The Iraq war cost 757.8 billion dollars according to the DoD

>The Iraq war cost 757.8 billion dollars according to the DoD

What was this man thinking? After it was proven that Iraq didn't have WMDs and that the Bush presidency knew it, did anyone figure out why exactly we were in Iraq?
Why are Republicans warmongering idiots?

Other urls found in this thread:,9171,998512,00.html

>did anyone figure out why exactly we were in Iraq?

For oil and cheaper gas prices!
Oh wait...

It was the Jews user. Who had the most to benefit from an unstable and cucked Iraq? Who benefited the most from the Syrian rebellion and the Arab Spring?
Its always the Jews.

He was trying to establish a truely American "empire" which, had he suceeded, would have guaranteed peace in the region for at least a hundred years. Unfortunately Obongo won in 2008 and promptly ruined fucking everything (especially with regards to Iran, which should have been the next dictatorship to be eliminated from existence.)

It was out there for everyone to learn, except almost every major MSM is Jewish owned. All those lives lost for Israel's comfort.

It cost you that, not him. That's what he and his friends made. In America, profit is never stupid.

After they didn't find WMD it all the sudden became all about "helping the poor Iraquis." It was totally bizarre, and nobody seemed to careā€”it was like most people didn't even notice how it shifted.

>tfw still fighting for the Jews

This is why. Published publicly June 2006, but certainly in play well before then.

They went in under faulty intel and then once they won it all went to shit when it got political.

It all leads back to the petrodollar, nothing else matters

The media back then understood the necesssity of the war effort. Nowadays they seem to enjoy undermining American military efforts at every level unless it involves Russia, which is OK I guess.


Fuck off stormweenie
Published where?

trump pretty much wants the same thing
obama put a halt to that-ish

>The media back then understood the necesssity of the war effort

>overthrowing gaddafi
>overthrowing assad
>droning pakistan

the ONE thing bush got right was pushing the taliban and AQ back to the mountain tops

>What was he thinking?
Saddam Hussein is a homicidal maniac. He is a threat to his people. He threatens US and ally interests--national security, economic, and otherwise.
>It was proven they didn't have WMDs
When will this meme die? Stockpiles of chemical weapons (WMDs) were found buried in 2007 and for years later, check the NYT article.
>Bush knew it
Yes, he knew they were there. Mostly because the DoD, FBI, CIA, MI6, and others correctly told him they were.

Suck start a pistol, moron



The saudis spent millions on lobbying to get our governments to spend billions bombing threats to islamic fundamentalism.

And he created the situation with the refugees. All so he could make the rich richer. We've ended up with more enemies than we had to begin with. And it doesn't matter who wins the next election. It's Tweedledee vs. Tweedledum.

Mfw the entire Iraq war cost less than Obama's stimulus act.

obama pulled back some of the troops in iraq and reduced american casualty by shitloads by telling them to stay in their bases. He saved your ass
that's something

>When will this meme die? Stockpiles of chemical weapons (WMDs) were found buried in 2007 and for years later, check the NYT article.
They weren't being used. That's the whole point. You don't invade a country to take out their trash. Stop making excuses. Saddam needed to go and whatever bullshit Bush had to say in order to get the disgusting liberal Congress on his side was justified by the fact that there is now one less dictator in that shithole we call the "Middle East."

Perhaps you should watch this.

or we could have just gone after iran first.

Because it was a ploy to destabilize one of the more powerful nations in the region, and damned be the consequences. For what purpose?

>Undermine Russian influence
>Increase Israeli power

Those were the reasons Americans fought and died in that desert hellhole. Geopolitics is a game to these oligarchs. They should all be publicly executed.

They are only talking about the invasion. The occupation has cost trillions of dollars.

Johnson's Great Society has cost us $23 trillion.

Why are democrats so stupid?

>What was this man thinking?
If I recall correctly, he explained on tv how God spoke to him in a dream and told him to invade the Middle East.

Oh we spent a lot more than that. We spent trillions in the middle east. It's a simple explanation why -- there were a few military contracting companies that made A LOT of money from us being over there. It boils down to crony capitalism and military special interests. Very straight forward. The American tax payer got sold out by our government and young men died and many became disabled. Bush was a puppet, but a traitorous one at that.

>trying to impose your values on an area that finds them to be an antithesis to their own

It was never going to work

Oh hey Netanyahu, glad you could join us.

Pathetic, Israel had the modus operandi with insider people and ample cause.
The American and Iraqi people were the ones who paid the price ultimately, just so Israel could destabilize the region.

you lack a basic understanding of warfare and history

the troop surge of 2007 brought violence down in iraq by something like 80 percent after the sectarian violence hit on all time high because these dumb ragheads couldnt figure out which version of their fake sand god was better

the casualty rate went DOWN because of overwhelming force, not because of "staying in the bases"

obama literally gave back fallujah and other us occupied territories because he was a giant pussy

>After it was proven that Iraq didn't have WMDs and that the Bush presidency knew it

Actually Saddam wanted to keep fronting to Iran or Pakistan that he had nukes, I forget which one. So it wasn't proven that he didn't have nukes until he was captured and he told the FBI this. As far as WMD's, mustard gas is just that, which he did have and had used in the past.

So you're a fucking idiot who has no clue what you're talking about.

>What was this man thinking?
What every politician is thinking
>How to serve my Zionist masters.
>It all leads back to the petrodollar
No it doesn't
>New fags haven't seen this film
Obama hasn't stopped us fighting for the Jews he just shifted tactics to ones that aren't affected by public opinion.

the war was cheap
the peace was expensive as hell

On the iran iraq war;
>According to retired Army Colonel W. Patrick Lang, senior defense intelligence officer for the United States Defense Intelligence Agency at the time, "the use of gas on the battlefield by the Iraqis was not a matter of deep strategic concern" to Reagan and his aides, because they "were desperate to make sure that Iraq did not lose."
>U.N. inspectors had identified many United States manufactured items that had been exported from the United States to Iraq under licenses issued by the Department of Commerce, and [established] that these items were used to further Iraq's chemical and nuclear weapons development and its missile delivery system development programs. ... The executive branch of our government approved 771 different export licenses for sale of dual-use technology to Iraq. I think that is a devastating record.

America gave them the weapons and technology in the first place.

It was necessary for the march to transhumanism. We needed bodies to experiment on.

It doesn't take a stormfag to know that the iraq war and subsequent meddling in the middle east has helped cement israel's nuclear hegemony over the region


The Jews offered poor George the one thing he couldn't resist, the golden shoe from his monopoly board. Now he and Jeb can play since he's still sad about losing. I think George let's Jeb win sometimes.

of course Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, what the fuck are you people thinking.

They fired them on their kurds and at Iran during the Iran Iraq war, we can know this for sure because America didn't say nothing about it and they were America's allies at the time.

Also they had a nuclear program. Are people really stupid enough to think tha Saddam was gonna use that for peacful purposes. Really? People are stupid enough to believe that these middle Eastern dictators just care so much about global warming and the carbon count. Bullshit, he wanted to build nuclear weapons.

There were definately weapons of mass destruction and the only reason we didn't find them is because they were likely smuggled out of the country or disposed of before American troops arrived

Yeah but was Bush a good president? I'm starting to reconsider the validity of the Iraq war but Afghanistan was justified. Iraq had absolutely dick to do with oil (i.e. we haven't claimed a drop of Iraqi oil) but Im still unclear why we went from just Afghanistan to also fighting Iraq.
But Bush wasn't a bad dude. The liberal media hated and despised him (which still makes me like him by default). He was a religious person, even though I'm not sure what religion he really practiced. He wasn't bad guys, just kind of a doofus.
But he was PC about muzzies.

Never weapons of mass destruction.

Literally the worst president we've ever seen

>But muh intelligence


>the NYT article.
The one that also debunks the lies and fraud made by the administration?
That article says what everyone knew.
The onky weapons that existed were long abandoned and degraded long past military or even terrorism use.
The "weapons" found were all buried before 1991. And the article you yourself cited openly stated "the weapons found due to their degraded nature and abandonment by the Saddam government were not in line for the legal claims for the war".
> Mostly because the DoD, FBI, CIA, MI6, and others correctly told him they were.
Litteraly every single intelligence agency told the administration that there were no weapons programs and that Saddam wasn't a threat and was not training terrorist. The only group saying this was the OSP headed by Douglas Feith and they pushed through multiple outright lies including the "Saddam is getting yellow cake" which the evidence for it was faked so bad they signed the name of a Prime minister that hadn't been in power for decades.

Parroting PNAC propaganda word for word is lower than low faggot

Afghanistan was a mistake. That place is a oppressive shithole but the muslims there are of the pro-america variety (remember that the Taliban helped us fight the Soviets back in the day.) Iraq should have been invaded first, followed by Iran once we had established a base of operations in the region. Bush was a horrid president because he lacked the balls necessary to do what was needed.

>America gave them the weapons and technology in the first place.
And what Saddam had left when we invaded had been buried and abandoned in the desert for over a decade.

Because our old pal Ahmed Chalabi and his friends in the INC provided ever so clear intelligence to his neocon buddies in Washington that Sadam was pursuing nuclear weapons.

As stupid as he seems, he just keeps on going.

What gives America the right to invade a country because they have nuclear and chemical weapons?

America has chemical and nuclear weapons too.

Should we invade Iran as soon as theyre nuclear program is done?
Saddam was a heinous leader, we all agree, but you cannot simplt invade countries because they have mean leaders
AND try to justify it, you can so as you wish but do not try and justify it because Saddam having weapons that dozens of other countries have and were also supplied in part by the US, and thst he is a big meanie does not serve as justification for the loss of life.

he didn't have much of a choice because the Afghan government was supporting Bin Laden, remember it was his work during the Soviet Afghan war that led to the Taliban being installed in place, . . . We had to take out Afghanistan. Bush's main problem was he underestimated how much Arabs like dying, he should have had a better handle on Afghanistan before going after Iraq.

I think America expected both governments to crumble quickly, but under-estimated the resolve the the dying power of the many tribal groups in the area

Damn, Bush's cabinet reads like a Tel Aviv phonebook.

It's not about right to invade a country it's about ability and having good reason for doing so, there is no such thing as "right to invade"

why wont obama stop trying to topple syrias government? why did he expand operations into the baltics? why are american soldiers seen by the black sea in the baltics?

And Obongo's reads like a membership list for the CFR.

Fuck this motherfucker. He killed Iraqi Christians and let Muslims take over their land.

Because Syria is an important Russian ally in the region, by toppling Syria America gets to increase it's influence in the middle east, this means cheaper oil prices for you and greater middle eastern security.

Why are burgers so clueless about international politics

He's also on Israel's leash, he took enough Goldman-Sachs money to guarantee it.
His spat with Netanyahu was just for show, Syria hasn't done anything wrong this is just another destabilizing of an Israeli enemy.

Assad is a dictator and is therefore a negative influence on the region. He should be taken out quickly and directly by US forces. Obongo is making a real big mess of things by trying to fight a war almost exclusively with his precious drones and islamic "moderates."

It actually does lead back to the petro dollar a year before USA "discovered" WMD's Suddam Hussein signalled he would move away from selling oil for petro dollars in exchange for gold. If you understand Americas relationship with the failing petro dollar you will understand why not only Iraq was invaded but also Lybia and Syria. You do know since ww2 America has killed more people than the nazis ever did in 198 armed conflicts America has started America has killed over 20 million people mostly innocent women and children. Why? The petro-dollar scheme

> Afghanistan was a mistake
The whole thing was a mistake. Afghanistan was mostly about securing the Poppy feilds for heroin and morphine which the government has been using to fund off the books fuckery for at least 100 years.
>Iraq should have been invaded first, followed by Iran once we had established a base of operations in the region.
We had no reason to invade Iraq let alone Iran.
The neocon agenda was fucked from the very get go mostly because it was never about American interest.
>Should we invade Iran as soon as theyre nuclear program is done?
Iran isn't pursuing nuclear weapons their nuclear program is completely about energy.
Even the goddamn Israeli mossad has admitted this.

The reason there is all this pressure on Iran is because if they get nuclear power they free up all their oil for sale on the global market.

Which is a direct threat the the current Israeli and Turkish BTC monopoly.

Which is also why Syria is being destabilized currently.
Syria was set to have a pipeline built from Iran to the Mediterranean which would have drastically reduced the cost of oil and gas for Europe specifically but also the world price of oil as a whole.
See other half of post as to why
Dont mock people about not knowing geopolitics and then spew more ignorance

Also link related.
Note when it was posted.

> Syria hasn't done anything wrong

they sided with Russia and are their main traiding partner instead of America and the EU -

toppling them would allow us to install an American friendly government that would let America control most of the Middle east and greatly weaken Russia -

where the fuck did right and wrong enter into it?

It's a meme to shit on Bush, even on Sup Forums. It was obvious Sadam was working with terrorists. But retards really love that Iraq was a mistake thing because America really love their scapegoats. The only reason why Iraq is now fucked up is because Obongo took out us troops.

>I'd rather spend money bombing other countries than fix ours

You do realise America fabricates reasons to overthrow oil rich countries right?

That pipeline was going to Russia's other Ally Iran, not to the EU


>Hussein signalled he would move away from selling oil for petro dollars in exchange for gold
No that didn't happen at all.

These Israeli neocon plants in the US government had been pushing for war with Iraq in America since the early 90s and back in Israel since the early 80s.
>invaded but also Lybia and Syria.
Lydia had to go because Gaddafi had the weapons needed to foster what has become Isis to destabilize Syria.

This isn't even up for debate considering Hillary emails 100% confirm what every geopolitical analyst worth their salt has been saying for years.

And America's reasons do not hold up.
Iraq had WMDs and Iraq wasnt using them.

I made a poor choice of words but the point I was making is that you cannot try and justify the invasion with poor reasons and say it's okay.

It was good for the Jews,, goyim. oi vey already.

>muh oil
Most of their oil comes from North America and Saudi Arabia. If W really wanted the oil, then he would have declared war on the Saudis.

This fucking idiot killed the right.
The whole fucking millenial generation grew up with this clown as president, and thanks to his fucking idiot shennanigans we ended up with a strong left and Republicans seen as fucking idiots worldwide.
Thanks Bush for cucking the world.

Aermica's reasons were this

1: Saddam wasn't our puppet anymore and wasn't taking orders from us like he did when everything was cool under the Regan era

2. Saddam had expansionist ideas (like invading Kuwait who were our allies) this threatened to destabilize the region due to the conflict between him and the surrounding nations

3) on top of this he had WMDs

maybe he wasn't using them at the time, but the fact that he had them and his poor relationship with other nations was definately a threat to stability in the region.

I'll admit things are worse not better now, but that's only because we (as in NATO) lost the War in Iraq,

Because American goyim's only purpose for existence is to serve Jews.

It was about globalism. They needed to break the cycle of the immovable object vs. the unstoppable force. Iran and Iraq.
Refugees and total destabilization of the middle east
West succumbs to globalism and loss of culture that demands freedom.

saved the petrodollar

Its about export though.

The first thing America did when Saddam was ousted was switch export of Iraqi oil to USD.

Ffs nigger I posted the video for a reason.
It plainly and bluntly explains why you're dead wrong.
The pipeline was going to end the monopoly the Turks have to Europe and the monopoly Israel currently has to shipping oil to Asia through the BTC lines.

The proposed pipeline as clearly shown goes into the Caspian basin allowing for shipment to Europe and Asia.

Again stop spewing ignorance when solid information is right in front of you

Who cares? At least he got rid of one arab dictator and set the precedent which has allowed Obame to aggressively pursue American interests in the middle east via direct military force, something which 20 years ago would have been politically impossible.

>What was this man thinking?
They knew exactly what they were thinking, war makes defense contractors a lot of money in this country. Having an "enemy" is also a good way to fear monger to the hoi polloi.

In 2000 Saddam signalled he would no longer use US dollars and signalled he would use euros instead... So yeah it did happen,9171,998512,00.html

You do know america supplies its own oil and trades very little oil with the middle East, right? We're even one of the biggest exporters iirc

Our politicians are either completely retarded, beholden to some fucked up ideology that our best interests don't align with, or both.

Yes but all oil is traded with the currency. Which gives it the power it has to be printed non stop.

And now we are getting inmigrants everywhere, and neutral dictators are being replaced by fucking islamic ones.
Yes, quite the improvement, thanks Bush.

>win Baghdad
>control iraq
>nigger throws away all hard work
>Iraq army defeated
>Al Q (ISIS retake the country and declare jihad
>victory for obongo with great foreign policy
Fuck Obsma

Exactly why America has started 208 conflicts since 1945 and killed more than hitters nazis did doing so

>Saddam had expansionist ideas (like invading Kuwait who were our allies)
No he did not
He only occupied and invaded Kuwait due to them.drilling into his oilfields.
He had no plans on going further and only did that because the US blocked international arbitration to the dispute.
> this threatened to destabilize the region due to the conflict between him and the surrounding nations
The only other war Iraq fought in the region was because he was the lapdog of Reagan going after Iran.
Which we were also selling weapons to with the Israelis transporting them.
> on top of this he had WMDs
Which were non operational and buried in the desert for over a decade deliberately abandoned by the Saddam government never planned to be touched again.
> with other nations was definately a threat to stability in the region.

>I'll admit things are worse not better now,
No shit they're worse now because that was the plan.
Watch vid in
And better yet read all these sick fucks policy papers.

When someone says they're going to do x publishes their plans to do x and then they actually do x one has absolutely zero reason to think someone else did it for y reason.

and now it ends

>In 2000 Saddam signalled he would no longer use US dollars and signalled he would use euros instead... So yeah it did happen
Last I checked the early 80s and 90s happened before 2000 roo

Not everything was about oil you short-sighted naive fool not even most of it.

Hell some.of it was done or no other reason than the fuck of it.

>proven that they knew it

Prove it.

Hell yeah we did

So because he was acting as a sovereign nation in his own interests he had to be preemptively invaded?

Kuwait happened and the coalition intervened and fixed the situation.
Their was no proper precedent for Iraq other than what ifs.

Im not saying it shouldn't have happened, considering the circumstances now it probably shouldnt have but dont try and say theyre justified without precedent.
It was a violation of a sovereign state on the basis of theyre own self interests in the area.

>Why are Republicans warmongering idiots?
neo cons

We literally have not had a good president in decades. It has been fuck up after fuck up in office. Since at least Jimmy Carter the United States foreign policy has been absolutely marred by incompetence and often contradictory objectives. Each one has merely built upon the fuck ups of those who came before.

>Assad is a dictator and is therefore a negative influence on the region.

Thats not a fair assessment of Kuwait.
It was also because they were producing more oil and ruining theyre economy as a result, but free market.

Also dont forget the billions they owed from the Iran Iraq war.