Why aren't millennials having children?

Why aren't millennials having children?

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>no more loving wife; you now have a feminist who works the same hours at some secretary job.
>no more obedient children; cant discipline them. Cant teach them right from wrong.
>no factory job that can support you, your wife, and 3 children. Now you work ludiscrous hours if you even want to have a house
>house prices have not stayed in line with the average wage

gee wonder why

They are children.

no gf

moribund economy

Look at what happened to their parents.

This pretty much. Also milennials are bad enough. What makes you think their children will be less obnoxious and entitled?

I'm 29

many friends of mine have families now


no one has the time to properly do so

That's why the shittiest people tend to have children who are also shitty.

They are, by mistake.

Plenty of my friends have kids by accident. sad really

>feminism corrupted women
>dating feels more like work than ever before
>work feels more like work than ever before
>society caters towards hedonism and abdicates responsibility

And surprise surprise, no one wants to deal with it. Nor should they.

Send money to my paypal account and then i will have kids.

Seriously no one can afford it and are stuck establishing themselves in careers for fifteen years and if they are lucky they will get stability.

Millennials act like babies so why do they need babies?

Raised price of living, lower wages in coordination with inflation, lack of jobs, job market either requiring a high-tier degree to make 60k or entry level jobs for $12 with nothing in between.

The only millenials I see getting married and having kids are ones with good uni degrees (business, engineering, medical), or people with a career in trades.

Most millenials have neither of these things.

I dunno man. The boomers are pretty different from greatest generation.

Stagflation is a bitch.

Are you kidding? They can't even support themselves.
The only 'people' having kids are illegals and niggers on the gibsmedat express.

Late capitalism basically made everyone wage slaves who cant do anything without being buried in mountains of debt.

The boomers are the worst generation I know of. They were the leaders in divorce, drug abuse, alcohol addiction, atheism, the hippy movement, casual sex, and femmenism. Their fathers weren't like this. The boomers are truly satan's generation.

The millenial response should be to live as strict and conservative as possible. I personally have gotten into independent Fundemental baptist Christianity.

yeah wtf are you high on OP

ive never seen this thread before, thanks for making it

Because we're the worst generation after Boomers.

I have no idea how to talk to women. Pretty sure I'll die a virgin at this point, probably within the next few years.


The Jews tricked young white girls onto thinking the world is overpopulated meanwhile niggers in Africa breed like the animals they are.

A couple of reasons.

A - Overpopulation has caused our morality to shift.
There are too many people on the planet, and we know this to be true, as such, we aren't having as many children this generation so that the population will fall to a relatively reasonable level again.

B - Many millennials just don't like children.

Because they are still children

talk to them like a human being, not that hard. make sure you have something to talk about before approaching or you will look autistic

Cant afford too.

I cant even afford to rent a house in my city because the politicians have fucked everything with mass immigration and a housing shortage.

My only hope now is leaving the city for a region and meeting some non city dwelling, non degenerate female.

>Every girl iv met lately has been covered in tattoos, tomboyish and wont be feminine.

Because they act like children.

Asia is actually the most overpopulated continent

shitconomy, can't afford to have kids, also they're irresponsible morons too. better for the world, until they get some sense kicked into them.

Because these are the women we have to choose from, user

I take solace in that Boomers will be demonized in history books as the root cause of the modern problems afflicting the West.

Do you honestly want a bunch of bluepilled retards having cuckbabies

>A - Overpopulation has caused our morality to shift.There are too many people on the planet, and we know this to be true, as such, we aren't having as many children this generation so that the population will fall to a relatively reasonable level again.

Westerners aren't having kids. The shit skins don't care if they cant afford to breed or not.

They are also now coming for the wests resources and are going to crash our economies because of it.

I don't have a gf and even if I did I don't think I could afford to have a kid with my shitty job

There are too many people in Africa, India and other third world countries.

The rich first-world isn't reproducing, so they are using mass immigration and calling anyone who disagrees or says it is risky a WAYCIST.

Because they are children and they shall never grow up. They will be 50 year old men arguing about which is the best mario game on the internet.

Even the youngest millenials are at least 26 years old. They aren't children.

Who would want to bring a child into a world in flames?

>WW3 soon
>Muslims conquering Europe
>USA 60% white and dropping
>Leftist indoctrination in schools
>Wife likely to divorce you
>Mental illnesses are considered normal
>Automation will take jobs and these will be mass riots


I can't. It's just not possible for me. No friends, no social skills, no confidence, ugly (women have called me that to my face before) no experience and at this point it's too late. My genes shouldn't be passed on.

60% women will cheat on you

50% of marriages fail so many don't want to take the chance of having a kid with some whore.

This society is becoming increasingly degenerate and anti white male unless that white male is gay.

Economy is shit and doesn't look good in the future for jobs.

People struggling cheque to cheque to barely eat and pay rent.

This is why immigration is so high, to keep consumerism up.

Yet they helped populate America. Maybe we are long overdue for another world war.

26 here, 3 long term gfs over the years. never wanted kids cause im too lazy to raise them. just lied to gfs and said eventually down the road when were like 30.

probably going to be single the rest of my life. either that or raise tyrones kid for him

I'm 21, what am I then?

They are all gays cucks and feminist turbosluts that need no men.

You're just in time to witness the suicide of Western Civilization.

I am, and I'm the only one that I know in my own friend circle.

That's the worst part. No one to share the excitement with, all my "friends" HATE children and I've been completely isolated because I can't drink and do drugs like a fucking degenerate.

Generation z

take a shower, get a haircut, fake some confidence, have talking points ready that normies like to talk about and you should be pretty much sweet.

this as well, all women are whores and cheat

i hate kids desu

Yeah because in poor countries kids=income
In rich countries kids=expenses
You can go to jail if you leave a 10 yo at home alone in the West
You're expected to beat your kids bloody if they don't do their many chores anywhere outside the West (including Eastern Europe)
There's a pattern there somewhere I'm sure

>wanting to milenials to have childrens
hahaha fuck no
this should be the end, good riddance boys

what generation are 20-25 years olds??

That's what ugly girls are for.

25 millennial
20 Gen Zombie

Mentally, they are. Spoiled, whiny, entitled little children of the worst kind.


I'm hygienic anyway. No idea what confidence is and socialising is hard enough for me without having to put on a persona. What do normies talk about? My normie tastes extend to sport.

aw sheeit

>WW3 soon
Children who survive wars are the most redpilled though.

>Why aren't millennials having children?

Cause in 33 years I haven't yet found a woman of similar age to me who is self confident, self reliant and self critical.

So I keep trying to make babies with my hand but it's not working.

anything but the stuff posted on Sup Forums

> One post by this ID

> burger still using autistic maymays

because when you have a baby it isn't about "me me me" anymore

Agreed, but I would also put some blame on the hedonist lifestyle the media has been celebrating. A life which runs from responsibility in favor of short-term endorphin bursts.

I'm fucking busy trying to save up for a shed or a storage container or maybe if i'm lucky a nice trailer ..........and youre talking about having kids !

They browsed Sup Forums and don't want to bring children into this world.

>I'm fucking busy trying to save up for a shed

I'm sure it's going to be a cuckshed, leaf.

two big reasons

one, i hate kids, just can't fucking tolerate to share the same air with them. i cant even explain or rationalize the hate. its just hate.

why would i bring a child into THIS fucked up world?!

what cruel fate to be raised and indoctrinated in this era. i wish it not unto anyone.

Because the world is shit, and we know it. What's the point of adding more people to the world? "To save the white race"? Who cares. We'll all be gone in 60 years anyway, and none of it will matter. I won't bring people into this world just to suffer.

8 years of Obama, 8 years of hillary, how does it feel?

This world is beautiful yet so grim. To keep from being too depressed I just block politics out for the most part. Just do what you enjoy.

>le niggers and spic rapists and crack dealers with 90000 kids meme

better than one minute of Trudeau.

If WW3 happens, the Western World won't stand a chance. We already lay down and get stepped on for everything.

>Why aren't millennials having children?
Isn't that the ideal scenario? They die off, with no progeny that will continue their retardation.

It's like you want them to multiply. Like cancer.

Self entitled special snowflakes who would rather fuck whoever they want and spend money on themselves.

Along with the reasons in

"The Onward March of the Young Fogey"
Apparently, millennials are indeed more clean-living and sensible than their forebears.
Unfortunately, they were mollycoddled by their helicopter parents, not given enough freedom to just go out and play unsupervised because muh paedos 'n' shit.
I'd like to be optimistic about their generation, but they seem to be... "safer". Less capable of independent thought, less adventurous, less brave. Weak would be a good overall description.
Good thing not many students bother to vote, or Brexit would have no hope at all.

I have a son due in August. Girlfriend is on board with a Trump onesie. I feel guilty though, raising him in a world full of lunacy.

I don't see any point in having a child.

It just seems like an unnecessary expense that would give a woman a great deal of financial control over me.

I was in the 5th grade on 9/11. The 90's are only a distant memory. I have only ever known war and terror. I can't even imagine wanting to have a child.

I'm 23 wtf am I then?

marry her now

second post, best post

also, i am a permavirgin who doesn't talk to girls

I can't afford a house

Maybe if I moved out to bumfuck Wyoming I could but then is be unemployed

>Why aren't millennials doing X
The answer is always they are too broke to do it


The problem is you view women as basically a different species that you can't understand or talk to. If you really think you'll die a virgin, just stop giving a fuck and talk to them like you would any normal guy. Over time, you'll begin to see subtle ways girls communicate differently than guys but for now just talk to them like a dude. Honestly, it's your own vanity that keeps you from doing this.

Source: I fucked a high test Spanish chick 2 hours ago.

Footnote: The condom broke and now I l'm scrounging for $40 for an Aftera.

This much Fedora

Fucking hell

>spend money on themselves.
If I didn't have to pay into your ponzi scheme retirement fund I could afford to buy children.

We have a shit existence brother

Uhh... I don't think you understand the fedora meme there, kiddo.

>having a kid with a girlfriend
top degenerate
kill yourself before your son has to deal with a cuck father

yah and half the kids were raised by cuck fathers and the other half were raised by single mothers. How great