For so long I just went along with things and believed the lies but over the past few months I have been doing my...

For so long I just went along with things and believed the lies but over the past few months I have been doing my research and I know it's all a lie. I've gone from moderate liberal to national socialist in like 3 months. I am now really depressed and hopeless and don't know what to do. How did you handle first being red pilled?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just accept i

It's like the stages of grief, eventually you gain acceptance, after that, you can start to enjoy the carnival.

It's rough for the first few years.

You're going to enter a life changing crippling depression. It's the cocoon stage.

You will be entering a very deep inner headspace, my best advice is to stay social with friends irl. Human contact is important to keep from killing yourself.

Then, after a few years you will reach a sort of symbiosis with your brain.

Just keep popping red pills, not like you have a choice now. What you know cannot be unlearned. Once you crossed over into our realm there is no way back.

just suffer through it. You will get better

You hold your head up high and make way toward the future.

Welcome to hell.
Never share your thoughts IRL. It will not go well.
Especially watch your tongue after drinking.

Heil Hitler.

Oh and Cypher's Dillema is a very real thing.

>Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill

I almost wish I could go back. Watching my country getting destroyed and knowing there is nothing I can do about it.

>eat well
>work hard to free yourself from the system
>read philosophy
>read history
>buy land
>buy guns
>buy means for becoming self sufficient
>be free

This is what I'm doing.

And come join the NatSoc General lad

I just watched 2 hours of the six hour doc
"Adolf Hitler the greatest story never told"

It's really good it's on youtube.

I'm gonna read mein kampf, I found an "uncensored version.

I'm not white or in it for the race thing. But being taught a victory truth is no way to live life.


>moderate liberal to national socialist
You have a condition we call 'retardation'.
You went from blaming one group for All My Troubles to blaming a smaller, less well-armed group.
Because you are stupid.
Now you're a hood rat. Dey sto yo moneys, mang!1!
>hey everybody! hi! so, like, yeah, so like, everyone stole my moneys? so i'm all like, what, and they're all like, give it to me, and i'm all like, ok, but like, i'm going to burn the building down that i live in and then you'll be sorry!1!



Do you know the Iron-Pill meme? Follow it, no-one likes a manlet

>being a National Socialist means you blame all your troubles on the Jews

You're the retard here.

Oh look, it's another Hillary hire kid.

Careful kiddo, this is a dangerous place. Here be monsters

>take redpill
>huge depression
>realize my dream job (army officer) has been reduced to sexual assault briefings, paperwork and watching women flunk PT tests
>have isolated myself from all friends
>alone in my apartment with drugs and my cat

Ignorance truly is bliss. I don't know the last time I was happy. All my interests just make me more depressed.
Trump is the only thing that gives me any sort of hope.
I used to want a huge Mormon sized family but the only thing I can imagine worse than being born in my generation is being born after it.

Hang the Globalists

>Few years
Nigga try few weeks

Look at the facts 53% of homicides are done by blacks while they are 12% of the population.

Islam is not a religion of peace (pic related).

Multiculturalism is the downfall of a country (divide and conquer) and it is being pushed by the main stream media.

I don't blame one group I have pride in my nation, in my race, in my culture, in my history.

The US spends more on the Israeli military than Israel. We spend billions every year on a Jewish religious state while our own collapses.

Are all Canadians becoming nazis now?
It still surprises me that anyone believes in socialism, despite that fact that it never worked.
Then, to top it off, blaming your own lack of manhood on a tiny minority that won't fight back?
You're just one big vagina.

i revealed my power level to 3 people so far. each one of them now doubts the holocaust happened.

it takes time, but victory will be ours


It doesn't surprise me that you're a moron.
What does surprise me is how proud you subhumans are of how thoroughly you get dominated.
It's a sexual fetish thing, I suspect.

Everything you typed was true.
Then you typed:
>We spend billions every year on a Jewish religious state while our own collapses
Which shows what a moron you are.
We pay Israel because they soak up the missiles and jihadis.
Hanging out with nazis will not end well, sport.
Here's a picture of a woman who's more of a man than any nazi will ever be.

>renovate your mom's basement into a bunker
>become NEET
>get comfy

>socialism never worked
>ten years of bouncing back from depression and poverty in a heaven like national socialist Germany

Yeah okay.

Only until churchill carpet bombed the shit out of germany, and both Roosevelt and Winston denied offers of peace from Germany and japan.

America came out on top with all of this, England sold their empire, and Roosevelt rigged pearl Harbor to play the game.

dont take the bait senpai

Israel isn't soaking up jihadists Europe is sadly. All Israel is doing is expanding and funding militias that will inevitably turn into future terrorist groups.

Good man. This is a model Sup Forumsack initiate right here.

Welcome to the ride brother.

No going back now...

They fund and piss off jihadis, let the jawas kill eachother

>and both Roosevelt and Winston denied offers of peace from Germany and japan.
This never happened.
Anyone with a basic education knows that.
Maybe get help with your homework, champ.

Found you OP

>Israel isn't soaking up jihadists Europe is sadly.
Not sad, because Europe invited them in.
>All Israel is doing is expanding and funding militias
Retardedly untrue. They don't even give guns to native-born muzzies.

>They fund and piss off jihadis
Israel funds jihadis.
Did dey steal yo moneys, user?

>basic education


Is OP Corey???

Not me but I'm glad to see others see the light.

Shoo shoo lying jew.

Learn to history.

I share your same story brother. It is a long hard road knowing the truth of the world. Attempt to branch out, discuss stuff on the usual /NSG/, and see if you can find anyone IRL with similar ideals. Companionship is a great thing.

>It's a sexual fetish thing, I suspect.

Way to confirm his suspicions.

Meaning: "the base".
What further education is built on.
Glad I could help you, user.

Nothing I could say would humiliate and discredit you as well as you do.
I'll bet you wrap your dick in barbed wire.
> i will now thanx!1!

It was never even considered as serious.
Come on, user.

Honestly t's probably bait anyways but the report is from the United Nations not infowars. Here's another source. "This aggression confirms Israel directly supports terrorism in Syria, in addition to the known Western and regional countries, raising the morale of terrorist organizations, led by Jabhat al-Nusra, an arm of al-Qaida in the Levant, and ISIS"


Man every single one of your posts screams child
There is an age requirement for this website you know, you shouldn't even be up this late on a weekday

Honestly, how does it feel knowing that your nation is the reason why the modern world is such a shitfest?


Pretty bad




"should the international Jewry of finance
(Finanzjudentum) succeed, both within and beyond Europe, in plunging mankind into yet
another world war, then the result will not be a Bolshevization of the earth and the victory of
Jewry, but the annihilation (Vernichtung) of the Jewish race in Europe. Thus, the days of
propagandist impotence of the non-Jewish peoples are over."
