Trump is shit at delivering teleprompter speeches

This is why:

1. His voice is monotonous when he reads from the teleprompter

2. There is a marked difference in pauses between and in sentences.

3. His rate of words and ideas is different than in his usual speeches, taking the "Trump effect" away.

4. It is very hard to listen to what he tries to say because of 1. to 3.

5. The teleprompter speeches are boring as a result. It is interesting that when he slightly deviates from the scrip, you can hear it... but then he goes back to the teleprompter script and things are awful again.

Just watch a few minutes.

Very low energy

so? he can teleprompt, and he can ad lib.

he can do both at different times, and appeal to a broader base of voters.

tis true, he'd be better off reading from a script like he did announcing his run for presidency, he will get better in time, though.

Because OP is a better at reading teleprompter, am I right?

At least our (soon to be) leader will stand on a stage with our nation's flag.
Trump has been saying that he planned to become more "presidential" since late 2015. Nothing wrong with reading a written speech, especially when it's used to fire verbal artillery at the Clintons.

When trump goes off the cuff, you can tell. But he still manages to balance reading the words and actually speaking to the audience, and call me blindly patriotic if you want, but I believe he's telling the truth.

MAGA, and soon MEGA, Hans. Just hang in there.

have to give him credit over his output control though, he usually realises any mistake or possible misunderstanding that there could be (e.g. when he forgets the word NOT) and makes it pretty clear what his message is

He's actually just started using the teleprompter. I imagine he'll get better as he goes. This is his second time using one I believe? Really good considering how he has next to no experience using it.

Anybody else disgusted by how dump always has the american flag behind him? It's literally repulsive, ugh, garish af.

>OP thinks it would be normal for someone to have 15 minute informational speeches everyday without the use of a teleprompter.

>This is his second time using one I believe?
Try Fifth

>Really good considering he has next to no experience using it.
You really think Donald fucking Trump has never read a speech off a teleprompter before this race? He has plenty of experience using teleprompters (literally read the words as they scroll past) just like he's had plenty of experience dealing with the press. This is nothing new to him.


He made use of the teleprompters in order to keep his talking points and facts organized throughout his speech. Not to mention that this was not a rally, it is a very different atmosphere, therefore Trump approaches it with a different attitude. It wasn't about getting people amped for voting, it was about exposing the crimes of his opponent in a disciplined manner. I'm sorry that this latest speech didn't meet your Michael Bay explosions level of expectations.

Its better than a fucking Hillary speech. Plus its best he have everything written down because if he slips up once the media will cover it for the next month.

But you're just a shill, so I'll leave you with your two cents and I'll be on my way.

why can't he raise his powerlevels and add them into public speaking

You could have just left it at "Trump is shit".

>make America great again [pause for applause]

Agreed OP

>1 post by this ID

smarten up people, don't feed troll threads!


OP is a cuck

However, I was annoyed by the zoo monkeys in the crowd whooooooooooooo whooooooooooooooooooooo

yeaahhhh mannnn
yeeeahhhh whoooooooooooooooooooo whooooooooooooooooooooo
whoooooooo whooooooooooooooooo whoooooooooooooooooo

this triggered me hard

Okie doke.

do you ever take his dick out of your mouths?

Are you dumb Hans? He needs teleprompted speeches to get the cuckservative demographic, it appeals to them. Even pocket-kike Ben Shapiro admitted that he liked this particular speech ffs

The guy has never done this before. Of course he is going to be rusty compared to a well seasoned politician.

>OP being this idiotic

This. How the fuck hillbillies get invited in a so exclusive speech?

Trump killed it, he absolutely destroyed hillary in this speech.

Trump delivered his speech exactly the way he meant to, Hans. Less talk from you and more listen.

Keep sucking Hillary's dried up cunt. Maybe her globalist friends will throw you some scaps and only force one of your daughters to get blacked.

>Trump is shit
You could have just shortened it to this.