When bush was elected in 2000 i lost faith in the election system. when he was re-elected in 2004 i lost faith in the U...

when bush was elected in 2000 i lost faith in the election system. when he was re-elected in 2004 i lost faith in the U.S. population and completely disconnected from politics for years.

i didn't follow the 2008 election, and just heard that uppity nigger got elected on the radio..

I had hope an intelligent democrat, especially the first minority in the White House, would do something good. i had hope he'd make some really cool smart decisions that would unite most people under a common banner. i was ready to fight for a better future.

but then he turned out to be a huge, corrupt, piece of shit just like bush.

i cared about this election when sanders got involved because i really do think he is a genuinely good person (actually believes in lowering the enormous wealth gap caused by exploitation and using govt money on the homeland instead of more wars and posturing), but most importantly, he isn't afraid to break the status quo.

but deep down i knew he wouldn't win, so I circlejerked with you guys because it was funnier than watching the bern victims throw buckets of money at a politician who was supposed to be getting money out of politics...

but now that sanders is officially out, i've gone back to not caring about politics at all again.

trump isn't smart. he's an idiot who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. and he's using that mouth to talk to the average american on their level (mentally retarded).

you really think trump is going to outsmart other nations? you think he's going to outsmart the Chinese?

aren't you faggots all about the bell curve? trump is barely a 90 IQ and he's hugely arrogant. You think someone like that is going to be 1) able to outsmart Chinese leaders? 2) humble enough to surround himself with intelligent people (if he can even identify them)?

trump is going to be George W. Bush 2.0.

prove me wrong. you can't so you circlejerk on the hope that trump really is as awesome as he promotes himself to be.

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fwiw i really don't care if clinton or trump get elected and won't be pissing away my time on voting or having any more political discussions again.

maybe when 90% of people simply aren't participating in this system where their vote LITERALLY MEANS NOTHING BECAUSE LEGISLATION IS PURCHASED we can finally fucking evolve our government to something that raises the general happiness of the population instead of constantly holding it down.


oh, and this is my last post on Sup Forums

i'm going to work on my body, mind, travel around the world, eat delicious food, and fuck my hot red-pilled STEM gf.

enjoy wasting your time on this completely pointless retard shit like i did for so long (until i got smart).

Jill Stein 2016
You're welcome.


>> cuck
>> Believed Bernie meme

No one cares OP.


op is a faggot

See you tomorrow.

The chinese didn't outsmart anyone. They simply bribed our politicians to open the floodgates to their shoddy merch and keep them open. Trump already has his own money, so they can't bribe him, and he will be free to negotiate a better trade deal with them and every other nation, so that we have trade that is free AND balanced.

Fampai, neither George W. Bush nor Trump are stupid.

sajak is pretty redpilled. I recommend his twitter

it's probably because, although he's in showbiz, his job more resembles 9-5 drudgery than the more glamourous and creative parts of hollywood.

>aren't you faggots all about the bell curve? trump is barely a 90 IQ
gonna need a source or kys faggot.

> cared about this election when sanders got involved because

stopped reading here

you're clearly a faggot with no understanding of how the world functions or how the economy functions, go back to your hermit shell for another 8 years and pick up a fucking book while you're at it.

wah wah wah
bitch bitch bitch

just kill yourself already old man. worlds likely ending soon anyway

I bet this is the same faggot who made 3 other threads earlier tonight crying about this country's problems then getting BTFO by the banter. Maybe we were too mean to him. kek

I honestly wholeheartedly agree with you. The only thing Trump actually has a point on is protectionism. The value of the dollar is crashing from free trade. The 60's were taken away from us by the Chinese. I guess I just appreciate his effort to protect the American manufacturing industry, but its too late. every unironic trump supporter is actually delusional if they believe what he says. funny part is no shitter here can prove me wrong w/o saying this

Fucking idiot. Just because someone is a minority or women or trans or whatever you hold them to a different standard and expect different things from them.

When will you learn?

>red pilled

>average american on their level (mentally retarded)

Have some decency Schlomo

your a dorable