding a referendum

That was covered like three posts into the thread.

Exactly like what happened to Eastern Europe 1945-89 then? :^)

Ukraine ditched their nuclear weapons. As Russia and the USA promised to protect them.

The world sucks, North Korea is dangerous, and none of you Yurocucks have the ability to stop us

>he thinks the Netherlands can't stop the USA

I haven't heard a single Dutch politician talk about North Korea or the conflict though. Nobody seems to care.

>illegally annexing countries
What makes it illegal? The ethnic Russian majority of East Ukraine and Crimea wants to join Russia.

You're both literally doing the same shit over and over again, you're both equally evil


Why did US bomb Belgrade to rubble? Why did US and NATO aircraft blow up Serbian preschool?

I wasn't born then so your argument is a little bit of a shit,but murica did the same thing to the western Europe

Americans are the biggest hypocrites

>Pootin and friends will run to their villa in south of France since they don't actually give two fucks about Russian people.
Just like the American elites.
Thats not the point of the thread you fucking retard

Da, comrade!


The problem is that the Ukrainian government did not approve of the referendum

Was referendum in kosovo approved?

>Ukrainian government
There was no such thing

The Ukrainian government was technically illegal too when the referendum took place. The whole situation is complicated

The Netherlands is the third investor in South Korea. So we care though.

t. propaganda sheeple

Saudi Arabia should be wiped out though.


That's a fair point
I don't know what to think about the whole thing to be honest

>US has repeatedly committed unprovoked aggression in the Middle East, the Balkans

If it weren't for Serbian shitty fucked up foreign policies (Bosnian war etc etc) there wouldn't be any messy situation over there. Serbia is cancer of Balkans in the same way as Russia is cancer for post-Soviet space.

It IS illegal

Not Iran. I like them. It was unfortunate what their country has become, but there's still hope.

>USA seeing itself on the same level as Nazis and gommies

Good because that's what you are.

>he says in a country where secession of any sort is absolutely illegal and any referendum to join another country would be met by tanks in the streets within an hour
>he says in a country where the most disastrous war in our history was fought against a republic which tried to peacefully break away
>he says in a country where the President who oversaw this is on our second most common bill and is widely regarded as a hero and a literal saint by everybody
can't believe the complete inconsistency Americans have in their heads about this topic, I almost guarantee the majority of people with my flag that say this stuff would not support CS independence or any independence movement within the US, so put a sock in it

Don't you have goat to fuck, hachi?

>he says in a country where the most disastrous war in our history was fought against a republic which tried to peacefully break away

read a book
christ's sake

They didn't have the right to kick Yanukovich out and the provisional government was illegitimate, however they had re-elections by now so everything is fine
They had re-elections so everything is fine now

In the re-election a big part of the country was prohibited from voting tho.


Say what?

It's a surprise to run across some pro-Serbian Russian since all pro-Serbian Russians don't have any proper education and don't know any languages beside Russian. The problem with Serbia is that it's pretty similar to Russia poor and backward rogue nation (but to a lesser extent). Supporting Serbia you're basically supporting Russian destructive aggression toward its neighbors.
>t. hachi

That's fucking hilarious actually. What made you assume that my ethnicity has something to do with Muslims? I hate radicalized Muslims like anybody else. But Bosnians had nothing to do with them at that time. It was Serbia who acted like a dog with rabies lashing out on others.

Elections were not democratic enough.
Only those forces ,which otherthrew the government were allowed to participate in elections.Now they have a circus instead of government

Winner winner chicken dinner.

wow didn't see that coming

>russian talking about democracy

Now Putinbot like OP are people who think having 150 USD a month wage is ok. That our sharaga school system is acceptable. That life expectancy of 53 years is ok. That our brainwashed alcoholic population is smart. Some of them even think Russia is most powerful country in world because mmuh nukes and mmuh Sputnik.

We need Americans and Europe to invade and colonize us. They would show us way of civilized world. Our Golden Horde heritage is terrible.

be careful. wouldn't want a trip to the gulag now would you?


You talk like a Poland ball.