We should go back to our germanic, gaelic roots. we are odinsvolk and should be proud of that...

we should go back to our germanic, gaelic roots. we are odinsvolk and should be proud of that. why explain me why we keep letting these politicians buttfuck us and shove multicultural cock down our throats? what can we do? why arent we doing something. should start a political party on national/european level and call it odinsvolk.

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How dare you! The Abrahamic religions from the Middle East are our lands native faiths!!!

In before a flood of butthurt Christcucks come Deus Vulting in.

Symbolism is highly meaningful. Symbolic paganism is our way of separating completely from both the Semite and the modern world.

The odinists are already here, we just don't meddle in modern politics because it's worthless. You're playing their game if you do.

Live off the grid and don't bother with the system, it will fall soon anyway.

Nordic paganism is the fedora of world history. Give it up, whites don't have a proud heritage. The Vikings were thugs.

Live for the future, not for the past.

I'll never understand why whites prefer to bitch whine and moan about the present or pretend they have some understanding of the past by getting some shitty rune tattoo and waking around with a hammer necklace when they could be striving for a better future, like building white communities or ensuring the first man in Mars is white

Smh Vikings. Still such barbarians

>Ravage, plunder and murder eachother for centuries, Europe is nothing but warring tribes gaining power through the murder of their clansmen and raping their wives so they only produce children for the new tribe
>Do nothing but cross the world to kill people who actually try to build a civilization and get out of this mess
>A religion based on Greeko-Roman morals shows up and takes over Europe, mostly through peaceful means
>People stop murdering eachother and actually start building civilizations in Europe
>Christians spend decades saving herethical religions because they themselves didn't even bother to write anything down because they barely had time to worry about culture
>Skip to late the late 1800s
>Modern world, tradition is in decadence, civilization and its moral beliefs are heavily under fire
>This decline never goes away
>Skip to today
>OP literally wants to return to barbarism to save Western civilization


Such a weak argument, Christianity is a breakaway from Judaism and based on greco-roman beliefs, the old testament doesn't apply to us.



Norse is honestly an awesome religion.

as viking means pirate/raider, yes the vikings were thugs. but there is more to odinisme then plundering and raping. you should read up on the poetic edda for instance. just saying

Yeah!!! Swords are cool!!! Axes wow!!!!


Do yourself a favor and YouTube operation werewolf. Prepare to cringe

I'd rather get called a Jew by someone on Sup Forums while I zoom around in my tesla in my 99%white gated community than hail Odin fader with a bunch of white dweebs in the forest

Odinfags are Nordic weeboos lmao

>Ravage, plunder and murder eachother for centuries, Europe is nothing but warring tribes gaining power through the murder of their clansmen and raping their wives so they only produce children for the new tribe

That is Europe all the way up until today. Today, the two "tribes" of Ukrainians and Russians are warring to gain power through violence.

>Do nothing but cross the world to kill people who actually try to build a civilization and get out of this mess

>nothing but cross the world

Crossing the world is an achievement in of itself.

>Actually try to build a civilization and get out of this mess

"Civilization" was not much different before and after Christianity. The vast majority of people were illiterate and lived in squalor up until the 1800s, the time you declare the beginning of decadence.

>People stop murdering eachother and actually start building civilizations in Europe

Bullshit. Charlemagne's Frankish empire imploded after he died as his heirs quarrelled violently. Medieval Europe is defined by inter-European wars, most notably the 30 years war which was the most destructive inter-European war until WW1.

>because they themselves didn't even bother to write anything down because they barely had time to worry about culture

The reasons why Europe did not become literate even after contact with Greeks and Romans is a very difficult question to answer.

>barely any time to worry about culture

Not true, pagan societies were extremely complex and the elite not only had leisure time, but the entire communities had time and effort to build complex monuments.

>Modern world, tradition is in decadence, civilization and its moral beliefs are heavily under fire

And Christianity could not prevent it.

>OP literally wants to return to barbarism to save Western civilization

And user literally has a personification of Christianity in the form of an animu waifu that he jacks off to.

Hey, Belgium. :)

The further north you go, the more dependent you are on tech.
With snow around, being nomads is next to impossible.
The tribal society of the nords is perhaps one of, if not the most civil societies of the old, simply because the guys were pretty much dependent on their ability to get along.
Kingdoms are for plebs,
Countries are jewish kikery.
I am krokos, krokos is my land and my kingdom.

I've missed you so!

The church has turned extremely leftwinged which has been a problem for quite some time now, your point?

I'd prefer if you would make an argument instead of just lmao Jews.

Who wrote those books?
Did you know that Christianity draws a lot from Paganism?

I have something to tell you, and I'm afraid it's bad news. :(

i worship loki, god of shitposting



I'm English. My father's name is Norse/Saxon, my mother's is Welsh. I am dark featured.

Does this make me primarily Celt?

It means you're white as whites are actually diverse.
We have everything. Blue, green, brown, hazel eyes. Blond, "dirty" blonde, redhead, light brown, dark brown hair.

My biggest issue here is that Christians think that as soon as a monk touched foot in a pagan land, the entire place changed. The situation is a lot more complex than that. For example, in Anglo-Saxon England, we see the change very gradually via the way bodies are arranged in graves, and sometimes, grave goods. Other than that, nothing else really changed in England and any changes that occur for example, in architecture, are very gradual and not necessarily due to Christianity. The only abrupt change in medieval England is brought on by the Normans. In Ireland and Scotland, the only change is the presence of monasteries and churches.

I don't know what these people mean by "civilization", but I think that if they actually read about post-Christian medieval societies, they would not think them "civilized".

>Who wrote those books?

The author of the Poetic Edda is anonymous, except for one book which was written by Odin.

As long as I am White, user.