Why are Americans so obsessed with nuclear power plants?

Every time there's a discussion about energy, they're always shilling how renewable energy sucks, that nuclear is the most efficient, how it's all so safe, it's the future, [insert random buzzwords here].

Yeah, very safe. Until another Chernobyl or Fukushima happens.

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A significant part of the country is
A) Not at risk for natural disasters
B) Not near any population centers

Its actually the safest, cheapest and cleanest energy there is

Should've mentioned Three Mile Island.

But if you start thinking about it, there have been very few severe accidents in the entire history of nuclear power. Even the ones that happened seem more like freak accidents than something that would happen all the time.

as long as you dont hire drunkard subhuman stupid bolshevik fuckstains to halfass your reactor for you , you wont end up like urine.

Ca l'est; mais à cause de l'Europe et des lobbies, ça coute de plus en plus cher et le lobby pro-éolien nous force à construire des éoliennes qui prennent beaucoup de place et fournissent rien en énergie, alors qu'il serait plus censé d'augmenter les énergie hydroélectrique et solaire.
Pendant ce temps, les boches polluent la planète à fond avec leurs centrales à charbon.

>t. LMP gayjew

Il serait surtout plus censé de refinancer la recherche dans le nucléaire, on avait la technologie la plus avancé au monde et à cause des écolos on a perdu toute notre avance. Le problème des déchets serait résolu sont on passait à des centrales de dernière génération au thorium.

Anything that we can generate domestically should be explored. Having to import anything energy or food related is unfortunate.

>tornadoes and hurricanes in the center, south and east
>earthquakes in the west
>Not at risk for natural disasters

>Should've mentioned Three Mile Island.
Not familiar with that. Care to spoonfeed me?
>But if you start thinking about it, there have been very few severe accidents in the entire history of nuclear power.
Perhaps. But my country is literally next door to Chernobyl. We were just lucky the winds blew towards the east and not the west. Also the government for days covered the accident up.

We're about to do just that.
Send help.

Hydrogen from solarpower is the future. Combined with solar, wind and bigas of course.


I think everyone acknowledges that solar power is really the renewable with the most potential. I like how we put panels on top of landfills now. Nothing else is going to be there.

TMI is the one major nuclear power incident that took place in the US.

>We're about to do just that.
We've got a couple of Russian constructed reactors (built back during the Soviet era, even) in operation in Loviisa and nothing serious has ever happened at those.

The Nuclear power plants where these accidents happened were all from the 50's or 60's. I have no doubt that modern Nuclear power plants are much safer

It's a distribution.
Anti-nuclear is commie thing here

Modern nuclear power is very safe. Chernobyl and Fukushima were fuckups because they were old and not properly built.
Which energy source would you rather use? All of the green alternatives like wind are very inefficient.

>comparing fukushima to a commie nigger rigged afro engineered reactor

Fukushima was a modern day plant with all the securities of a modern day plant.

But kinda fucking hard to save it when both the earth and ocean are trying to swallow you


*Centuries-long storage not included

It was more modern than Chernobyl of course but there were still several safety measures that were ignored.
But yeah, we probably shouldn't build them in areas where nature can easily fuck them up.

The management of Fukushima ignored multiple safety violations, didn't heed a report saying the plant was susceptible to being flooded by tsunami waves and the structures were not built to last earthquakes. The plant was ran by incompetent fools.

> The plant was ran by incompetent fools.

meh, perhaps, not like I have any significant insight into the matter enough for me to make judgement other than what mass media fed me.

And honestly I couldnt give a shit to further debate this subject

japs have probably by now grown immune to radiation anyways.