Why didn't Obi Wan finish Anakin off? He basically sentenced the galaxy to death

Why didn't Obi Wan finish Anakin off? He basically sentenced the galaxy to death

He wanted to see him suffer. He was a good friend.

He was a good friend

his mercy defeated Sidious who was literal unbeatable after that point

He left him to die on a volcano, slowly dying from agony and being burned alive.
He was a good friend.

Why didn't Sheev shoot Obi-Wan with his lighting fingies?


Obi-Wan was thirsty for that Padme pussy so he didn't want to waste any more time. Too bad he didn't get any.

holy fuck

Ackchually, allowing Vader to live was what saved the Galaxy. It was him who killed the Emperor, not Luke. It like, why didn't Sam kill Gollum? Well, Eru Iluvatar had plans for him.

Surely though, if Obi had killed Anakin he could regroup with Yoda and they'd go "OK, only one of them left now, and there are two of us. We can take him"

Hahahaha oh shit

That's not the High Ground's will.

Not when sheev spins.

Palatine had an entire Empire at his side. Use your brain.

They already missed their shot to take down Palpatine. Do you think Yoda would be able to stroll in to his office a second time? Get real.

If Palpy was such a hotshot that predicted EEEEvrything, why did he take the burnt corpse as his apprentice. Was it just gay love?

It's simple, Palpatine was clouding Obi-Wan's judgement.

Spinning is countered by a certain point of view, allowing the High Ground to be taken back.

Sheev was actually the most vulnerable to Obi-Wan, and it was in fact his teachings that allowed Vader to finally defeat him, by taking the moral high ground and casting him down.

Palps and Yoda stalemated, and Yoda is well beyond Obi Wans power level, so Ol Ben would've been a non-factor desu.

Then you have to account for a massive army and navy entirely devoted to keeping Sheev alive. Furthermore, Sheev would've sensed either of the Jedi masters before they could get within attack range, there would be no element of surprise.

>Burnt corpse
>Single handedly yolo soloed the Jedi temple.
>Can choke faggots through a tv screen and communicate telepathically across the vast reaches of space.

Vader was always powerful. Even post-Mustafar btfo, he was the 2nd most powerful force wielder in the galaxy behind Sheev

bodies explode when they are immersed in lava

why even bother going after Anakin, he wasnt able to do anything away in Mustafar

just team up, kill Sheev 2 on 1, end the Empire before it begins, Anakin cant do shit by himself

He couldn't bring himself to stab his old friend to death or throw him in the lava, and thought he was going to die anyway. He let his emotions get in the way of logic.


>not posting the next page

This can't be real

I always assumed he didn't want to finish him off because he couldnt bring himself to, and because of Padme. And because he was a good friend.


>yes, it would have
>for you
What did he mean by this?
