Was this movie supposed to be good?

Was this movie supposed to be good?

Am I a pleb if I think it's awful?

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You used the terms "supposed to be" and "pleb", so the answer to both your questions is "yes".

Yes and yes

Anderson's best film.

No. Generally, the only people who rate it highly (even among people who enjoy the films of Wes Anderson) only do so because they identify with the jerk adolescent protagonist.

I don't find Anderson particularly funny. he's like the class clown who tries way too hard.

who also happens to be a massive pedophile

And how does that relate to the question asked?

Let me help you out, Jamal. The answer is "Yes, it was supposed to be good because making money is the prime concern of a major release."

No. It aged pretty badly.
Back when hipster shit was unknown outside of indie flicks, it was "new".

What about Royal Tennenbaums?

With Rushmore, I felt like everything was just happening and the writers forgot to put character development in there.

Like his asian gf. She just pops out of nowhere and it's hardly established she's in the story at all, but she magically becomes his gf at the end.

With Tenenbaums, there were too many characters and not enough time for each of them for me to care about what was happening, but apparently that is one of his most loved movies.

They're all shit. They're pseudo-intellectual frauds which appear to be kino to a younger American audience.

When you get older, you'll realize that Wes Anderson is just an on-the-nose purveyor of self-important hogwash.

>Pretend intellectual doesn't get his way in real life
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds familiar


Annoying lead character

Great plot

You sound intellectually insecure, really. Like everyone trying not to pander to the lowest common denominator is trying to rub how smart they think they are in your face.

Must've sucked growing up poor.

This desu

I like or love all the Wes Anderson I've seen except this one. Max is such an unbearable cunt to everyone, I don't find his character endearing at all whereas Wes clearly does.

I don't think Wes quite managed how to use the wall-to-wall soundtrack yet either, a lot just feels like music to play music and not anything that elevates or compliments the scene. The ending is the big exception

He probably didn't want that answer because it's so fucking obvious. Why would OP want to ask if a film is supposed to make money?

What he wanted to answer is irrelevant. OP's motivation is irrelevant. Stay on topic. Or is that too hard for the Sup Forums refugees? That's a rhetorical question. I'll give you a minute to look up what those are.

Why do you kids always try the ad hominem attacks? Don't you know that when you respond to criticism of something that you support with a personal attack of the critic, that you are admitting the critic was right?

Moonrise was good

I feel that was the movie where what he tried in Royal and Rushmore (making the world feel lived in and detailed) actually worked and came together.

>When you get older
>you kids
Calling people out on things doesn't work when you're the first to do that thing. Try being more self-aware in the future if you don't want to make a fool of yourself.

hahaha oh i see, you were offended that i knew you guys were young. well i didn't mean to hurt your feelings, you gonna be ok?

If you're going to pretend to be someone, at least stop being a nigger and imitate their posting style, kiddo.


I loved that movie at a time.

It's Anderson's best movie IMO. Ya'll are fucking plebs, it's disgusting.

I didn't care for it much the first time I watch but after seeing it couple more times it is my favorite Wes Anderson

Yes you're a pleb, that movie is 10/10