Get help you're no match for him

Get help you're no match for him

He's a Sith lord

Other urls found in this thread:

>Chancellor, Sith Lords are our speciality


>Chair looks like his hood

Absolute poetry, well done Lucas.




How did they get away with this?


I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi.

Glad you could make it, Anakin.

So are you.

>Tfw can't remember a single line from TFA except for "You need a pilot? I need a pilot."
Haven't seen the prequels in years, either.


All I can remember is one quarter portion. Literally wouldn't be able to recite anything else to save my life

You dumb shit, why did you tell him that?

why wouldn't he know what a sith lord is?

I can hear it perfectly

he was being sarcastic


>le i will finish what you started




That's all i got

>I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks

I don't know. I'm old and have alzheimer's. I'll probably be dead in about 10 years.


>Oh its you!

>Thats a story for another time
hillariously stupid


Palpatine wanted Dooku to tell Obi-Wan in Episode 2.

how the fuck are we still meming these movies. Lucas truly is a meme mage.

Use of FORCE luke!

When you take apart and isolate bad writing, it becomes much sillier.

I have little love outside of childhood nostalgia for the prequels but they really have insane meme potential, this is starting to rival the plane scene

Because Revenge of the Sith is GOAT




>rival the plane scene
It surpassed it years ago.

How were his legs not broken?

>inb4 "the force"

Tell that to Kanjiklub

Because he wanted the Council to not trust the Senate and himself so that the conflict would arise, knowing that the Jedi would play into his trap and he would look like more of a victim. The Jedi were prepared to arrest him, and take over the senate as the transition away from emergency war powers. This was before Anakin Mace he was Sith.

Spess materials. It only weights three lbs.

before Anakin told mace he was sith**

>Oh its (You)!

Dooku thought his job was to kill Obi-Wan and help bring Anakin to the dark side. He was already unconcious, Dooku tried to kill him but the walkway didn't touch his legs - you can see that Anakin was able to slide him right out. It's all he could in time before Anakin got back on his feet to continue fighting.

I remember the black guy acting like a stereotypical black guy, which I found very strange in a fucking Star Wars movie

No weight in space

Wtf from my point of view the Jedi are evil now

If Dooku wanted to, could he have beaten Anakin? I mean he held them both off with no trouble and disposed of Obi-Wan so easily. It's obvious he didn't actually aim to try and kill Anakin. So it makes me wonder if he would have killed him if he wanted to. Or maybe if it was Prime Dooku he would have won easy.

>Oh so the chancellor is the biggest baddest Sith around and is extremely powerful
>We'll just take 5 guys, 4 of whom are useless
>Oh shit I actually won this is pretty good
>Ok he has no way to defend himself now
>Oh Anakin is here
>Well instead of just pushing my laser sword that can easily carve through flesh forward a little bit to kill the Sith Lord, I'm going to slowly raise my sword above my head for an EPIC COOL movement, dropping my guard and leaving my chest completely exposed - it's not like he can shoot lightning from his hands or anything even though I just saw him do that, and it's not like Anakin is clearly having emotional conflicts over this it'll be fine

I think that he thought he was still far superior and that he could toy with him in order to help bring him to the dark side... but then Anakin did the power play and caught him off guard.... thus killing him. Some fans believe that he was ordered to surrender to Anakin and hopefully kill Obi-Wan... but he didn't realize Palpatine had out played him until it was too late.

It's because several years passed since Episode 2 and both Anakin and Obi-wan have become far more powerful

it was a dick thing to do. obi wan was passed out and then dooku was just like, ill throw some shit on his legs just because heh

Either Palpatine knew Anakin would rescue him or he had the ability to just flat out wreck Mace and let himself appear beaten when he sensed Anakin coming.

Mace struggles with the dark side as well I think. He knew it was wrong to execute Palpatine so he struggled internally and knew it was not the Jedi way. But when he saw how Palpatine changed when Anakin came into the room.. and how manipulative he was.. he realized it was the only way to do anything. That's when Anakin cut off Mace's arm.

It's not for drama. It was two Jedi suffering conflict with the Dark side and Palpatine playing the shit out of them.

Dooku didn't want to. Obi Wan was an old friend of his. He wanted to knock him out.

>Windu gets word that Grevious is dead. The war is now officially over.
>Anakin then tells Windu that Sheev is a Sith Lord. Windu believes him right away.
>"lol now you can fuck off and let the real jedi masters take care of this." - Because that won't piss off an emotionally unstable young man who never liked you from the start.
>Windu immediately goes to 'arrest' the chancellor for being a sith lord, instead of telling anybody of actual power. not even telling Padme, who is loved by everybody and has actual authority in the senate.

Windu fucked up and caused everything to go bad

Dooku >> Qui-Gon >> Obi-Wan >> Anakin

Anakin >>>>>> Dooku

Makes perfect sense

Not that much of a friend. He Qui-Gon's master. They were not really close or anything. There was no love expressed when they meet in episode 2. However, I think Dooku had great respect for him and would gladly turn Obi-Wan to the darkside if that was possible. In my mind Dooku thought he would help turn Anakin, then the two of them would overthrow Palpatine.


>Another happy landing.


>then the two of them would overthrow Palpatine

I can actually believe that. I don't know when or where I read this, but I think Dooku was supposed to have gotten fed up of the way the Jedi meddle in politics and thought he lost their way. I never got the idea that he and Sheev were best pals.

>You fought in the clone wars?
>Yes. I remember that time when me and your father were rescuing the emperor on an enemy ship. We met his apprentice there and he warned us, I replied he was my speciality and 1 minute later my legs were stuck below a 10 tons bridge. Meanwhile your father decapited the sith lord in cold blood while the droid behind me was goofing around the ship. They were all good friends.


Reminded me of this for some reason:

This. Windu fucked up real bad. So did Yoda who offered Anakin little comfort when Anakin talked with him.

Sheev was the only father Anakin had. He was the only chance he had to save Padme. He was the one causing the visions. He had complete control. He knew the nigga was gonna chimp out and separate himself from the Jedi temple, allowing easy clean up during order 66.


>george, why are we filming my scenes first

In the novelization Dooku thinks Anakin's a retard and wants to turn Obi Wan, and personally respects him, but Sheev overrides him

Alright then, I can buy that. It does seem like Dooku was trying to seduce him briefly on Genosis. However, he was about to kill him when Anakin jumped in and went all DOOL WELD on him at the end of Attack of the CLones.

Either way, if Dooku was truely Sith, he would know that he can never trust his master and must work out his own plans just in case. I do think Sheev wanted or knew Dooku would tell Obi-Wan that the Sith lord controls the senate.

When and why did this become a meme?


memes become a reality as soon as you open up photoshop, user

Everything in the prequels eventually turns into a meme.


>that one dude noticing the alien
>represents the minority of the german people who were suspicious of the Nazi party
Kino as fuck

who was in the right there ?



and later


The real question is, why did Kylo care so much that a lowly stormpooper was a traitor?

Watch your tone with me, old man. You may be the Chancellor, but I'm still your superior as a Jedi.

Mace Windu... more like... hehe.... Mace DINDU! Haha!

>Verdammter zweikopfter Untermensch!

Sheev is a genius.
I mean, think about it. Remember how in Epi II the Jedi Council, for no logical reason at all other than to maintain the plot, they think Anakin’s ready and that he should go with Padme? “Escort the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo. She’ll be safer there.” Two young star-crossed lovers should go on this romantic getaway, when romance and love is forbidden, and leads to the Dark Side. Fuckit. Oh wait… I guess Palpatine was the guy that initially suggested the idea so he might’ve been like using a trick on em or somethin? Y’know his grand plan was to cloud all their judgment and trick them into letting Anakin go with her, because he knew he was gonna fall in love, get Padme pregnant, then have premonitions of future pregnancy complications resulting in her death so that Palpatine could tell Anakin that he can use the Dark Side to save her so that Anakin could become Darth Vader and help Palpatine rule the Empire. You’d think if this guy could see that far into the future he’d just pick the Lotto numbers. Maybe that’s how he paid for the Clones.

Exactly. Which is why I think Palpatine has the ability to see glimpses into the future... I think he created the visions which would bring about the events... all of which happen only if Anakin turns. It's a paradox. I don't think Palatine knew all the details, but he knew what had to happen and made it so.

"the emperor has foreseen it" -Vader

Mind tricking all the jedi at once is bullshit but knowing that Anakin will fall in love with her and that this will eventually put him at odds with the jedi is pretty reasonable.
He doesn't need specifics, he just needs Anakin to question the jedi's teachings.
Also if you're assuming he planned it all in detail the silliest part is Sheev believing Padme will fall in love with Anakin: King of the 'spergs.

Because he is nu-vader and he is upset that someone would spit in the face of nu-empire and switch sides.

>the walkway didn't touch his legs
It lands on him and slides across the floor pushing his unconscious body with it.

Because its absurd that their war plan was changed because everybody else seemingly forgot about a whole important planetary conflict except one guy who has a weird head

No that was Dooku working alone. He probably wanted Obi Wan to join him initially to kill Palpatine and in the process corrupt Obi Wan to the dark side as Dooku apprentice.

All sheev did was cloud the force so the jedi could not see anything clearly. He knew exactly what he was trying to accomplish having seen the possible future and did everything to block the jedi from seeing it. There were detours and adjustments along the way, but he knew exactly where he wanted to end up and manipulated everything to reach that final goal.

>so who talks first

Because he managed to help destroy the Star killer and was friends with his dad.

why didn't anakin notice sheev accidentally slipping into his evil voice for a second there?

why didnt palpatine just use the force to stop obiwan's heart while he was unconscious after dooku threw him if his intention was for both dooku and obiwan to die?

It really pissed me off how they handled Obi Wan in the duels in Ep II and III. They wanted Anakin to be stupid and dark both times they fought Dooku and knew Obi-wan couldn't be in control or it would pit them against each other too early. Also, Obi-Wan can't be seriously injured or anything due to prequel armor but Jesus Christ couldn't they have made him do something somewhere else instead of making him incompetent for no reason??

I mean he killed Maul, first to defeat a Sith in 1000 years, which is bad ass. He gets no praise or flair, and then somehow is bested multiple times by a CGI old guy within seconds. Such ass writing, especially since Obi-wan was clearly very clever and on top of things and literally one of about 2 Jedi to survive.

also are those mini Gungan shields binding his hands? Which makes me think, how the fuck did Gungans invent that technology lol? And why the FUCK didn't anyone else use it?

1/4 of the movie is a lot of dialogue. Pretty impressive, user

he was an actor

Mr Speaker, we are for the big.

CGI is virtually weightless apparently. Also, CGI characters cannot experience actual pain. I think

clearly you haven't met Lando

same senpai

concept oc free to a good home

Definitely what Lucas intended. Dooku had respect for Obi Wan, which they deliberately showed in Ep II. Dooku was working with Sheev but secretly wanted to overthrow him with Obi-wan on his side ("Join me", doesn't deliver fatal injuries but only minor immobilizing ones), knowing that Sheev wanted Anakin and would probably dispose of Dooku after. But Dooku wasn't quick enough and was outplayed by Sheev, who obviously wanted Obi Wan out of the picture. ("leave him") Sheev probably wanted Dooku to kill Obi-wan , but Dooks had other plans for him and Sheev was like "fuck that we need this nigga Anakin"

He literally hints at betraying Sheev with Obi Wan in Episode II and basically spoils the coup to him.