Why do dumbass low IQ bros always vote against their Econ interests?


Why do beta cuck boys always post the same thing everyday?

>roid rage
This loser made me go full Hillary

Why are people I don't like on the wrong side of history :^)

Iam trying to turn Bro Cuck into a new meme like AIDS skillex and Carl

I know right, it's like he doesn't want all the high value jobs NAMBLA and TPP will give him! Higher diversity means higher wages! And more tax just means more money at the end of the year right boys :) #I'mmentallyhill

>Forcing memes
That's not how it works.

Because they realize economics and money is vulgar and material

Your racial interest, on the other hand, is the immaterial interest that forges you together in a transcendent and spiritual bond with the blood and spirits of your ancestors echoing throughout the generations.

after seeing this i am now a #cruzmissile

really makes you think

Steriod bra needs to compete against Pedro.

We should be importing the best doctors and engineers. But instead we broke unions with illegal immigration.

Oh look, it's this shitty bait thread again.


Thank you Hans, my fellow Aryan Truefrend

Telling me Steroid bro is competing with Pedro for picking fruit, washing dishes or cleaning hotel rooms ? Sounds like he's need to up his brain game and put down the juice son

>only concerned about your own economic interests
Sounds kinda selfish to me.

How exactly is having more competition of consumption of resources in the poors interest?
where we see the richest poor in areas with little competition and low population and the poorest poor in the over populated capitalist/bolshevik shit holes.

>dumb, can't understand how it affect them
You answered your own question.

I should let millions of illegals come and fuck up my wage instead :^)

>Alpha chad
Stop trying to use our lingo Ben, you're just embarrassing yourself

Anybody who voted republican and Dosent make 250k is not "alpha"

They are clearly voting against more worker wage suppression , outsourcing And more corporate welfare ( all republican economic polices )

Le bump

Everyone who votes left votes against his intrest since immigrants lower your wages and take your jobs away.
