What exactly happened to white women?

What exactly happened to white women?

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The 19th amendment corrupted them.

Estrogen in the water enabled them to grow far too tall while stunting the growth of their male counterparts.

White men

I think the one on the right gave birth to Slash's daddy.

I also want to know why white women are trash tier these days.

White men are no better, we've all chosen to ignore the bible and embrace degeneracy

They're encouraged to destroy their bodies and reveal their nudity to everyone so that they can be "free"

they got better looking

Excellent marketing.
I.e. the dankest memes.

Women have been the same for time immemorial.

Birth control.

We set them free.

And they hated us more for it.

>We set them free.
>And they hated us more for it.

Does this really matter when their morals are ugly?

Letting them vote

Jews and niggers




Yes it does


They spended a lot of time freeing themselves but forgot to educate themselves first

Because slutty women are a new thing

Of course they aren't, but it doesn't help that what was considered disgusting behaviour 50 or even 20 years ago is the norm today.

The "fairer sex" is mostly a modern invention. The idea that women are somehow pure comes from post-Reformation catholicism's worship of the Virgin Mary. Somewhere along the line, the purity of Mary got shifted onto the majority of women.

This is in stark contrast to most cultures throughout history.

In Puritan America women were believed to be inherently sinful and far more prone to sin than men were.

There is a reason men of the past kept a tight leash on women and unfortunately it is our generation that is beginning to understand why. It is also our generation that will either put things back in place or suffer the consequences.


slutty women being attractive is new. it's all great until you ready to settle down.

They turned into trannys. Where else do u think tranny porn came from.

It's just common sense that men are typically more conservative and slower to change than women, the suit has been worn for a 100 years unchanged but compare women's dresses today to women's dresses a decade ago.
Women are more open to new trends and new ideas so naturally they embrace social changes before men do for better or for worse. But I wonder of this type of attitude means they'll be the first one to want to shift back to a moral society, we already see some feminists crying pornography is sexist and really banning pornography is a probably a good thing.

...What do you even mean?
Sluts always had the same sex appeal, it's just that no one considered them "marriage tier" and honestly, that hasn't changed if you ignore the lower classes.

They've been liberated from the Patriarchy


>but it doesn't help that what was considered disgusting behaviour 50 or even 20 years ago is the norm today.
>or even 20 years is the norm today
>or even 20 years
>20 years
user you have very rose tinted glasses
The 80's and ESPECIALLY the 70's was basically one giant drugfest with more degeneracy than you can shake a stick at. It would take another 3 decades of our current degeneracy levels to even get close to the amount of shit that our parents did.

Compare a movie or a TV show from the 80's or a music video to one now, I don't like the 80's really to me anything post 1950 is when it all started going down hill but what I'm saying is the stuff they did which was crazy and outrageous is just normal now



The 1950's were for all intents and purposes the golden age of America and the entire west for that matter. This would only prove to be a brief period of postwar economic success due to the spoils. As for the culture of the west, the first seeds to be planted that would bring about its eventual destruction were planted on April 30th 1845

Prove me wrong.


Jewish ran public education and media raising them.

I personally think world war 1 was the beginning of the end, look at the 1920's drugs, partying, flappers, even homos started being accepted

The American postwar boom lay mostly in the devastation of European and Asian (to a lesser extent) industrial capacity, and the chaotic end of colonial rule/resource extraction. It was always going to recede once the rest of the world built their bases back up.

I agree with you my leafy friend.

there was a brief period of hope ranging from 1939 to 1945 wherein the west's culture could be saved and its death be stopped.

We are beyond saving now.

americans on the left and norwegians on the right

Well what. They turned into trannys. Some of them.

The post war years were okay, rates of church attendance actually climbed a lot during that time but things quickly declined

They got much better looking, apparently.

Nothing. they've always been cunts and deserve to suffer

Now church attendance is minimal at best. Can't assume its any better in Canada or any of the west for that matter.

We really have lost sight of who we are.


I can't go to church, they either don't do services in English but some Asian language or they just ignore the bible. For example one church, a United Church had a huge gay flag outside it, another I walked by a Catholic Church you would not believe the types of outfits people came out of it wearing. Sandals and cargo shorts on men, booty shorts and spaghetti string tops on the women I couldn't believe it they looked appropriate for the beach not church.
Another church near me has rock and roll concerts.

We let them vote.
That's were it all went wrong

When I look at those old gals, I see Billy Corgan and Marty Friedman


Got any nudes like this or less clothing?

No look that up yourself I'm not interested in stuff like that

If my kids don't end up being religious, I would hope they at the very least learn something from the bible and follow the morals taught in it.

They have pills for that now that can last four hours.

White women in the Western World have been hijacked by the tasteless culture magazines and TV perpetrated. Cancer magazines at supermarkets full of gossip are now part of the groceries; mindless TV drama where fabricated emotions are crafted to get the average white woman hooked on something they can relate on.

Wonder yourself how the real-life drama TV format has swept audiences since early 2000s, where now entertainment is gossip related more than ever and less and less on original content.

White women felt engaged by absurd media content like Sex And The City and Desperate Housewives in a sad attempt to feel represented because of a lack of confidence on their part. Suddenly it became canon to imitate those TV stereotypes once again, where bored white women felt that being promiscuous was the easy escape from their daily life.

Pills to look for porn?

come again?



Aphex twins windowlicker?

Posting happy pictures of happy couples and families, you can make any time and place look good.

There was another side too. Most men had their stack of porno mags locked away in the basement, and they all knew where to go in the seedy part of town if they really needed to. Never even mind the colossal amounts of untreated PTSD leading to alcoholism, rage, secret beatings and all manner of hidden abuse. Fights between men were commonplace - unremarkable - it's not like there's any other way of solving problems. There's a reason the old joke is about your mom and the milkman, too. With no socially acceptable outlet for their own frustration, you bet your ass the women found their own releases here and there.

No argument that things have degenerated badly, but don't take another time's PR photos as a real reflection of the way things were.

yes sir, that's the original model.

Fantastic photo. Pretty girl. Boss as fuck jacket. American Flag. 10/10

Jews, feminism, 19th amendment, Bolsheviks

can't not see windowlicker

>You wouldn't fug Mae West

What's a window licker?


TL;DR be nice without being a cuck.

Traditional women are boring , insecure and suck dick

birth control pill
no fault divorce
legal infanticide


CPS keeps kids from being raised right. Your CAS does the same shit there even more effectively.

nice get satan


This, the birth control pill and really any contraceptive Implies that sex will happen without the intention of making a child, this makes people feel they can get away with hook ups because there's nothing to worry about 9 months later.

Divorce has made people give up on relationships instead of actually trying to work through them, in fact the way it's set up now divorce is actually encouraged and there's people who go looking for rich husbands to divorce and get money from.

Infanticide has done what contraceptives do but basically means that chance of failure is not a worry because you can just kill your child. Even I'd you don't have a condom who cares? Just get an abortion

The cultural revolution of 68 destroyed relations between the genders.

Go and look at birth rates over the 20th century. They plummet you guessed it from 1968 onwards.

TL;DR means "too long didn't read"
Basically your saying you want your kids to be thoughtful and caring for the fellow man/woman without descending into degeneracy or being overly tolerant to the point that others take advantage of their kindness.

God I have my grandparents photos up on the wall in my house.
They really were the greatest generation. Completely normal looking, no degeneracy and they look happy.

Now we just have miserable, mentally ill people everywhere.

I don't understand what the point of this video is

The fact that they're medicated is what keeps them that way.

>drink a bottle of robotussin
>listen to this song
>hear God

Huge egos/ social media.

I know what it means, and no that's not what I want I want them to be good Christians, if they decide they don't want to believe God I hope at the very least they will follow the morals set out in the bible which isn't just being kind but also dressing modestly, not being greedy, not committing adultery.
I have a photo of my great, great grand parents wedding, if anyone's interested I'll try and find it

A windowlicker is usually someone who stares at thing he/she doesn't own and presses the face against the glass licking it.

Read for yourself

>tfw no blonde redneck cutie to save from her own self-esteem issues that make her want to be a degenerate

They where given freedom.

They got alot hotter.

Some Jews lied. People died.

>estrogen promotes early fusion of the epiphyseal growth plate in both males and females you fooken nematode

they were garbage for a long time


jesus the leg hair

>all these women look like men

fucking disgusting, thank god for modern culture

They got enriched by tanned Germans