What are some words or phrases that make you immediately disregard someone's opinion?

I'll start. Tell me if I miss any.

>closed minded
>it's current year

That's all I have off the top of my head.

If they post that redditfrog I immediately disregard their post.

>I suggest you go get educated


Fuck I hate that one


>you're ignorant/your opinion is ignorant

>gross/I'm disgusted
when not referring to seepage

Out of all these, "problematic" is passable in the case of being used as a substantive. As an adjective, though, no, to the trash it goes.

>a woman speaking

Auto discard that shit.


>I don't like your opinion and I don't think you should be allowed to have/speak it, and you're a bigot.


>at work with customer
>politics gets brought up
>small white girl with an adorable southern accent says Trump is racist and hates minorities
>6'4 black man who is a known pimp says she is a fool and Trump wants to get rid of all the damn wetbacks and drugs
>she literally cannot think of any retort whatsoever and he walks off laughing to break the tension

I just smile and give the shiggy eyes the moment someone says something is "racist/bigoted/-phobic".

Moonman looks so happy under the glasses
It's about what I expected

A hue with superior English skills.

Really makes you think.

Yeah, especially since I'm not "educated"
So what if I didn't go past high-school? Doesn't mean I can't share my opinions.

Fucking entitled pricks.

>Free Speech should be limited
I've heard this more times than I care to admit. It's hard being Australian.
These people want to turn into UK 2.0

basic income
assault weapon
democratic socialism

here are some i cringe at

>my generation is fucked
>ive lost all hope in humanity
>i wish i was born in the 80's
>im in the wrong generation
>donald trump is racist/misogynistic/homophobic/orange/retarded
>i wish i wasnt white

idk anymore but theres a lot more

Especially considering secondary education tries to force you to completely abandon common sense.

Hue's are the polacks of Latin America.

You might hate when they emigrate to your yankee country. But on a second thought, it is better than the Romanians (equivalent) or the muzzies. We're the least shitty latin americans.

>when they can't refute your argument
just google it!

> Now that I finally managed to integrate a number my opinion is much more valuable!!!!

>bye :)

Depends on how white you are.

The sad thing is, they don't mean "You should research and look up relevant information," they mean "You need to enroll in a liberal college and take gender studies and Privilege Points 101"

both of them are codewords for "I can't explain how this is white people's fault, but it is"

>A religion of peace


>I'm an Atheist but/and-



oh shiet wazzup!!!#

Nothing. I need to stop arguing with leftist. Makes my blood boil

>It's multifaceted

Play the opportunities card. You're white, and white people don't get into colleges or grants or anything else unless they score 200 points higher on the SAT or the other one I forget.

>islam is peace
>assault weapon (as opposed to fucking what other kind of weapon?)
>"i identify as..."

those are my current top 5


>wrong side of history

It should be limited by common sense and decency, but the few dipshits who want to piss around at the line and make faces from safety are the major culprits when it comes to pushing for legislation that covers common sense and decency. Which is impossible.
>mfw Australia's bogan Sup Forumstards are stooges being used by the 20k rich owners to clamp down on free speech.

Kek so true

Canada bringing the non-fag bantz for once.

Fiat currency


>that's so racist user
>because she's a woman...
>everything else in this thread too
When will the normies stop with their bullshit "arguments."

come on it's 2016 stop with your hate speech

>people of color
Even worse is

This and
>An Idea whose time has come

This and OP's are gold.

>A social construct



It's impossible to be an 'Islamophobe' as there simply is no type of fear of Islam that isn't completely rational.

The idea of being 'transphobic' is ridiculous - it's hard to think of anything more ridiculous than a castrated man in a wig and a dress or a mutilated woman pretending to be a man.

Misogynist - this one is so overused it's actually impossible to qualify.

"far-right" - I've noticed over the last 5 years in particular that this gets thrown around far more indiscriminately than it used to and is no completely meaningless. Anything that isn't Centre-left/Left wing is basically considered "far-right" by SJW scum.

"Priviliged"- are you a male who isn't a POC, Muslim or mentally ill trans'woman'? You're automatically priviliged and are responsible for everything bad in the world and nothing that is good.

"Homophobe" - unlike 'transphobe' or 'Islamophobe' there actually are people who have an irrational fear of homosexuals. However they are few and far between. Your average 'homophobe' is simply a normal person who'd rather not have to hear about/look at flaming gays acting as if public spaces were their bedrooms.

"Rape culture" - unless you're using this phrase in reference to the Muslim world you should fucking end yourself.

Use of "the 99%" or "the 1%" to refer to groups of people.

> Wow
> Just wow


>I can't even
>How could you say that?
(When making a statement they don't like)
>But, liiike, umm
>using any buzzwords in place of an argument
>making any statements about appearance or physical traits that are irrelevant to the argument
I.e. penis size, size of hands, etc

I'm pretty sure even 'news reporters' have resorted to these tactics

What those idiots don't realize is that if they were born in the 80's they'd be voting for Trump and not be such tissue paper weak crybabies

It's fucked man.

Funny thing is, I got into a small debate with an old friend of mine in regards to immigration reform.
He studied at UCSB to become a bioengineer, that's great. Congrats. Yet, he argues open borders is best form of immigration control.
I'm no expert in the subject, but i am pretty sure neither is a bioengineer.
Yet he pulls that card on me; am I incapable of thinking for my self? Or see how an unregulated open border policy can be dangerous?

"far right" is a legitimate term. Anyone right of Elizabeth Warren being far right is cancer that needs to be stopped

Some people are very intelligent in certain areas, but completely uneducated and stupid in others.

"x is impossible" where x is something that is possible.

Freudian slip there. Fuck.

Maybe they should educate themselves.

... Wait...

>Look it up
Yeah, fucking right, Why should YOU have to back up your side of an argument, I should do all the research to stick up for you, because you are obviously right, and I should shove all the research I have to done up my own hole.
I get this from "muh feelings"ers as well as "muh freedom"ers.

Yes, read . Reading this thread made me sound like a fucking retard for a second.

>"...so there's that."
>Well, Trump is a racist, so there's that.

More ammo for how to annoy the shit out of whoever you're talking to.

>MFW when alt-right at UC Berkeley, the most snowflake friendly campus on the entire fucking planet.

Holy shit, this
The people who ignorant as a synonym for rude drive me fucking insane

>I do not believe in a higher spirit
>Bethesda is better than Black isle studios

>He studied at UCSB to become a bioengineer,
>Yet he pulls that card on me; am I incapable of thinking for my self?

Biomedical Engineering? Good degree, tough subject. Your friend is a smart guy.

Unfortunately - like most people - he's smart in one area but a fucking tool in others. If he's talking down to you and using his irrelevant STEM (in this context) degree as reason he's more informed than you he's also a fucking pompous dick.

>"that's wrong"
>no explanation as to why it's wrong
>just "that's wrong"


>muh 6 million
>chosen race/people
>interest (in context to money)

it implies that implying heterosexuality as the base-sexuality is a bad thing

I use that word for stupid. Who the fuck uses it to mean rude?!

Sounds a lot like Deray Mckesson
>2016. America. (Emphasis on trying to show how bigoted America is)
>And then there's this (see above)
He's got a massive pile of recycled tweets, typical snowflake nonsense.

Lots of people it's quite common.

fucking lost

People who are stupid, ironically enough

The implication is you're not "woke", its fucking retarded.


What a bunch of ignorant people.


niggers and teenage white girls

He doesn't use his degree, mainly the university.

Comments like, "Look, I took a at UCSB where we discussed this..."
"I've argued this with a who majored in at UCSB and..."

The Brazilians who come here for work are pretty good, most of the ones in their country are dogshit welfare suckers though (hence why the successful ones come here)

>"Don't you see how ignorant and closed minded you are / that sounds?"
>*Insert attempted high minded conversation using a shit ton of buzzwords thats easily refuted with a simple fact check*

Finished it for you.

Here's the master list so far.

>closed minded
>it's current year
>I suggest you go get educated
>you're ignorant/your opinion is ignorant
>gross/I'm disgusted
>a woman speaking
>Free Speech should be limited
>basic income
>assault weapon
>democratic socialism
>my generation is fucked
>ive lost all hope in humanity
>i wish i was born in the 80's
>im in the wrong generation
>donald trump is racist/misogynistic/homophobic/orange/retarded
>i wish i wasnt white
>Look it up
>"x is impossible" where x is something that is possible.
>I can't even
> Wow
> Just wow
>A social construct
>An Idea whose time has come
>people of color
>wrong side of history
>islam is peace
>"i identify as..."
>It's multifaceted

And your answer should be "well if those classes were worth a damn you should be capable of arguing your position on it's merits without trying to appeal to authority."



Brazillians who have the slightest notion of how economics work hate the welfare in the country.

Shit. How did we forget the Jews?

>common sense gun laws

Into the trash their opinions go.


Yes. This has been all the rage since Orlando.

Gun show loophole.

While I haven't said uneducated, I have told some people before to educate themselves on statistics of guns/gun crimes and Trump. I have only said it a few times while arguing with SJWs on these topics.

im new what does that mean... and "btfo"

It gets thrown around any time a gun death gets significant media coverage. Dems are literally throwing temper tantrums on the floor right now until they get their way, and I fear it might actually work.

